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Messages - theNoobie

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Then is it possible to delete that name off bnet? Since I'm pretty sure that one is inactive.

Lol, just to clarify, I want to delete the name "Noobie" off RGC so I can use it on eurobattle. Is this possible?

Username is taken

Hows it epic fail?

I want to be able to use my name on eurobattle in order to utilize the friend list and also join those other channels

So currently, I'm playing on RGC. I'm wondering if I could transfer my acc onto  and I would like to have the same name

So is it possible to delete the name "Noobie" so I can use it on eurobattle or transfer it?

Dota makes your e-peen bigger

so deal with it

Suggestion Board / Re: Is Killing the fountain allowed?
« on: July 30, 2010, 05:35 »
So youre not allowed to kill the fountain in a public game? =(

Music / Re: MUSIC QUIZ
« on: July 29, 2010, 23:46 »
The Illusions - Blowing away ?

Strategy / Re: Viper
« on: July 29, 2010, 23:41 »
You have to consider the price of the item first, and when you are going to get it. You also forgot to factor in a hero's natural magic resistance. Getting ethereal when everybody else is level 20 - 25 won't do you any good, since most heroes will have at least 2k hp and their enemy carrys will have lifesteal and much higher dps than you.

Suggestion Board / Is Killing the fountain allowed?
« on: July 29, 2010, 08:02 »
It's very possible with CM, Ursa, sniper, and 2 other heroes.

I want to know if it's allowed and if killing people who are trying to stop you is allowed.

After the fountain is killed, can you be banned for "fountain camping"?, since there is no fountain anymore.

Suggestion Board / Re: pro in noob game rule
« on: July 29, 2010, 07:59 »
I don't get why people just don't move into the forest when they give up.
It's not like they can kill you when you're in there

Tools that take the fun out of microing

Strategy / Re: Stealth Assassin guide - by _Dead_Shoot_
« on: July 28, 2010, 12:13 »
Lol, dude blue dragon?? really stop making any suggestion guides, you dont even know the items name.
Dagon on riki is the worst idea ever....

-poor mans shield

Those are best items for riki... rest shall be equilled to the others hero skills....


and sange = lose

Music / Re: MUSIC QUIZ
« on: July 28, 2010, 11:33 »
I tried searching for songs with clowns

Really couldn't find anything

Suggestion Board / Re: pro in noob game rule
« on: July 28, 2010, 02:53 »
Imo there are different levels of pro games and different levels of noob games, which makes the rule hard to judge.

What separates a noob from a pro? Last hitting, denies, KDA?

As stated before, there are different levels of pro games. In Proer games, supports let the carry farm while not touching 1 creep. When I play CM in a RGC Pub, I usually have a Cs of 30 at the end of a 50 minute game. Supports also don't farm that many items, and usually ward/counterward most of the game. They try not to Ks heroes from their carrys and basically only play a support.

However, this isn't seen at all in pubs. We really cannot call pubs "pro", since they aren't on the pro level. They  are mainly normal players who know how to last hit, deny, and play smart.

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