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Messages - nikolagay

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DotA Discussion / Re: How to play Pudge.
« on: May 01, 2018, 16:03 »
This game was alright considering that I'm a 30FPS poorfag with ancient PC and a mouse that disconnects every 5 minutes:;sa=game;gid=6112041

Also, mad Rubick skilz right here:;sa=game;gid=6112386
how u can die with rubick ffs;sa=game;gid=6112665

It takes years of dedication and hard work to be that bad mate, I got years of feeding experience behind me.

But for real now, it's just supporting gone horribly wrong...

DotA Discussion / Re: How to play Pudge.
« on: May 01, 2018, 14:52 »
This game was alright considering that I'm a 30FPS poorfag with ancient PC and a mouse that disconnects every 5 minutes:;sa=game;gid=6112041

Also, mad Rubick skilz right here:;sa=game;gid=6112386

It's hard for you to try and be normal nikolagay, when your every word is filled with desperation.

I understand the fact that you're all very angry with me for trying to take away your precious zoom cheating, but at least try to be more creative with your straw grapsing, flaming me only reveals your mental impotence.

Look, I know my English isn't the best so I'll try to be as clear as I can be (even though I doubt that will help).

I literally never used -cam /-zoom command (whichever it is) in Dota in my life. Seriously, never. Never felt the need to use it. I'm sure it's pretty useful, I highly doubt it's a "cheat", but in overall I couldn't care less about it.

I used to remember you as a different person, but now, the only impressive thing about you is the amount of bullshit that comes out of your head. Now I just feel sorry for you, seeing you acting like a butthurt little kid that has meltdowns whenever he can't have things his way.

Simply disappointing.

i dont fucking understand why some gays are turning this into a fight instead of talking about the subject itself.

I tried being somewhat normal, but that didn't work out well. I did state my opinion regarding both versions though.

Also, sorry for my bad English, I'd say it's not too bad considering that it's my second language but there's certainly room for improvements.

Idk why do you suggest that "Ctrl + 1" when most players are having it for courier

F1 was always working for 1st hero to select it, lmfao

Anything from Ctrl + 1 - 9 works, I gave Ctrl + 1 as an example because that's how I play, it's not a "must do" at all.

And true, F1 works as well, I just never felt the need to use it.

If nothing else, so many warkey / hotkey tools were released by now that it really shouldn't be hard to make a custom bind.


You have to help me decide what's funnier here:

- Your autistic screeching;

- The fact that you tell me I'm the one "who doesn't understand your point of view". (In my defense, I don't think anyone does at this point.);

- The fact that you called Linken's Sphere bugs "just my opinion" while people were receiving bans for exploiting it for years;

- The fact that you're telling me I should "stick to my hack 6.85k version" while I haven't played over 100 games on it in total (and I have at least over 500 games played on 6.83d, just saying);

- The fact that you think your opinion actually matters after all the BS you just spit out;

- The fact that you're being triggered by something as dumb as Berserker's Call deselecting your hero;

- The fact that you are legit so dumb that you can't even select your hero in a group to prevent that from happening.

We should totally make a poll about this, for real...

With all due respect CoMMoN, when you end up writing so much ignorant BS there's no point for me to even try and make a constructive argument, simply because you're next level ignorant and you won't give a single fuck about anything I write.

In fact, probably the most suitable thing I can say right now is "meh meh meh, Axe is deselecting my hero, meh meh, GROW A FUCKING SET AND DEAL WITH IT YOU SISSY", cause it has the same amount of credibility as everything you wrote on this topic so far.

Quote from: CoMMoN1337
Lmfao, most of those aren't even bugs, just opinions, like "spirit breaker is op", lmfao, or husk and viper orb increasing range, yea, so do od and silencer and clinkz orbs, they also increase range, it's how the game always has been, and still is, even in dota 2, also stuff like salve-prison lasting extra time and stuff like that, again, that's how the game always worked, it worked like that for a while even in dota 2, it was just modified, same thing with "illusions are shit attackspeed doesn't affect them", it isn't a bug lmfao, it was how the game was before it was changed after. ta psi blades dealing extra damage isn't a fucking bug, the damage is increased because the psi blade damage is PURE, that's the reason and it still is the same in dota 2, also abaddon ult triggers during duel even in dota 2, did you copy paste some random trapem's player "bug report" from google about 6.83d or what ? lmao, because you are just saying random funny things at this point.

I don't know what happened to you over the last two years while I was gone but dude, you've either gotten yourself infected by pub cancer, or you had an accident and lost 80% of your brain cells. I really have no idea how to handle such a huge amount of autism, stupidity, whatever the fuck this is, so I'm just going to blame it on Mother Nature and ignore it.

I am always up for a discussion and I try my best to respect everyone's opinion despite of how absurd it is sometimes, but at this point I would rather stare at the ceiling than trying to understand what's going on in your head at the moment. I’m trying my absolute hardest to see things from your perspective, but I just can’t get my head that far up my ass, so perhaps it's time for me to just give up.

That's one long response div.ide. Well written and kind of on point though, no offense to anyone.

Didn't quote you because that would just look silly and would take too much space, but considering that you mentioned something I said, I figured I might as well just respond in order to back up my thoughts.

To be honest, I didn't really play 6.85k version so much, mostly because well, I didn't have much time over the last year or so, but I've seen some things that were kind of bugging me.

I don't know if the rest have this issue, but the thing that bothers me the most is a massive FPS drop after 40th minute mark. It's already dumb enough that I'm playing on ati radeon 4550 graphics card (which S U C K S ), but playing Invoker after 40th minute mark is hell for me. FPS by default sticks to about 45-50FPS, but drops down to 15 and less during teamfights.

Second thing that bothers me is that some auras (such as Vampiric aura in particular) are still active around the hero corpse. I'm not sure if it's meant to be like that or not, but I just found that to be odd. Still, not really significant.

Third thing that bugs me isn't really that important, but I noticed that Tinker doesn't always respond to shifted commands after you teleport to a creep. I'm used to shifting Dagger and March of the Machines right after teleportation (when split farming) and needless to say that most of my gameplay combos are based on item shifting, but Tinker just disregards those commands from time to time, and I end up dying in the most retarded ways.

I discovered this fourth thing quite recently so I'm not really sure how "valid" it is (I haven't tested it properly), but I noticed that the Batrider is quite "buggy". I played a game two weeks ago and I've encountered issues I never had in older versions, Dagger into Flaming Lasso wouldn't work at all, Flaming Lasso would break if you tried to move too quick after using it, there was this one moment in particular in which the hero literally froze after I tried using Flaming Lasso after Dagger and I ended up standing on a mid Tier 1 tower unable to move and died shortly afterwards. I'm not sure how many of you guys had this issue, but that one was brutally painful for my brain.

I've also encountered terrain passing issues with Bloodseeker after exceeding 600 movespeed, making it severely difficult to control him in some areas of the map, but that one isn't really too significant.

So that's basically what I have on 6.85k so far. Again, I haven't really played it for too long so perhaps I'm not the ideal person to judge it, but I'll check it out during the next couple of days and see if I can dig out anything else. Not that it will matter much though.

^ version 6.83d fixed by h3rmit (from MyMGN) does not contain most annoying of these bugs btw

Yea, version fixed by h3rmit has some of those bugs reworked, but there are still lots of bugs and possible exploits there. I've played it for a while now and I feel like 6.85k is still a bit better, taking everything into consideration.

I'm not saying 6.85k is perfect, there are things that grind my gears real hard, but compared to what I lived through in 6.83d I'd say it's not that bad. Besides, I don't think we can afford to actually go back with versions, but then again, what do I know, I play Dota once every week or so...

Yes, the dota 1 courier has never been "clever", that's how it has been in ALL the goddamn fucking official versions, so this argument is automatically excluded as far as I'm concerned, and yes, there's the lycan bug that makes the hero unplayable, (big deal, no one plays that boring shit anyway), however, that's pretty much it.
I'm very curious about these 998 other wrong things about 6.83d though, because for the life of me I can't recall any. I'm eagerly waiting for them to be pointed out to me.

If we speak about these dragodog versions though, like, are you actually for real ? Are you ok with playing a map that basically says "lol fuck your game, you can't select your hero anymore cuz i like axe more than i like other heroes" or "lol let's put a bannable illegal cheat right into the fucking game with camera hacks, cuz fuck this game" ? It has always been fucking illegal bannable cheat in every single fucking official dota 1 and dota 2 version, but dragodog says lol let's put it anyway. Basically this imbecile is taking a gigantic shit on anyone that plays this game, and yet you seem to be fine with it ... Why is that ? I really don't understand.

Anyway, looking forward to hear about those other wrong things about 6.83d, I'm very curious.

Also awaiting more opinions about this. So far option 1 is in the lead.

These are only the bugs and annoying things I remembered without even googling. Enjoy:

Spoiler for Hiden:
- Spiritbreaker is OP as fuck, Charge of Darkness disrupts Linken's Sphere without losing cooldown, Greater Bash triggers on the attack animation rather than on the actual hit (exploitable), Charge of Darkness has a ridiculous collision AoE. A guy with 2 digit IQ can be good with Bara in 6.83d;

- Linken's Sphere has an ENORMOUS amount of bugs, doesn't give a fuck about Dagon (just cancels it without even triggering), can block more than one spell sometimes, and in non-fix versions it can be exploited and sold while the effect remains on a hero as a passive buff;

- Monkey King Bar behaves like an orb effect even though it's not an orb, doesn't work properly with 80% of orb effect items / spells;

- Butterfly bugs upon activation, you lose passive Evasion, you can no longer activate it and you can't even sell it anymore;

- Rubick's Spell Steal bugs on multiple instances, can steal Empowering Haste and permanently keep it, can steal item effects (Linken's Sphere, Pipe, Crimson Guard) for some reason but can't use them properly, some spells don't even work for Rubick at all (such as Sniper's Shrapnel);

- Spells such as Burning Spear and Poison Attack can be exploited to enhance Huskar's and Viper's attack range (if used properly);

- Illusions are just BS in general, zero benefit from attack speed items / effects, group select is autistic in 6.83d, not sure how to feel about it;

- Various bugs with Void's Time Walk, can nearly double the jump length if you properly target a tree, can increase / decrease accuracy with Phase Boots, and you fly across the map if you get hit by a Hook during it;

- Obsidian Destroyer's Essence Aura sometimes triggers on Basilius, Astral Imprisonment increases duration of all heals / buffs, and if you use Imprisonment during Cold Embrace, the hero will lose armor bonus but won't be able to move for 4 seconds;

- Spectre's Spectral Dagger is autistic, the terrain doesn't always let you pass properly, sometimes you have to wait for dagger to reach it's full length while sometimes it just won't let you pass at all;

- Lanaya's Psi Blade can be exploited into dealing massive damage via single hit. Like, you can legit stack damage with Psi Blades if you know what you're doing. Also, for some reason Dagon interacts with Psi Blade, which isn't too useful but it's retarded;

- If you send too many commands in the beginning of the game, there's a chance that your hero will simply "freeze", and you can literally just quit the game. Also, if you hold your mouse cursor in a wrong place at the beginning of the game, the text description can be "stuck" on the bottom right corner next to hero commands and it will stay there the entire game. Has no impact to the game, it's just annoying and retarded;

- Legion Commander's Moment of Courage is broken since it doesn't have a proc interval, a person with a 2 digit IQ can farm in woods with him;

- Slark can use Shadow Dance during Duel if he uses Dark Pact before he gets Dueled. Also, Dark Pact disables almost everything, not OP at all I guess;

- Morph abilities are like, super bugged. They kind of always were, but still, there are less bugs regarding those in 6.85k I'd say;

- Tauren Chieftain's Echo Stomp will turn from "Sleep" to "Stun" if a hero uses a stun based spell right after it collides. A five second stun, fun and interactive;

- Multiple retarded interactions with Abaddon's Borrowed Time, it triggers during Duel and it doesn't lose cooldown, it triggers at random without losing cooldown if multiple spells were cast on Abaddon, that's not the case in 6.85k;

- Several bugs with Infest, if someone uses Helm of Dominator on an infested creep Naix can't get out, there were cases in which Doom used Ethereal Blade on an Infested creep and then Devoured it, in which case Naix would "disappear" (you could still Infest out via circle on the bottom right of the map, but not many people know about that);

As for Axe and Berserker's Call, Jesus Christ dude, just mark your hero with Ctrl + 1 and spam it whenever Axe calls you. You can't possibly tell me that's hard, and you can't say it's not the same since you literally couldn't use spells / items during Call in previous versions.

I'm sure I've excluded some bugs, and I'm too lazy to google it (more like, I don't care THAT much), but feel free to post some more if you guys remember.

Even though I'm not such a huge fan of 6.85k I'd still pick it over 6.83 in a heartbeat.

You know I respect you as both, a player and a person, but seriously dude, "A perfectly fine and stable map" really cringed me cause of like, 1000 reasons. There are so many retarded things in 6.83d I don't even know where to begin with.

6.85k has it's own autistic moments, but I'd say it's better than 6.83d simply because most known bugs were fixed.

As for Axe and Call thing, if people still didn't learn what to do when it happens even after an entire year has passed since this change occurred, they deserve to be irritated.

Also, don't forget the 6.83d autistic courier, whenever you try to make a Magic Wand he's like REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Tournaments / Re: Tour Chat Room
« on: January 06, 2018, 13:28 »
You still a dumb Cyber . You do not need tour because everyone knows Who is Thé King here.  Follow your dad my prens

Uhm, I'm still alive you know. King of all noobs :D

Humor / Re: Funny Videos & Pictures
« on: June 24, 2017, 16:49 »
I can totally relate to this hahaha

Offtopic / Re: B&U moderator - Alone_Monax
« on: June 11, 2017, 13:26 »
Wow you guys must be really bored, I thought you'll eventually get tired of shitposting but you're bringing it to the next level...

Technical support / Re: Help fast plx
« on: June 10, 2017, 20:40 »
Well the real question is, do you have original WC3 and FT CD sets or not?

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