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Messages - Oksob

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Ban Requests / ban request droger.
« on: March 02, 2017, 22:18 »
1: oksob

2: droger.

3: afk/game ruin

4: he was first afk in minute 37, after that walked around base and tried to hook me back,joined just 1 fight.after that in minute 45 he respawned and stayed afk until the end

5: he went into their woods few times and died, so he became pissed for no reason and decided to fuck us up, he even said he will do his best for us not to win

27:47   DROGER.   [Allies]   e sad
27:48   DROGER.   [Allies]   sam afk
27:49   DROGER.   [Allies]   pa pobedi game
27:51   DROGER.   [Allies]   sve ti jebnem
27:53   DROGER.   [Allies]   retardirano

6:;sa=game;gid=6020352 (if applies)

Ban Requests / ban request ortaaam, sukmybigdick
« on: February 26, 2017, 02:10 »
1: oksob

2: ortaaam, sukmybigdick

3: flame,national intollerance

28:00   ortaaam   [Allies]   fuckng rs gıpsy

05:22   sukmybigdick   [Allies]   ye ur idiot nabs down
05:52   sukmybigdick   [All]   noone gives a fuck idiot
06:12   sukmybigdick   [All]   i saw a moron mid
09:54   sukmybigdick   [Allies]   u suck noob
09:59   sukmybigdick   [Allies]   aswell
23:08   sukmybigdick   [All]   i taj debil ce sa tobom
23:40   sukmybigdick   [All]   ima da dudlate odma posle gejma
23:48   sukmybigdick   [All]   stfu gosn sisac kuraca
24:36   sukmybigdick   [All]   sisaj nabe
25:31   sukmybigdick   [All]   sisac kurca
41:26   sukmybigdick   [All]   Dada glupa mnentolcino

5: furion cursed at me because i am from serbia, and techies just flammed whole game and talked about banning maphackers

6:;sa=game;gid=6018942 (if applies)

Ban Requests / ban request user87, lukaku
« on: February 20, 2017, 00:09 »
1: oksob

2: user87, lukaku

3: afk/game ruin

4: leshrac went afk minute 18, and 1  minute later so did traxex.leshrac stayed at fountain until the end of the game, traxex left fountain 1 more time to die and than stayed afk again until the end

5: feeders, morons, noobs...not much more to say

6:;sa=game;gid=6017109 (if applies)

Unban Requests / unban request oksob
« on: February 14, 2017, 22:13 »
1: oksob

2: autoban

3: i left the game

4: me being clumsy idiot

5: in the middle of fight on mid i accidentaly spilled glass of water all over my laptop keyboard.i had to act quickly and turn off laptop, remove battery and clean and fan the liquid out.i know it looks bad because void was about to kill me but game was still alive and i had no other reason to leave


Ban Requests / ban request nwl^^kurvulens, whozyodaddy
« on: February 09, 2017, 16:03 »
1: Oksob

2: nwl^^kurvulens, whozyodaddy

3: flame, family related flame, national intollerance

4: 16:04   NWL^^kurvulens   [Allies]   TINY STOP FUCKING TOOK ALL KILLS
          16:13   NWL^^kurvulens   [Allies]   U ARE FCKING DOM
          16:40   NWL^^kurvulens   [Allies]   stupid dickhead gipsy
          23:20   NWL^^kurvulens   [Allies]   mother fucker pig
          23:27   NWL^^kurvulens   [Allies]   fuck his gipsy mother tard
          29:45   NWL^^kurvulens   [All]   fuck this stupid shit fermer
          44:33   WhozYoDaddy   [Allies]   mega retarde
          44:59   WhozYoDaddy   [Allies]   srbshit (reffering me being from serbia)
          45:47   WhozYoDaddy   [Allies]   u all will pay for this
          45:48   WhozYoDaddy   [Allies]   game

5: well pudge started to insult others from the very begging, acting like god of dota himself, he said it was bad that i have dominating streak, and i didnt "stea" any of those 4 kills.shadow fiend did smth similar, they just fought with other people whole game.i didnt copy/paste even one half of that bullshit

6:;sa=game;gid=6013359 (if applies)

Ban Requests / ban request scorpion_89 , yurova , 3star
« on: February 07, 2017, 23:44 »
1: oksob

2: scorpion_89 , yurova , 3star

3: afk, game ruin

4: from minute 20 until the end of the game

5: silencer fed them hard and decided to go afk in minute 20 so he "didnt feed the anymore cause of stats".after that medusa and troll also went afk, and troll also messed with his connection so we would drop him

6:;sa=game;gid=6012797 (if applies)

Technical support / problems with windows 10
« on: February 06, 2017, 21:58 »
i recently upgraded my OS to windows 10 because i had issues with windows 8.1(which was shit anyways but stuff like dota worked fine).after that i installed wc3, new installer, patch, etc...and its all fine, i can enter the server and game, but it all laggs like hell, i have spikes even in menu of wc3.its so shitty that i even wont join games.does anyone know the reason or have some idea how i can fix this?

Ban Requests / ban request intexyamd
« on: January 17, 2017, 01:13 »
1: oksob

2: intexyamd

3: afk

4: minute 28

5: he just went mid and stayed like that until the end of the game

6:;sa=game;gid=6005159 (if applies)

Ban Requests / ban request prodizelis
« on: January 08, 2017, 00:31 »
1: Oksob

2: prodizelis

3: afk/game ruin/sabotaging teammates

4: minute 27 until the end of the game

5: this noob was feeding and just went afk in minute 27 and stayed like that until the end of the game.he sold his items and even bought wards on cooldown so we cant buy them

6:;sa=game;gid=6002023 (if applies)

1: oksob

2: theblackknight, _monkeyd.luffy_ , tropski_bar

3: game ruin, afk, spell abuse, Sabotaging Teammates

4: it happened many times during the game, started after minute 25 when these 3 noobs and very shitty persons overall in my opinion decided to stay afk, weaver selling items to buy dagon and force staff, destroyer imprisoning teammates and sending couriers into death, while winter wyvern was just afk

5: things i described lasted for like 10 minutes.they failed hard from start, i wont even speak about them being hard noobs, but they cant even read bloody chat for miss.these 3 decided that the game is over so they  can have some fun, since they suck at dota.they broke some rules for sure, i dont care if its banable or not, i just had to post this.its terrible for this server that persons like this are majority.its not about winning or losing (i lost 1 psr), its about general attitude of people thats bellow any decency.i play dota here for a very, very long time, and i become pissed and sad that morons like this are screwing dota for few of us that still try to make something of this server, however dead or dying it may be

6:;sa=game;gid=6001128 (if applies)

Ban Requests / ban request mate_siseta
« on: December 29, 2016, 15:18 »
1: oksob

2: mate_siseta

3: family related flame

4: 08:16   mate_siseta   [Allies]   i fuck your whore mother
          18:21   mate_siseta   [Allies]   to fuck your dead mother whore
          18:33   mate_siseta   [Allies]   stupid dead bitch
          22:41   mate_siseta   [All]   also i fuck yours mother noob tiny

5: his team complained that he stole items and also insulted both them and our team

6:;sa=game;gid=5998796 (if applies)

Ban Requests / ban request navremko
« on: December 13, 2016, 23:35 »
1: Oksob

2: navremko

3: flame/national intolerance

4: 22:03   Navremko   [Allies]   abe krvta da ti ja ebam tvoja ciganska-i ifuck you gypsie blood
          22:05   Navremko   [Allies]   cigani-gypsies
          22:20   Navremko   [Allies]   ajde ciganu-cmon gypsie
          22:24   Navremko   [Allies]   reportuj me-report me
           22:36   Navremko   [Allies]   a onda ispusi ga-than blow me

5: we argued, then he checked where i am from and started with insults, after that i ignored him

6:;sa=game;gid=5993836 (if applies)

Ban Requests / Ban request Sejanus
« on: November 22, 2016, 20:49 »
1: Oksob

2: Sejanus

3: game ruin-sabotaging teammates,flame...

08:22   Sejanus   [Allies]   stupid shit head
08:38   Sejanus   [Allies]   retarded fucker
13:57   Sejanus   [Allies]   u re a nab shit
16:44   Sejanus   [Allies]   fucking noob midder

4: in several occasions during the game,but  mostly at the end, he figured out he can "hurt me" by using cold embrace on me with no reason, minutes 35,36,36,37,40(got me killed)

5: he was having bad game, since he is hard noob who doenst even understand the basics of the game.he decided to flame and blame me for his noobish actions, even though i was the only one in team who was actually doint something and trying to turn the game around.his score at the end speaks more than enough.most of mid game he stood on mid, leaching exp and money.he had like 1 assist until 23rd minute,but being useles noob is not banable here, too bad.

6:;sa=game;gid=5987113 (if applies)

Unban Requests / unban request oksob
« on: November 12, 2016, 15:16 »
1: Oksob

2: autoban

3: because i left the game

4: it was a honest mistake

5: the game was basically over for some time, they were rapping us.we had 4/5 votes for ff, and when our player left the game i thought it was 5/5 and i automatically quitted the game.i had no other reason to leave and it was just a dumb ended like 5 minutes later


Unban Requests / unban request oksob
« on: October 23, 2016, 17:23 »
1: Oksob

2: autoban

3: my wifi connection just died/b]

4: i can say that it was "vis major", my wifi stopped working for no reason

5: it was still early in the game (18th minute) and i had no reason to leave, i didnt feed or anything like that


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