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Messages - Zerind

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Feedback / Re: Gproxy++ still on after game over
« on: April 26, 2011, 00:55 »
Wow u really don't know what you are talking about, do you?
When disconnect timer is on, F10 doesn't work. No menu. No alt-qq.
So it is ctrl-alt-del, kill W3 process, wait, kill again, wait, alt-tab, wait for minifrezzes, ctrl-alt-del, kill again, and NOW it is done.
Next time, pls understand the problem before replying. (A lot of coding? Like one extra branch?)

Feedback / Gproxy++ still on after game over
« on: April 24, 2011, 23:49 »
I havd a very frustrating experience. An idiotic, ruined game ended with !rmk. We started leaving, but a little jerk with Gproxy++ disced. So, we had to wait for gazillion seconds to leave a game (wait for reconnect... and still... and we can't leave warcraft... no alt-F4, nothing). So I had to alt-tab, and kill W3 process.
Can't Gproxy++ timer be disabled after game is over? Nerd kids use it to get their revenge...

General Discussions / Re: Moderators..slow..
« on: March 14, 2011, 01:38 »
How about this then?,55003.0.html#msg170073
IPlayForFun hasn't solved a ban or unban req since 2nd march. (Almost 2 weeks now!) Yet, he managed to find the time to create a ban for 4 kids who pwned him. Look at the game log. He is acting like a control freak reatrd ingame, and he bans 4 ppl, but only 1 with a reason.
He shouldn't be a ban/unban mod if he will only use it for personal revenge.

Y, we know. Rules kinda suck now, their english is very poor. New rules are promised to come...

i think 25 would be the best.
look, if you dont catch any game in the lobby, and you want to play, you should create one..
in the other side, bad hosts can take off the pleasure from the party.
but 25 is nice.
Y i agree with this atitude - it's not about having a lot of games and thus being reliable, it's about not being able to instatnly host with new acc and thus avoiding ban...

I say 20-25 would be sufficient.
Also, this should only affect hosting ladder games (!pub, but not the .pub).

To a previous question, ways a bad host can ruin a game:

Abuse not being kickable (host can not be kicked):
- obvious MH
- feed
- feed on purpose, ruin game
- destroy items
- stay afk
- spam

(I have seen most of these in games.)

abuse powers:
- mute abuse (mute for "KS", mute for killing host, mute for asking for rmk, mute for asking for !synclimit etc.)
- muteall abuse (4v5, rmk situations etc.)
- ban abue: banning when he shouldn't (40% !rmk vote; 2v5 leavers - unban/ban takes 1-3 days, extra work for mods)

abuse game commands:
- synclimit to too high/too low
- -test mode
- using different mode than in gn (then ofc banning leavers)

Not to mention lobby abuses... There are some control freak kids out there. They know they will get banned in 2-3 days, then they go to mailinator and and create a new acc in 2-3 minutes, and continue abuse.
20 games limit would mean he would have to behave for 2-3 days, which he can't do, so he will get banned before he could host. The upshot is, he won't be able to totally ruin games, and will eventually get bored, and go play troll somewhere else.

Thx for reopening this one, dunno why it didn't really get the attention the first time I posted this idea.
Hope it will be implemented in the new set of rules (the ones we were promised to get last november or something? :) )

Suggestion Board / Re: Stop new accs from hosting
« on: January 01, 2011, 20:26 »
Isn't that getting too complicated to make?

I don't know how the system here works.

Seems easy from here, one simple IF statement. :D

If player(wannabehost).games.count>20 then
       msg_output("Go play some more games nab!")
end if

Ok, implementing the last month rule needs 4 more rows. But not more.

Suggestion Board / Re: Stop new accs from hosting
« on: January 01, 2011, 20:04 »
True, the noob/pro thing was a bad idea maybe... Forget that.

New seasons is tricky too.
Some ideas:
- Everyone can host in a new season for 4-5 days or a week.
- Seasons are disregarded. Sy can host games if he played at least 20 games the last 30 days.
- In the first week of the new season, only those can host games who could host games the last season. (So you need 20 games in the last season during the first week of the new one.)

Maybe the 2nd (last 30 days, and not seasons) would be the best, if it could be implemented.

Suggestion Board / Re: Votekick
« on: January 01, 2011, 19:57 »
Hmm, ppl never get kicked without reason (it can be stupid though).

The reason can be just (feeding, noob, flamer, idiot, afk-er etc.) or idiotic (ks, too good player, didn't suicide-help whatever). It is still a reason, and if u get kicked, then majority does think you should be out of the game.
In some way, you already ruined the game for some ppl (that's why u're getting kicked), and your game is not really ruined, it is just ended. :)
So, apart from some really special cases (8 friends hosting a game, then kicking the other 2 guys and everyone feeding 100-0 on them), if you get votekicked:
1) live with it.
2) think what you did wrong, maybe u joined a noob game as a pro or vice-cersa, or u kept flaming, ks-ing, forest farming, or u're just an irritating little fag. :)

Nevertheless, I don't think u're allowed to destroy your items.
You get kicked because your presence disturbs the other games. U don't get kicked cause they want to fuck you.
However, destroying your items is done only to fuck those who kicked you. Just stupid, mindless, childish vengeance.

So I say if they kick you, be a man and accept it. If you think they broke a rule, post a ban request for game ruining or whatever. But don't be a raging nerd internet-kid...

Suggestion Board / Stop new accs from hosting
« on: December 31, 2010, 18:06 »
I suggest creating a rule to stop new account users from hosting games.

If sy gets banned for feeding/mh/bad host whatever, he creates a new acc in 5 minutes, and hosts a game.

Host can't be kicked. So he is safe to mh/feed/mute abuse all he wants again. We can't really stop him from creating a new acc and joining games, but at least he shouldn't be allowed to host games.

Say, you need at least 20 games to be able to host one. (And it would be fantastic if you could only host noob games with less than 50 games, and need 200+ games to host pro games, but that is another discussion.)


Suggestion Board / Re: Continuation
« on: November 20, 2010, 20:45 »
Arizael +1
(lobotomy too, but man do you use google translator?...)

Domagoj, I absolutely agree that it takes a long time to post a ban request, but:
I still hold that if sy hosts a game, it is not just absolute power for him, but responsibilities too.
So, by hosting, he accepts some duties and responsibilities too. He accepts that he has to ban rule breakers,  that he has to take time and effort to check everyone in the lobby, to use !mute, !muteall properly and to the benefit of the game, and that in cases of doubt, he has to post a request on the forum.
If someone feels this is too much, he shouldn't host games.

Kinda like being mod: it is a lot of duties. If you don't have the time or will to do it properly, don't do it.

It is true though that host doesn't deserve 2 weeks of ban for ban abuse. Well, at first, that is. 1 day, 2 day maybe. But Neger knew the rules, he had done this before and got banned for it. He had huge arguments here about them, and he still went on and banned a DC-er. That is just being stupid, like trying to steal the gun from a police officer. In a police department building. In Kenya.
You just don't do that. Or if you do, don't be surprised if you get shot 50 times in 10 seconds.

The End, the rest is just a reply for that internet kid personality of Negertius. :)

:D fnelleh...
It is very funny how internet kids claim to know my moods, intentions, fellings etc. But this only means one thing: u feel these things, and project them on me. Nvm, I won't bother answering to your flame-rages.
If you can collect the less then 10% facts to a separate post, I'll reply. But this mumbo-jumbo of yours just doesn't worth the effort. Talking to you is like talking to my cat: I have told him a million times not to hunt for the mouse pointer on the screen, he just ignores it. His brain is too little, u know. ;)
Btw, my smileys are for real: I really AM enjoying this.
But, the rest of this community is not interested in your blank and failed tries to guess my personality, and neither are they interested in my enjoyment in mocking you.
So, if u can stay factual, I will be too, as I have been in my 1st post. If u can't, I won't, like in my second. This is not hypocrisy (boy, u must love this word). (Opportunism: u're joining games too, aren't u? So, u're the same as me. Oops.) Nvm, it is good either way. If you can be civilized, we can talk. If not, I can have good laughs.

Suggestion Board / Re: Continuation
« on: November 20, 2010, 02:44 »
Let's also analyze that post while I answer, shall we? :D

However, I've detected a huge quantity of Asperger's in the region of Zerind and I feel obliged to respond to some of his utter crap.
Stupid, useless and mindless flame. What was the point of this sentence? To prove that u can put a wikipedia link here, but u can't even read the wikipedia article? :D U have no idea what u're talking about.
So, my answer for this, on the level it was written:
You are a sorry little asshole.
So far so good. :)

[...] the rule changes suggested [...] conflict with an admin which they [...] unlimited power of the admins. [...] I can see several forum users, on an increasing rate, agreeing with NEGERTIVS. You might want to get your eyesight checked out, too.

What u say here:
Har-har ConFLicT! Har-har wAR! That part of my post was for Nege, and for him only. U are just too dumb to understand. And obviously, u are just here to argue. I know the history of these threads, and I had a different, but important point here, which you didn't get.
"Your eyesight blah-blah" you say, stupid flame again, but my "u're too dumb..." words above answered that part on its level correctly.

You might not yet know this, but other people do know that crappy Steven Seagal one-liners from american mainstream movies never, but then really never, make your position look stronger. Instead, it shows you've just never really performed in a real life debate before.
Man, and again, nothing factual, nothing of interest, just idiotic, loser flames on an internet forum. Congratulations! Retard.

I think you are right about one thing, a 4v5 does not really ruin a game. One can adapt to those circumstances. However, it's not the problem with playing 4v5 that matters. In most (almost all) of the cases a game will be remaked due to people not wanting such a game with 4v5 dynamics and because of the existence of the "40% vote for rmk, thus rmk"-rule, and as such the time spent in the lobby creating the game will be ruined.

Damn!!! Fuck, fuck, fuck! The only time u try to reason with me, the only lines in your post when u are actually trying to use proper arguments, and u fuck it up! Man, this is depressing.
The 40% rule only applies in the first 10 minutes. After that, 4v5 is hardly ever remade. Like <5%. So, in the first 10 minutes, yes, it is remade. But that is discussed separately in my previous post. After minute 10, very few times is the game remade.
Nvm, at least u have tried. Better luck next time!

For such an opportunistic person as yourself it might cost 5-6 minuts to find another game. However, NEGERTIVS is constructive by constantly hosting games which you can join to save time. This costs him more time than it costs you.

That is nice. Thankfully, there are MANY people hosting games. So if Neger finds he has no time to wait for another 10 minutes, he can simply join a game.
If he chooses to host, guess he has time to wait. But why not let him answer that? My "opportunist" little bro. ;)

Such comments are quite sad to read, actually. I feel sorry for you that your time apparently means so little to you, but that has nothing to do with the rest of the world. I have a tight schedule, and when I play DotA I don't play all night long, I only play one game or at most a few. When a game needs to be remaked because of such a reason, it usually means I can play one game less, or no game at all. Also, DotA is not a waste of time for me. I enjoy it; I have fun. Fun is not a waste of time.

Pffff :D u feel sorry for me? Why? U know nothing about me. I can handle my time, thx. And when I decide to waste some time on a computer game, I don't get all worked up if I don't get my dosage ASAP. :D
You have a tight schedule? :D Eeeee, let me just not get started on this, and what "fun" means for you, ok? ;)
Anyway, I'm sorry if your precious dota time has been wasted a few times. :)

And again I can say it: hypocrite much?

As a last thing I would like to emphasize something which should be obvious to everyone, but what some people apparently don't seem to fathom: I am not NEGERTIVS. NEGERTIVS cannot be held accountable for anything I say, as I can't be held accountable for anything NEGERTIVS says. I agree with him on most points, but he's a completely different person.

I'm not a hypocrite. I always try to find an agreement, unlike you guys. Well, that is until I run into a post like yours: 80% personal flaming, 20% false facts. Then I give up reason, and have good laughs flaming back. ;)

Please, pull your head out of Neger's ass, or get your own body for your schizo peronality, or learn to step out of your brother's shadow.

And don't try to answer instead of him, u just can't do that.
Sorry if I made u upset, u made me smile. :)

Next time, try to keep personal insults to the minimum, and stick to factual arguments. If you can't, better not say anything.

Still waiting for correct answers, to which I can reply in a reason. Maybe Negertius can do that... I hope.

Suggestion Board / Re: Continuation
« on: November 19, 2010, 21:53 »
Sorry, I'll be on-topic.
Neger, one of your all-time arguments is that disconnecing is not mentioned in the rules, so it is simply leaving.
Hmm, let me give u an example here:
Scratching one's ass is not in the rules. When someone scratches his ass, his left (or right, sometimes both) hands are down his pants, and are not on the keyboard. Some ass-scratchers even close their eyes for a few seconds of pleasure. Thus, they are not really at the computer, in other words, they are AFK.
So, scratching one's ass is AFK-ing, which is rulebraking, which should be banned.


Disconnecting is not in the rules. So, it is not forbidden!

What? You say that disconnecting is leaving? Well, I disagree, and many players and most (or all) mods here are with me on that. We see it this way: leaving is something you do intentionally. You click-click, esc-esc to leave the game. On the other hand, disconnecting is something that happens to you. Not an intentional thing.

Are we clear here?

You say that disconnecters ruin the game for others? Hmm, 4v5 is playable, and winnable. Other team can balance, so in my view, game is not really ruined. And if we lose 4v5? So what? Defending HARD, lurking the enemy to our base, getting force staffs and pushing enemy to our fountain is fun IMO (unless u play only to win and get good stats).

Oh, you say that it is different during the first 10 minutes? Well, game is usually remade then. So what? I just enter another game, + 5-6 minutes.
What is it that you say? Waste of time? FROM WHAT, for crying out loud? DotA? Isn't DotA a waste of time in itself? :D Oh no, sorry. It is our work, our lifestlye, our lover and mother.
So, I have this evening to waste, I go play dota, and some motherfucker wastes 10 minutes of my precious, to-be-wasted time! YARGH!  ???

So, why create a rule that allows disconnecting? It is already allowed, by not being forbidden! (Remember ass-scratching! Should we specifically allow that too?)

About ban request VS unban request:
I say that host should have to post the ban request, for the simple reason that he is a host. Being a host is not being !ban-god, it is a service. By hosting the game, you accept a lot (ok, not a lot, some) responsibility, duties, thus you should accept having to go through the trouble of posting a ban request. It is part of being host.
(Of course, host can ban in obvious cases, but not in 0:00 disc cases. U know, the things this thread is about.)

It is VERY irritating, that when I hit esc at 2-3 sec of countdown, game still loads, and I get immediate disc, and idiot host bans me, and I have to go through the unban procedure. Really annoying.

And one last thing to think about:
You start a thread in the rules section, and somehow, the whole mod community (and some forum users, who are not intimidated by your brothers/classmates/alteregos's trolling) unanimously resist.
If you look at other discussions, agreements are reached.
Now I know that we are all blithering idiots, and you are the only bright light here. Then again, maybe there is something in your manners too? Maybe, your posts reek of superiority-complex, self-overconfidence, and the absolute contempt of the others. And also, whenever you write something, your brothers/classmates/alteregos come along, and giggle/troll/hate the mods and everyone who has different opinion.
This is just something to think about (and NOT something you should logically explain).
If you take yourself seriously, if your intentions are making this place better, you will think about this. If you are only here to argue for the heck of it, you will "answer".
(This only applies to this last part. I'm looking forward to your answers. Just one thing though: could we not get all anal about the meaning of the word "leave"? I know you can google, you know I can search dictionaries, we know we won't agree on that, so no point in starting.)

Suggestion Board / Re: Ohi Im playing DotA and what is this?
« on: November 17, 2010, 00:49 »
Oh my God! I can't believe u are on about this shit again! :D
The time u took to write that gigalong post, double check it for spelling and grammar errors, fine-tuning the style elements... Man just thinking about it makes me wanna laugh and cry... But nvm that now, about your post:

You say:
So (again) let's take a closer look at the rules for leaving.
Player must not leave;
Player must not unplug;

That's it! That's all the rules have to say about leaving.

Here u simply lie. Rules say:
Leaving (before creeps spawn)   Warn

This is in the rules. You have an opinion that this is a retarded thing? Ok, but that is still in your beloved, always taken word-by-word rules! So 1+1=2, you ban someone who - according to the rules - shouldn't have been banned --> you get banned. Clear case. Am I right on this one? If you say yes, we can continue a discussion about the rule itself. If you can't admit that according to current rules, unbanning him and banning you is the thing to do, than we have nothing to talk about.

(Btw, he left at 0:00. It is impossible to leave a game in 0 seconds. He had to leave during loading screen. So I don't think he ruined any game, there was no game at all.)

Music / Re: ROCK!!
« on: November 15, 2010, 22:10 »
Wagneric rock is good. Basically anything written (not sung, his voice sucks compared to other singers of his songs) by Jim Steinmann.

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