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Messages - Geistesblitz

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 [12] 13
Suggestion Board / Re: 2 questions
« on: October 18, 2010, 01:50 »
What exactly is's objective, if not to provide casual DotA players with a place to play DotA?
Assuming that that IS your objective, why would you want to ignore feedback from said casual DotA players? No-one's demanding anything here, I'm merely curious why I get labeled "spammer" for disagreeing with certain rules. As far as I can tell, my suggestions would have a positive influence on the overall enjoyment of DotA games, and implementing them is a matter of copypizza, so the real question would be why NOT implement them.

Because I can't always be right and even when I am right I still have to understand other people's points of view and get to an agreement. I can't push people to do my bidding.

DotA Discussion / Re: Say hello to new upgraded patch 6.69b
« on: October 17, 2010, 12:25 »
6.69b is up, you must have it so that you can join games.

DotA Discussion / Re: Say hello to new upgraded patch 6.69b
« on: October 17, 2010, 12:01 »
6.69b should be updated within an hour :)

Meanwhile I suggest you don't use techies.

why? i played him yesterday and he was ok.
Did you try making aghanim? :\

DotA Discussion / Re: Say hello to new upgraded patch 6.69b
« on: October 17, 2010, 11:38 »
6.69b should be updated within an hour :)

Meanwhile I suggest you don't use techies.

Offtopic / Re: If you were a DotA Hero ,what hero would you be?
« on: October 17, 2010, 10:14 »
rikimaru, period.

perma invis (steal stuff, whank off public ETC. punch someones face for fun)

cons: there are none!

cons : u remind me of ghay

ontopick : if i was hero id be shadow fiend fo sho  razes n  requiem wins not forgeting pasive spells

i want 2 have Charizard and fly where ever i want
or Arcanine and go to university on his back
I didn't know there were pokemons in dota :P
Plus you can't go on your own back.

I'd be Zeus, then I could control lightning and even zap everyone if required. Plus for those invis people running around wanking, it'd expose them as it has true sight.

Also, when lord_kurai starts being noob in a match I could zap the power lines outside his house and he'd disconnect :P

Offtopic / Re: Puppies thrown in river
« on: October 16, 2010, 23:25 »
There are painless ways to kill a puppy if he's sick and suffering.

I doubt they were, they looked healthy and didn't sound in pain.

General Discussions / Re: Is Nv.ThuG turkish ???
« on: October 16, 2010, 23:16 »
I don't get it, so you have something against turks?

You should have posted this on feedback board :)

Suggestion Board / Re: [New Rule Idea]
« on: October 14, 2010, 21:06 »
I don't like it because I know someone will abuse the pause every 5 mins part.

Feedback / Re: mh problem - partly solution
« on: October 14, 2010, 01:52 »
Thats weird... cuz you sound like an emptying bowels.
Has anyone told you that you're somewhat annoying?

Lately I've done like 2-3 MH reports in which the game lasted over an hour. 2 reported users in a game lasting over 1 hour.

I accidentally missed one check and had to restart the replay to check something at minute 56 or 58 I don't remember.

Neither of the users were using MH.

I spent a lot of time on that one for nothing :o

I've seen a lot of requests about people saying Luna, Rooft, Blood, Bala, even Gondar and Slardar were Mhing. PLEASE BE AWARE some heroes have skills that give them some kind of extra sight.

DO WATCH the replays before posting and post replay times. Don't go saying "I was under fog" when you haven't checked on the replay. They could be using wards or some other skill that granted them vision. Look at the minimap too

Feedback / Re: mh problem - partly solution
« on: October 13, 2010, 06:07 »
Thank you for the feedback.

Something I do in these cases when I'm in the game is I say something in the chat to mark the time.

Suggestion Board / Re: 2 questions
« on: October 13, 2010, 00:50 »
Quon is working on the new set of rules. Coming soon!
Quon is working on the new set of rules.
Quon is working

Wait, so the mod whose standard response to any feedback is to say "Rules are fine, locked!" is in charge of improving the rules? OHSHI-
It is not only quon, it's a team that works on the rules. Everyone has a point of view and that is yours. As a team they share their points of view and their ideas and as a result you will see the new rules when they've finished.

General Discussions / Re: Arkshu!!
« on: October 13, 2010, 00:47 »
As polska said, he simply stepped down.

Suggestion Board / Re: 2 questions
« on: October 12, 2010, 20:20 »
Regarding question 1:

Quon is working on the new set of rules. Coming soon!

Regarding question 2:
-disablehelp should work for both, if not it's something for Icefrog :P. Can't disable it on enemies.

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