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Messages - Povratnik

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 24
DotA Discussion / Re: Magic stick
« on: August 05, 2016, 20:56 »
Post a link of that game i want to check it on replay.

Offtopic / Re:
« on: July 24, 2016, 20:38 »
Can someone mute this retard so he can stop opening new topic for every single retarded thing he has to say....only Jean cares what you post, go lick his bawlz

Offtopic / Re: WTF is happening in Turkey??
« on: July 16, 2016, 11:08 »
Unfortunalty they did not succed to overthrow that piece of shit Erdogan who supports ISIS, turkey has hited rock bottom.

Offtopic / Re: and who say ,, turks are mhers?,,
« on: July 15, 2016, 19:38 »
Relevance Of jeanretardarc's posts on this forum equals the relevance of cristiano ronaldo in the finals

Ma jeandarc decko debil ima neku bolest sigurno, ne dostatak paznje ili ga roditelji tuku, i on i onaj njegov pajtos zvani how to play...
hahahahahahahhaahha  ;D

Offtopic / Re: and who say ,, turks are mhers?,,
« on: July 14, 2016, 20:28 »
Such comedy, very wow
lmao daily dose of Doge via Jean

DotA Discussion / Re: Broodmother - Black Arachnia
« on: July 13, 2016, 13:00 »

430 aka Ferrari is best Broodmother player in the world, later i will find you some replays on youtube of his dota1 brood play, his micro with spawns and jungling is unreal...
Altho hes quite good with microing, its not so impressive when u compare it to some old starcraft 1 koreans playing, defending A main base and 5-6 expansions at the same time,now thats really impressive, their apm is In mid hundreds. I remember watching them play for the first time,i was like what the fuck Is wrong with these people. Dota on the other hand , is not so micro-rewarding. Its kinda silly that people with good micro get so screwed by one or two aoe spells.For example, brood can be so easy to play when opponents got no aoe abilities and it goes as far as putting 5 heroes on the broods lane,and it still isnt enough,she can literally avoid getting In touch with enemy heroes while keeping all 5 Of them at the same place. At the same time,one good aoe hero can completely shut her down and make her completely irrelevant In the game. I had an ss game In which i got a hero as simple as it gets with jakiro, a hero thats not picked a lot,not played a lot and cant really snowball well. We did lose the game eventually, but A solo jakiro completely dominated brood 1v1, and it wasnt even close, spiderlings just got melt down with A couple of spells, and brood couldnt approach the creeps.
Brood is still A pretty good and annoying hero to play against tho , but she has a whole bunch of weaknesses

True but check out the other link i posted, its a bit older video but unfortunalty dota1 is not played proffesionaly anymore, that was the hotspot of dota1 tournaments, Ferrari never use spawns on lane he sends them to farm jungle and anicents but in a pro game brood will never get ganked by enemy supports unless they chain-stun her to death, she has too much movment speed and too good regen so basicly soul ring and does not need to leave lane. Its different with starcraft and Koreans are half human-half robot....brood with bkb is just op only thing that counters her (back in thoes days) is rexars ulty (Dooms ulty did not go thru bkb back then)

DotA Discussion / Re: Broodmother - Black Arachnia
« on: July 13, 2016, 12:02 »

Enjoy, awesome game too

DotA Discussion / Re: Broodmother - Black Arachnia
« on: July 13, 2016, 11:58 »

430 aka Ferrari is best Broodmother player in the world, later i will find you some replays on youtube of his dota1 brood play, his micro with spawns and jungling is unreal...

Unban Requests / Re: Unban Please
« on: July 12, 2016, 13:39 »
12:44      [All]   xenomorphic has left the game voluntarily, xenomorphic was autobanned.
12:44      [All]   Autoban is ON, if you leave you will get autobanned.

You LEFT the game, was not disconected, i hope they extend your ban for being arogant.

Offtopic / Re: Euro 2016
« on: July 07, 2016, 19:05 »
Today GG GG

Offtopic / Re: Euro 2016
« on: July 03, 2016, 10:25 »
I hope Iceland wins today! But its going to be very hard....they deserve to win Euro cup Wales-Iceland finals xD

General Discussions / Re: Kindest regards lovers/haters
« on: July 02, 2016, 23:09 »
U still dnt answer my question ;)
I have a clear conscience so no reason to talk ;) I was just suprised that u mentioned me.
You really think i have time to go thru every game you played and find proof? Seriously?

So from where u deduce that im abuser? Get facts before blame ;)
From the fact that i played several games with you? What kind of questions is that?

General Discussions / Re: Kindest regards lovers/haters
« on: July 02, 2016, 21:42 »
U still dnt answer my question ;)
I have a clear conscience so no reason to talk ;) I was just suprised that u mentioned me.
You really think i have time to go thru every game you played and find proof? Seriously?

General Discussions / Re: Kindest regards lovers/haters
« on: July 02, 2016, 21:15 »
I was never kicked from the staff, the fact that truth hurts you just proves my point....its not even your english that is problem but fact that you think you are god, not even that good player who provokes team-mates and oponents and then when they flame you they get banned, problem there is most players here dont use forum and dont know how, if everyone who you muted for no reason other than being arogant reported you, you would suffer same consequence as Bad^^atitude, i rest my case.

Offtopic / Re: Euro 2016
« on: July 02, 2016, 19:53 »
Germany Italy GG 3+

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