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Messages - nikolagay

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DotA Discussion / Re: How to play dota.
« on: June 04, 2017, 11:17 »
I took a part of my daily time to review one of these three games, the one in which you played Invoker. I hope you won't mind, but I did a rough analyzation of this game judging by what I could see from your POV. Most people will call this "side talking like a bitch" but these are simply facts, you don't have to feel the same about what I have to say.

First of all, the Radiant hero choices makes absolute no sense to me, especially if you consider the fact that Jugger is braindamaged and unable to farm or do anything productive in ANY WAY. The guy should have been the main carry in this game and he ended up with 2/7 and total worth of 6,686 gold. I'll get to him later.

The first thing I noticed is that Mirana was extremely weak on mid. He had the higher ground advantage from the Radiant side (cliff) and he didn't even bother to use it. He could've been much more aggressive and annoying but he decided to play it out "safe" like a whoos, even though he CLEARLY had the potential to win the mid lane. And on top that, he was still able to kill you two times, and both of your deaths on mid were absurd and unnecessary. Also, when he attacked you with illusions, he could have just blended in with an illusion rather then charging directly on his own like an idiot and leaving illusions behind.

Looking at your point of view, your game was pretty much based on farming mid, hoarding bounty runes and farming neutral camps. It's strange how the Radiant team had the minimum amount of mid ganks (total of two, both were unsuccessful and one was an ultra fail) even though it was clear by your build that you will go for high damage therefore being an easy prey for CM and her Frostbite. Also, since I couldn't see the exact Mirana's gameplay from your perspective, I'm not sure how much he ganked throughout the game but as for you, the first time you switched the lane to do something different was at 20 mins, and you went top just to get more gold by farming and to destroy a T2 tower. To top it off, even though you didn't actually gank the entire game, your Sunstrike hit ration in this game was below 50%, and you pretty much used two spells the ENTIRE GAME (Aclarity and Sun strike). Your first spell change was at 23 mins of the game, when you invoked Ghost Walk to avoid one of the stupidest "ganks" ever.

Things I liked about your gameplay in this game are the Sun strike you used at the beginning (to scout the opponents matchup, items, etc.) and the Sun Strike you used at 14:58, to check if it's safe to finish the Mid T1 tower. The things I didn't like, that moment you stood on mid with 1/4 HP when it was clear you were going to get yourself killed, the fact that you didn't use 50% of the Aclarity potential on mid, the fact that you took Quas the first time on LEVEL 17 when you absolutely HAD TO and that you litearlly farmed your way through this game while your teammates held your dick for 20 minutes (especially Treant at many occasions, highlighting the moment at 16:25 when he literally saved your ass from certain death). Also, the first time I actually saw you doing something with your teammates was at 24 minutes when you got the Aegis and decided to get the T3 mid tower and raxes.

In overall, I can't remember the last time I've seen such a clueless team. They were literally playing 5v4 for 90% of the game (since you were too busy with farming and missing sun strikes) and they still couldn't do anything. The MVP of the game (from what I could see) was definitely Treant, since the guy was able to gank everywhere, be productive most of the time AND support your ass from distance so you could farm. Conclusion, you played against complete idiots who totally deserved to lose because they weren't able to do anything right in any aspect of this game. You got carried by your teammates this game so bad that, frankly speaking, I believe you would win this game even if you played mid Pudge with Basher and Moon shards without skilling up Hook and Dismember.

One of the saddest games I've ever watched and one of the most static mid performances. I had the chance to play with you on Lagabuse and I know exactly what you can and "can't" do, and I can honestly tell you I've seen games you played a hundred times better then this one. This is not even a shadow of a person I know you are. Rating this game 3/10, just because of Treant.

I didn't have time to watch the games with Shadow Fiend and Akasha at this point, but I'll try watching them throughout the day. I just hope those games weren't stupid and one-sided as this one, since this game felt like a <1000 MMR game.

Offtopic / Re: The end of the age
« on: June 01, 2017, 18:23 »
Are you doing this because I annihilated your anus in the 1v1 SF game?
Kekus Maximus

If someone doesn't know how to run OpenGL mode on Warcraft III:

Also, you might want to ensure your drivers are up to date. Just saying.

Apologies in advance, I was too lazy to make a post on my own. And even if I gave my personal explanation you wouldn't give a f*ck anyway.

In case you're experiencing "lags" you are most likely having issues with FPS drops. Here's a link on how to fix that issue:

The procedure is well explained, but feel free to ask in case you have any additional questions.

Feedback / Re: Change ban rules
« on: May 20, 2017, 17:57 »
Nikolagay,  I know you still have hard feelings becouse I raped your ass yesterday, But you can have your revange anytime INGAME.

Anyway, you can guys close or delelte this thread, we are going nowhere here.everything will be as it was before, and this server is gonna die in 1 max 2 year.

Have fun for that time.

Feedback / Re: Change ban rules
« on: May 20, 2017, 17:53 »
Cyber: I would visit you if I would be gay, but I prefer women anyway.Sry about that. If you challanged me t fight, I fear you would leave the place with less teeth as before u came. I dealed with more than 1 big mouth guys like you.

Renovatio: It was in 2014,
Corristo !permabanned for national intolerance;sa=game;gid=5596796

29:10   Corristo   [All]   FREE VOJVODINA
29:12   Corristo   [All]   FREE KOSOVO

That was why I was getting perma. Kosovois free already, Vojvodina will be in the future.

I haven't seen this much autism since Dat Boi. My IQ dropped for 20% just by reading this...

Feedback / Re: Change ban rules
« on: May 20, 2017, 15:46 »
Dang tablet. You get the point anyway lol

Feedback / Re: Change ban rules
« on: May 20, 2017, 15:45 »

Live cam at jeandarc's house during this game:

Strategy / Re: How to feed a hungry ursa
« on: May 20, 2017, 02:40 »
this guy just talking . do some action  u nab show us your skillzzzzzz 8)
we want to see you soon nikolagay ;D;sa=game;gid=6040404


Okay Fixed  8);sa=game;gid=6040500

Note: Don't play Dota after 2AM rofl :D

P.S. You forgot to attach our second SF game  ;)

Strategy / Re: How to feed a hungry ursa
« on: May 19, 2017, 20:15 »
this guy just talking . do some action  u nab show us your skillzzzzzz 8)
we want to see you soon nikolagay ;D;sa=game;gid=6040404


Ban Requests / Re: Ban request Kasumi_Arimura.
« on: May 18, 2017, 14:08 »
We're spamming too much so I'll be even shorter.

You wrote "Latvian shit", that was your choice. It's exactly like writting "Turk shit" except insulting Turks on LA is so common that the ban applies by default. It's maybe normal for you to use that kind of speech but try saying something like this to someone in person. After all it's just "a mild insult".

This isn't personal and you don't know me. I involved myself enough to make the new report because I feel like the previous one wasn't specific enough.

This is a separate report made by a separate member, and I didn't report you for the exact same thing. A complaint could have been made according to the rules but the complaint should have been made by the person who made the original post, since his ban request was denied by VanGogh.

Last but not least, playing on Lagabue isn't our right, it's a privilege. The reason why I'm saying this is because admins can pretty much do anything with an explanation "Because f*ck you that's why" if they wanted to (keep in mind, I said if they wanted to). Also, I think it's allowed to ask for a second opinion when it comes to this kind of stuff, as long as the reason isn't irrational or as long as it isn't spam (and this is pretty much turning into spam so I'll shut my mouth from now on).

Ban Requests / Re: Ban request Kasumi_Arimura.
« on: May 18, 2017, 12:04 »
I'll keep this short to avoid spam.

This is the game I posted a couple of moths ago, played this one on my brother's account:;sa=game;gid=5882854

Took pudge, held the game alone for over 40 minutes, lost because I had four carries who were clueless when it comes to farming. 3/4 had Lothars against Zeus, the only "disable" (if we can even call it a disable) was my Ethereal Blade. Why does this matter? Because your Chen was a noob (beginner) and this is an example of retards. Especially VS, who wasn't even obligated to play it as a carry. You pretty much won't get a better example then this one and yet, even if I tried to votekick any of these guys it would be considered as votekick abuse.

As for the flame, stating that you hate black people in general is racism. Calling an individual "a nigger" is still racism. Same goes with you. If you felt the need to call him precisely a "Latvian" shit that means you have a dose of intolerance because he's Latvian. You could have found a more suitable "adjective" but you chose this one, stop trying to find an excuse.

Since you asked this, the main reason why I excluded Valheru from this request is because he raged out AFTER he got affected by Chen's noobism while you were an arrogant bastart right from the start of the game. Furthermore, you're still trying to find an excuse and justify your actions so bad that you're willing to drag Valheru back into this because "He did the same thing".

I agree with you only on one thing, it wasn't necessary to interfear and re-open this, but I simply felt the need to do so. All I'm asking is a reconsideration, nothing else.

Ban Requests / Ban request Kasumi_Arimura.
« on: May 18, 2017, 10:17 »
NOTE: I'm making this report in reference to:

1: Your NickName?
nikolagay (didn't play this game)

2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?

3: What rule did he/they break?
Votekick abuse / National intolerance

4: When was the Rule Broken?

Votekick abuse:

01:31 [All] -- Creeps Spawned --
01:40 Kasumi_Arimura. [Allies] !sd ana
02:34 [All] [Kasumi_Arimura.] voted to kick [Anatak] [1/7]
02:46 Kasumi_Arimura. [All] kik fast

In the original ban request (the one attached above) the admin who resolved the request stated that he "didn't even bother watching the replay because Chen bought lothars". First of all, I was instructed several times that people should avoid votekicking players who are noobs/beginners because we all had to start from something. Second, it wasn't even mentioned that Kasumi's first votekick abuse was initiated before anything serious actually happened. Sure, he got mad because Chen didn't go woods, but that's technically not the proper reason to kick someone, and it's certenyl not the right reason to insult anyone. Speaking of which:

04:01 Kasumi_Arimura. [Allies] !check ana
04:04 Kasumi_Arimura. [Allies] latvian shit
04:07 Kasumi_Arimura. [Allies] !ignore ana

The way I see it, he realized he has a noob on his lane so he was probably thinking something like: "I could try giving him a constructive criticism but I shouldn't be too harsh on him, I mean, he's just a beginner and all... On second thought, let's just call him a latvian shit and ignore him, because that will certenly help him."

5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation.
Well I didn't play the game but I saw a guy having a hard time on the forum so I thought, since I woke up so damn early I might as well try doing something productive with my life. The reason why I made this report is because I think it wasn't fair to fully ignore this problem and Kasumi's behaviour. Since there are no specified rules to when it comes to noobs (not gameruiners, but actual noobs who are just dumb when it comes to Dota) and since this guy technically isn't a gameruiner (he's clearly a noob, I know, but he isn't doing this intentionally) and adding Kasumi's rude behaviour to the list I feel like you may want to reconsider your decision.

6: Link of the game? (if applies),;sa=game;gid=6039267

Strategy / Re: How to feed a hungry ursa
« on: May 14, 2017, 20:15 »
Haven't Vlad in sentinel lol and Ursa making fly. God save me

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