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Messages - juakiz

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Humor / Re: Furlborg Ultra kill, WTF!
« on: October 03, 2010, 17:29 »
OMFG, that creep is better than most players that i have seen

what alse are you doing here if you aint an addict
dont answer my question with another questions, that confuses me xD

I rly hate dota, but i keep playing, i must be retard xD
I dont have chick, but i love dota.
I have a job, but i look all dota forums instead working.
My friends and family dont find me.. because dont check computer.
I hate dota, but i love dota.
Am I an addict? or it is normal? tell it to me.

Feedback / Re: ban/unban
« on: October 03, 2010, 15:55 »
u r afraid xD

Feedback / Re: Arent morons the problem in dota?
« on: October 03, 2010, 15:43 »
I think it could be useful, especialy if there is possibility to detect swearing, so u can see how many bad words player uses per game XD Move to humor ;D
i guess is cool funny idea, but that doesnt mean is humor post... really is an idea, and must be in feedback thread.

Feedback / Re: Arent morons the problem in dota?
« on: October 03, 2010, 15:40 »
i would be #1 by curses in game
i know everybody is afraid about the negative points, but just dont flame, leave, play as noob in pro game, etc ^^
also u can think about possitive points when another team assumes gg or good hosting, forced switch etc..

im still thinking about finish good system without abuse, to incite ppl to vote, etc.. just in progeress..

Feedback / Re: Im pissed off about bans on playdota
« on: October 03, 2010, 15:25 »
let him complain, that must be a right for all ppl in the world. im serious. when u r pissed off u have the wish to whine cos u feel better if ppl can understand u (or that u hope).
i dont have very good connection and i have been droped by games some times... luck that allways i had good K/D... but last time i had bad game when my conn goes down and when i post unban req.. not just denie it 2 times... the mod/admin call me plugger (omg i dont need to plug)... so nightn00b, i understand u, and i like to fight till end like u, i dont care about stats so much.. who meet me know how i am, who judge whitout to know, doesnt deserve my respect.

Feedback / Re: Arent morons the problem in dota?
« on: October 01, 2010, 12:43 »
Our system works just fine. U r able to check all players that join lobby. Their list of warns and stats. U can choose who to play with. All skill abuses report and we will deal with it.

im not talking about a bad system, im just offering a improve for it. im talking about a new part of stats that is ranked by other players.. that may talk about ppl behavior and could lead in good games and better bot xperience...

Feedback / Re: Arent morons the problem in dota?
« on: October 01, 2010, 09:45 »
How can u post such a non sense topic in " feedback " category...
Come on dude we are here discussing serious suggestions.

If such a detector exists, i think u will be the first one detected.

Move this to " humor " ok just to " junk ".


its easy to criticize without argument...

rly u know what is serious and what not?

Feedback / Re: Arent morons the problem in dota?
« on: October 01, 2010, 09:41 »
ofc is not a joke, just a idea.. not a requeriment. and provide ideas is not bad.. bad is provide problems.
about abuse? this is not rank system, is a reference shown in your stats... if ppl is so bored to play a full game with multiple account (or a bored friend) just to change a little this points, or he have a lot of time or is rly retard. (think about u need 10 min game to assign points for example)
trying to make pub games in playdota more interestng.. that is work for mod and admins? or rly this worth? dont this system save time for future? (less ban/unban req... angry ppl compaining, etc...)

Feedback / Re: Arent morons the problem in dota?
« on: October 01, 2010, 01:40 »
nah, is symilar to kharma points in forum, but little different... let me finish it and i will redact
at the moment i tell u that u can assign points (possitive for enemy team players and negative for ally team players) in game.. that will be shown in your stats and can talk about your behavior...

Feedback / Re: Arent morons the problem in dota?
« on: October 01, 2010, 01:00 »
Yes its hard to find a smart players like you, You wanna system that detects idiots? Just use a mirror, it will show it to you. I'm just saying...
but im serious
moreover, i have the idea for that system..

Feedback / Arent morons the problem in dota?
« on: October 01, 2010, 00:48 »
Stats system is useful to detect noobs (sometimes xD), dont u think we can implement a system for detect idiots?
i think a tard is worst than a noob, i preffer to have a noob quiet than a pro pissed off in my team, dont ya?

Feedback / Re: ban/unban
« on: October 01, 2010, 00:43 »
i have read aboout half post in this thread and i see one thing: Problem arent noob or pro, problem are morons... dont u think that we can implement a system to detect them? i think it is possible

Feedback / Re: ''Making noob-pro''
« on: October 01, 2010, 00:16 »
ohh.. mix noob and pro in games? thats noobs wish.. but sux by pro. that is the reason because we have keys !sd deleted in our keyboard.
how to improve your skills in dota? is very important a few things... FIRST theory: combination, place, cost uses, orb, etc of items.. item and skill builds for each hero, etc theory is basic in dota... u can learn it by looking other players (replays instead noob games), or looking guides (also recommended). THEN practice: Last hitting, reflexes and xperience about ganking, damage/hp variations, etc.  I highly recommend noobs to practice the theory with bots, because bots dont piss off and very important: they do godlike last hitting and for win them u must to learn to be better in that...
in dota we have some important factors: xp and gold... also farm and player killing. for farm u need to be great last hitter (practice with AI) and for pk u just need to practice when u can farm (lasthitting) good.
that is my point of view about to scape from noob games. i hope did u like it cos i took long time to write all those words xD
see ya
PS: maybe i forget some important things, but if i would to write a guide i would have done xD

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