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Messages - beastiary

Pages: 1 ... 20 21 [22]
General Discussions / Re: Something wrong with points system
« on: October 15, 2014, 17:12 »
there is a person called host who will kick ur ass if u put ur 2000psr ass in apem noobs game

General Discussions / Re: what about
« on: September 20, 2014, 11:30 »
Putting 6.81d version of dota on bots since we will have it here for another half of teh year, so we can play somehow more fixed version and not bugged ****?
yeah there are some bugs but anyway 6.82 is coming soon. So, who cares about d version.

yes in your d2 maybe

General Discussions / what about
« on: September 19, 2014, 15:23 »
Putting 6.81d version of dota on bots since we will have it here for another half of teh year, so we can play somehow more fixed version and not bugged ****?

Ban Requests / Ban Request <mr-angry-guy>
« on: September 11, 2014, 21:22 »
1. iplayqwertz
2. mr-angry-guy
3. national intolerance
4. 51:27    mr-angry-guy    [Allies]    gypsy faggot
5. he suddenly went mad cos of no reason around 42:45 culminating with this post against one romanian guy

Suggestion Board / Re: Make it bannable to change game mode
« on: September 02, 2014, 16:44 »
Wrong, Common is making those kind of games because he (and me too) is fucking tired of dealing with axe/legion/slark in every game.
Don't lie us into those games then.

I used !mode command in a game today, but got spammed out of it before the game started by the host... sure, I quit this one... but I don't want to watch the lobby for 15 minutes (typical during night time) to avoid a**hole hosts.

If you're tired of Slark/Axe/legion in every game, that means you can't figure how to handle them, or are scared of them. It's never the same game, because players at times are different. If you're really bored, go make -cm games, noone objects, but make it public, don't be an a**hole like Common is and drudge it in ton of spam.

they are all mid playas, their teammates either feed or let freefarm and then feed axe/legion/slark, handling them is matter of supports not mid playas

General Discussions / Re: bestest 1v1 hero?
« on: September 02, 2014, 07:16 »
from topic name i understand- die bestest hero for 1v1 shom- its BARA bcos much fun
OT: every third hero can pwn void and every third hero can pwn every third hero that can pwn void, it all depends on players, if u set conditions (like void gets off chrono, can attack etc.), it already doesnt depend on playas so you can just put 2 heros to attack themselves and praise for crit
conclusion: it dependes on players (probably thats why 1V1 tournies are played with same heroes, so players can show 0,00000000000000001 % of their skill)

why no 1v1 BARA tournie?

Suggestion Board / Re: Make it bannable to change game mode
« on: August 29, 2014, 09:09 »
Quite often we join AP/AR/RD games... the host then changes the mode, usually flooding the chat with crappy !p !p !p !p requests, so noone sees. And often people just go out of W3 window and don't check the log before the game starts.

Make it bannable to change game type from ap->ar, ar->rd, rd->ap, etc...
There is nothing that irritates me more than this (I never wish to play AR, if I join, it's by mistake :D).

BTW, never do enough ppl agree to remake, so the game is s***.

well I advise you  either to learn to play more than 3 heroes (or at least the 3 you play bcos you are like 5/15 w/l with them)
or host your own trapem games
-actually if u were able to play at least 20 heroes you would be ok with it, cos there is imba high possibility that 1 of 20 will be availible in rd, and high poss for randomed in ar
+ there are like 10 things you can do to easily avoid those game, some of them were already mentioned

Ban Requests / Ban Request <[mavisakal]>
« on: April 23, 2014, 14:40 »
1. iplayqwertz
3. game ruining, intentional feeding, afk
4. feeding from start first i saw was 11.17, but he did also before, game ruining-29.57 giving mort rapier, not doing anything for team/win, afk- if not feeding mostly afking
5.I would also like to beg you to check some connection with host - -_-[rox]-_-, he mostly fed him, gave rapier to him, its just too suspicious and I dont like this kind of unfair play I can pass through mh but this is next level of fucking the game(sry for vocabulary)


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