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Messages - courierpower

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Turkey / Bayram
« on: October 15, 2013, 06:51 »
Hayırlı bayramlar tüm kardeşler kurbanlarınız ibadetleriniz kabul olsun

Feedback / Re: Lagabuse top 10 [just try it]
« on: October 10, 2013, 14:53 »
Nah I don't im not ignorant as all of you, I am god comparing to you
since you won the ultimate common

Strategy / Re: Best mid hero
« on: September 13, 2013, 18:09 »
go see a doctor for schizophrenia test man, you challenge someone, lose, and say "do you think i was actually playing? XDDDDDDD". Why do you even challenge people when you will not use enough of your so called %play rate to win?

Strategy / Re: Best mid hero
« on: September 13, 2013, 07:17 »
Dust can help, as div.ide said, ofc i know he can remove buff, but still, it can be useful, happened to me many times.

Common, shh pls, u talk lol  ;D  I don't wanna start arguing with you, it's pointless, too stubborn to accept some facts xD

Strategy / Re: Best mid hero
« on: September 11, 2013, 08:17 »
If you are behind your creeps, you can simply avoid huskar's annoying fire spears by keeping the distance via your longer range like 175 distance which can grow up if you orbwalk and wow its 200, and btw you mega pro viper player should wait when huskar is getting in range you can either hit him and start damaging way earlier then he does and if he still stays and keeps orbwalking you can simply go b for some distance and turn back hit him you have better range simply clear, and at level 1 think viper has corrosive skin which deals damage to attacker from whatever damage source you get burned for 7 seconds for 5 damage per second, and your corrosive skin deals 10 damage per second for 11 seconds from starting of burning and to its end, and huskars berserker wont be useful at all, the bonus attack speed can be easily stopped via vipers epic slowing passives actives etc..
I haven't even read your post, all I read was the fact that you think you can hit huskar without him hitting you back if you are quick. Wanna know why ?

You know what is funny ? None of you talkers actually want to see if you are wrong or right (you just assume you are right, and you are wrong over 50% of the time), you just talk.

I'm tired of your chatter, that's what you noobs love to do the most, only talk. Bla bla bla bla bla.

I will demonstrate. You say viper > huskar, I say huskar > viper. There is nothing more to be said.

You can find out who is right by playing me when I'm huskar, with you playing viper.

Stop talking and play, or LOSE the "debate" by default because of refusal to support what you have said with actual examples instead of some silly seriously flawed theories.
I guess this is useless post or challange.

You say Huskar > Viper. But also YOU playing Viper > Huskar. So such a match would prove nothing.
Well obviously I rape with any hero against any hero with such stupid players as my opponent but that doesn't mean huskar doesn't rape viper in general.

Stop ruining my fun.  >:(
i explain situations with much deep details  and even for unexpected situations which you call "talk", you just say huskar>viper he has orb he damages much
Much flawed deep details.
I said you are wrong and I can show you that you are wrong. If you refuse to play then don't speak.
I have played once against you, starter game me 4, you 0 you last hit as hell if we were equal in that i might have played once again your biggest prob is underestimating everybody around
You had 4 at start me 0 and u still lose even when I have such mega players like magnus with sange and veno who steals my runes, what exactly is your point ? And what makes you think I was even 0.00001% serious in this silly game ?

Underestimating someone means I first have to estimate, I do not estimate, I know that you are bad for a fact, there are no estimations involved, so no, I don't underestimate.
Ooh i had way better team for sure :p and you are all the time 0.000001% I started to believe you can't reach higher rate so your excuse is just lame. Simply if I am bad, you lost to bad when you were 0.00000001% , as always
I don't go even near 1% for a very simple reason. Safety. Your safety to be more precise.

If you see me at 1% you will most likely forget to breathe from amazement and die of asphyxiation or you could die even before you would die of asphyxiation because your brain will produce too much adrenaline at once and cause you to have a stroke or heart-attack.
You don't want that do you ?
Your 1%, or anything above 0.000001% doesn't exist or unusable, like we humans cant use %100 of our brain. You playing best is still 0.000001%

Strategy / Re: Best mid hero
« on: September 10, 2013, 22:51 »
If you are behind your creeps, you can simply avoid huskar's annoying fire spears by keeping the distance via your longer range like 175 distance which can grow up if you orbwalk and wow its 200, and btw you mega pro viper player should wait when huskar is getting in range you can either hit him and start damaging way earlier then he does and if he still stays and keeps orbwalking you can simply go b for some distance and turn back hit him you have better range simply clear, and at level 1 think viper has corrosive skin which deals damage to attacker from whatever damage source you get burned for 7 seconds for 5 damage per second, and your corrosive skin deals 10 damage per second for 11 seconds from starting of burning and to its end, and huskars berserker wont be useful at all, the bonus attack speed can be easily stopped via vipers epic slowing passives actives etc..
I haven't even read your post, all I read was the fact that you think you can hit huskar without him hitting you back if you are quick. Wanna know why ?

You know what is funny ? None of you talkers actually want to see if you are wrong or right (you just assume you are right, and you are wrong over 50% of the time), you just talk.

I'm tired of your chatter, that's what you noobs love to do the most, only talk. Bla bla bla bla bla.

I will demonstrate. You say viper > huskar, I say huskar > viper. There is nothing more to be said.

You can find out who is right by playing me when I'm huskar, with you playing viper.

Stop talking and play, or LOSE the "debate" by default because of refusal to support what you have said with actual examples instead of some silly seriously flawed theories.
I guess this is useless post or challange.

You say Huskar > Viper. But also YOU playing Viper > Huskar. So such a match would prove nothing.
Well obviously I rape with any hero against any hero with such stupid players as my opponent but that doesn't mean huskar doesn't rape viper in general.

Stop ruining my fun.  >:(
i explain situations with much deep details  and even for unexpected situations which you call "talk", you just say huskar>viper he has orb he damages much
Much flawed deep details.
I said you are wrong and I can show you that you are wrong. If you refuse to play then don't speak.
I have played once against you, starter game me 4, you 0 you last hit as hell if we were equal in that i might have played once again your biggest prob is underestimating everybody around
You had 4 at start me 0 and u still lose even when I have such mega players like magnus with sange and veno who steals my runes, what exactly is your point ? And what makes you think I was even 0.00001% serious in this silly game ?

Underestimating someone means I first have to estimate, I do not estimate, I know that you are bad for a fact, there are no estimations involved, so no, I don't underestimate.
Ooh i had way better team for sure :p and you are all the time 0.000001% I started to believe you can't reach higher rate so your excuse is just lame. Simply if I am bad, you lost to bad when you were 0.00000001% , as always

Strategy / Re: Best mid hero
« on: September 09, 2013, 08:20 »
If you are behind your creeps, you can simply avoid huskar's annoying fire spears by keeping the distance via your longer range like 175 distance which can grow up if you orbwalk and wow its 200, and btw you mega pro viper player should wait when huskar is getting in range you can either hit him and start damaging way earlier then he does and if he still stays and keeps orbwalking you can simply go b for some distance and turn back hit him you have better range simply clear, and at level 1 think viper has corrosive skin which deals damage to attacker from whatever damage source you get burned for 7 seconds for 5 damage per second, and your corrosive skin deals 10 damage per second for 11 seconds from starting of burning and to its end, and huskars berserker wont be useful at all, the bonus attack speed can be easily stopped via vipers epic slowing passives actives etc..
I haven't even read your post, all I read was the fact that you think you can hit huskar without him hitting you back if you are quick. Wanna know why ?

You know what is funny ? None of you talkers actually want to see if you are wrong or right (you just assume you are right, and you are wrong over 50% of the time), you just talk.

I'm tired of your chatter, that's what you noobs love to do the most, only talk. Bla bla bla bla bla.

I will demonstrate. You say viper > huskar, I say huskar > viper. There is nothing more to be said.

You can find out who is right by playing me when I'm huskar, with you playing viper.

Stop talking and play, or LOSE the "debate" by default because of refusal to support what you have said with actual examples instead of some silly seriously flawed theories.
I guess this is useless post or challange.

You say Huskar > Viper. But also YOU playing Viper > Huskar. So such a match would prove nothing.
Well obviously I rape with any hero against any hero with such stupid players as my opponent but that doesn't mean huskar doesn't rape viper in general.

Stop ruining my fun.  >:(
i explain situations with much deep details  and even for unexpected situations which you call "talk", you just say huskar>viper he has orb he damages much
Much flawed deep details.
I said you are wrong and I can show you that you are wrong. If you refuse to play then don't speak.
I have played once against you, starter game me 4, you 0 you last hit as hell if we were equal in that i might have played once again your biggest prob is underestimating everybody around

Strategy / Re: Best mid hero
« on: September 08, 2013, 23:03 »
If you are behind your creeps, you can simply avoid huskar's annoying fire spears by keeping the distance via your longer range like 175 distance which can grow up if you orbwalk and wow its 200, and btw you mega pro viper player should wait when huskar is getting in range you can either hit him and start damaging way earlier then he does and if he still stays and keeps orbwalking you can simply go b for some distance and turn back hit him you have better range simply clear, and at level 1 think viper has corrosive skin which deals damage to attacker from whatever damage source you get burned for 7 seconds for 5 damage per second, and your corrosive skin deals 10 damage per second for 11 seconds from starting of burning and to its end, and huskars berserker wont be useful at all, the bonus attack speed can be easily stopped via vipers epic slowing passives actives etc..
I haven't even read your post, all I read was the fact that you think you can hit huskar without him hitting you back if you are quick. Wanna know why ?

You know what is funny ? None of you talkers actually want to see if you are wrong or right (you just assume you are right, and you are wrong over 50% of the time), you just talk.

I'm tired of your chatter, that's what you noobs love to do the most, only talk. Bla bla bla bla bla.

I will demonstrate. You say viper > huskar, I say huskar > viper. There is nothing more to be said.

You can find out who is right by playing me when I'm huskar, with you playing viper.

Stop talking and play, or LOSE the "debate" by default because of refusal to support what you have said with actual examples instead of some silly seriously flawed theories.
I guess this is useless post or challange.

You say Huskar > Viper. But also YOU playing Viper > Huskar. So such a match would prove nothing.
Well obviously I rape with any hero against any hero with such stupid players as my opponent but that doesn't mean huskar doesn't rape viper in general.

Stop ruining my fun.  >:(
i explain situations with much deep details  and even for unexpected situations which you call "talk", you just say huskar>viper he has orb he damages much

Strategy / Re: Weaver items
« on: September 07, 2013, 22:21 »
and by the way ultimate pro weawer player with truestrike ON.. no geminate attacks and yet unavailible to get orbs total fail

Strategy / Re: Best mid hero
« on: September 07, 2013, 22:14 »
Silencer is awesome on mid.

Long range , can deal high dmg (he only needs extra regen tho) and spams with good aoe curse.Really nasty hero if played well.

Yo sure? You will see pwned silencer by kka in my upcoming vid...
Btw viper > huskar on mid.
        trax   > huskar on mid.
Only an idiot like you would dare to say kunkka>silencer.

Who gives a shit if you managed to beat some stupid silencer with your lil kunkka, silencer rapes the ever-loving-shit out of kunkka every single time if he is not retarded.

viper>huskar ? yet another fucking braindead thing to say. viper loses over 300 hp after 4 lvl 2 fire arrows of huskar and viper in that time does around 250 damage at most, and huskar has more hp and will get more hp cause he gets as starting items 2 gauntlets, viper doesn't get 2 gauntlets unless he is brain damaged.

trax>huskar ? hahahahaha trax is even worse than viper, attacks slower than viper, and when she gets to 6 huskar will be 6 also, and trax + dmg isn't there if huskar is close to her, which he will be at 6 after casting ulti

For the last time, stop fucking daring to open your mouth here, because you know absolutely nothing about dota and I will humilliate you every single time you say something stupid, which you do every single time.

Oh, and by the way, I am still willing to show you how wrong you are incase you wonder, but go ahead and continue running away and not accepting, it maitains some sort of doubt around here about your level of noobishness. Around here, not for me, for me it's clear.

i never said kka > silencer you blind retard.
viper > huskar
trax  > huskar

mby you play doto autoattack mode, then would husk pwn for sure. othwerwise, go learn doto or kill yourself
Actually you probably play dota autoattack mode, because the only reason you would think trax and viper beat huskar is if you assume that huskar autoattacks and doesn't orb walk. It doesn't matter if they have a little more range, in the time it takes for them to hit once, huskar gets in range, and he orb walks too after he hits, in the same way trax and viper should. The problem for trax and viper is they don't deal even nearly enough damage as huskar does, they are forced back instantly or get their hp drained, incase you try to be cheeky and sneak an extra attack from time to time, huskar can simply fake orbwalk+out and go orbwalk+in, in which case he gets an extra 2-3 fire arrows on you and it will hurt the living shit out of you.

Again, you can see this ingame for yourself vs me, because you are clearly incapable of independent thought.
You need a visual image or something to help you understand.
I will show you.
Unless of course you continue pretending that you aren't seeing this and keep spitting nonsense like trax>huskar viper>huskar around here, like you always do.

If you are behind your creeps, you can simply avoid huskar's annoying fire spears by keeping the distance via your longer range like 175 distance which can grow up if you orbwalk and wow its 200, and btw you mega pro viper player should wait when huskar is getting in range you can either hit him and start damaging way earlier then he does and if he still stays and keeps orbwalking you can simply go b for some distance and turn back hit him you have better range simply clear, and at level 1 think viper has corrosive skin which deals damage to attacker from whatever damage source you get burned for 7 seconds for 5 damage per second, and your corrosive skin deals 10 damage per second for 11 seconds from starting of burning and to its end, and huskars berserker wont be useful at all, the bonus attack speed can be easily stopped via vipers epic slowing passives actives etc..

Offtopic / For all muslim players
« on: August 08, 2013, 12:00 »
Eid mubarek, esselamu aleykum

« on: August 05, 2013, 20:19 »
playing for fun, leaving for tour award lateness.

« on: August 05, 2013, 14:56 »
But why would I need a ranking system if I already know I'm the best ?
so glad you are gone with all your nonsense. The best spammer

Strategy / Re: Best mid hero
« on: August 03, 2013, 08:52 »

silencer vs skywrath, both has 351 mana as start
skywrath cast his first arcane bolt, -70 mana
silencer casts curse just as skywrath cast arcane bolt - same 800 cast range plus curse has 350 aoe-
curse lasts at least 5 seconds
skywrath loses 40 mana plus 100 hp
skywrath spent 110 mana and lost 100 hp
silencer spent 75 mana and lost 60+1.6x skywrath int hp lets say he has 30 108 hp
this is what happens at lvl 1, after curse of the silent gets level 2: silencer won. all he need is a stick and some consumable items.

That is the worst fucking sky play vs silencer I've ever heard of.

Why are you assuming that sky will cast his nuke before silencer uses curse ? In sky vs silencer matchup, sky waits till he gets level 2 to cast his nuke, unless silencer does premature curse in which case he will use it immediatly after.

When sky permanently has 2 spells at his disposal, silencer won't do shit and will permanently receive damage.

Learn dota.
oh silencer just got last word, cast+ after 5 sec or after sky castes a spell curse, then just stay out of casting range wow skywrath is casting spells on creeps

Oh no, he has last word! So scary.
Too bad it lasts 3 seconds only at lvl 1, and you won't get to lvl 3 so you can lvl it up to 2, cuz you'll be dead or hugging your tower by then.

Learn dota.
stay away from cast area of skywrath after he is silenced by last word u have mega 3 seconds go somewhere he cant see to evade concussive or stay 801 range away from him, easisest thing to do after casting curse. btw: skywrath also has a mana pool and it gets depleted by casting bolt 5 times 70*5=350.
casting those takes 30-35 seconds if he is spamming and with 30 int he will have 1.8 mana regen all he will regenerate naturally is about 50 mana
Learn maths
Learn dota
oh int gives 0,04 mana regen not 0,06 miss remembered. he will have 1.2 mana regen and recover around 40 mana.

Strategy / Re: Best mid hero
« on: August 03, 2013, 08:49 »

silencer vs skywrath, both has 351 mana as start
skywrath cast his first arcane bolt, -70 mana
silencer casts curse just as skywrath cast arcane bolt - same 800 cast range plus curse has 350 aoe-
curse lasts at least 5 seconds
skywrath loses 40 mana plus 100 hp
skywrath spent 110 mana and lost 100 hp
silencer spent 75 mana and lost 60+1.6x skywrath int hp lets say he has 30 108 hp
this is what happens at lvl 1, after curse of the silent gets level 2: silencer won. all he need is a stick and some consumable items.

That is the worst fucking sky play vs silencer I've ever heard of.

Why are you assuming that sky will cast his nuke before silencer uses curse ? In sky vs silencer matchup, sky waits till he gets level 2 to cast his nuke, unless silencer does premature curse in which case he will use it immediatly after.

When sky permanently has 2 spells at his disposal, silencer won't do shit and will permanently receive damage.

Learn dota.
oh silencer just got last word, cast+ after 5 sec or after sky castes a spell curse, then just stay out of casting range wow skywrath is casting spells on creeps

Oh no, he has last word! So scary.
Too bad it lasts 3 seconds only at lvl 1, and you won't get to lvl 3 so you can lvl it up to 2, cuz you'll be dead or hugging your tower by then.

Learn dota.
stay away from cast area of skywrath after he is silenced by last word u have mega 3 seconds go somewhere he cant see to evade concussive or stay 801 range away from him, easisest thing to do after casting curse. btw: skywrath also has a mana pool and it gets depleted by casting bolt 5 times 70*5=350.
casting those takes 30-35 seconds if he is spamming and with 30 int he will have 1.8 mana regen all he will regenerate naturally is about 50 mana
Learn maths
Learn dota

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