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Messages - 3zz3

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If you remove my tweak of high psr players punishment and issue a cron job to subtract ~5 psr every week from all players above 1500 (with minimun of 1500) it might deliver the best result
than what are we playing for "fun" id rather quit dota then ;D

Ban Requests / Ban
« on: February 08, 2020, 02:35 »
Name: The_Miracle

Name of player : Aboveintellect

Reason:Family flame

we were in a game lobby and host didnt balance and started a 30/70 game and i left it cuz it whos unbalanced than this guy just flamy flamed he is a stacker

Technical support / Re: Talents bug or maybe not ?
« on: February 06, 2020, 13:24 »
I whos lvl 10 in a game in a team fight had i lvl to take in talents right when i clicked the talent i died and i still had a lvl to put into spells and i had talent unlocked

General Discussions / Re: ban system is a riki with lothar
« on: February 03, 2020, 20:01 »
I think for verbal insults there should be mute, not ban. It seems more fair like this.

I remember situations where people were getting ip banned for ridiculous things:
Flame in 1 game -> get banned -> rage here -> use another account -> get ip banned -> never come back to server.

Doubt there is a problem with access, more with time or desire to check every single reported player
what do u mean mute verbal insults what are we soft like those lol playres pee pee brain and 5 month ban wtf i say flaming family shod be stricker and more days baned and game ruiners

Unban Requests / unban reqest dissconcted
« on: January 15, 2020, 03:32 »


Windows decided to update for the support thats passed from january 14


Unban Requests / psr back
« on: January 14, 2020, 03:21 »
all playres from team dissconected including me;sa=game;gid=6245812

you can see tech left 1st voluntarly than 3 of us were droped by desync than cent left

i whant my psr back for this unfair game

from min 34 to min 37 we all got disconected

Sure deynro is blockhead when it comes to team(like most player who are a ''bit closer to my skills :P ) but if u just bought 1-2 wards and played safe he would solo win for you just be grateful about it . i am not saying balance system is best which i think we dont need psr system just counting wins lose are enough but w/e

I do agree that removing kill/death/assist and creep stats would be for the best, because there are people who play for stats, and there are people who judge others based on stats, thats one of the reason why you see so many "carry" players.
why not add just bronze gold dimond ranks and delete the psr system bronze ranked playres play whit bronzes gold playres play whit gold and dimond playres play whit dimond or someting like that

Unban Requests / unban reqest
« on: January 04, 2020, 22:38 »
Name: The_Miracle


Game still going on;sa=game;gid=6243750

Tournaments / Re: New Year 1v1 Ar Tournament
« on: January 04, 2020, 21:34 »
if i got 3rd place gimi the pudge icon on the_miracle and psr on miracle ty if i didnt get 3rd place o well

Tournaments / Re: New Year 1v1 Ar Tournament
« on: January 04, 2020, 19:41 »
New Year 1v1 Ar Tournament crew proudly presents official New Year 1v1 Ar Tournament.

Forum Icon Award
+50 Psr
Server Icon Award (1 Year)

Second Place:
Server Icon Award(3 Months)
+25 Psr

Third Place:
Server Icon Award Any Dota Hero on this list.(3 Months)
+15 Psr

All Participant:
Spoiler for Hiden:
>1500 --> +5 PSR
>1600 --> +4 PSR
>1700 --> +3 PSR
>1800 --> +2 PSR
>1900 --> +1 PSR


We will use the check-in system to avoid last minute problems.Players who want to participate in this tour will have to come to LA Tour channel to check-in(sign) 15 minutes before the tour.

CHECK-IN DATE: 04.01.2020 at 19:00 SERVER TIME
TOUR START: 04.01.2020 at 20:00 SERVER TIME

Important Note: It would take around 2 hours to finish this tour but players who come to sign up must have at least time till 23:00 server time

  • Tour Plan:
    Spoiler for Hiden:
    1vs1 AR Tour

    1. Map & Modes

    Map : Latest Map on Bot

    Mode :
    1on1 - "-aromnp -noneutrals"   => modus bo1 (maybe bo3 depends on tour mods decision)
    2. Items restriction

    - Tranquill Boot is forbidden
    - chicken/crow - bottle.

    You are only allowed to use chicken/crow or bottle. If you buy chicken/crow, you're not allowed to buy bottle. So, if you buy bottle, you're not allowed to buy/use chick/crow anymore.

    3. Remaking game
    If any player gets dropped before 5th minute (and First Blood didn't happen/no tower were destroyed/no Roshan has been killed) the game must be remade. In other cases rmking game depends of arrangement of both teams.

    4. Other rules
    - Each team has got right to do 2 pauses - 3 minutes each.
    - Backdooring is allowed.
    - Blocking creeps is not allowed with spells like Fissure or Sprout when there isn't any enemy hero nearby.
    - Repick is allowed.

    Important Note: All players must have Gproxy on during the tour

    Important rule: We added few new rules for these kind of tours. The games end when:
    -the one player gets first 2kills( e.g. simple 2:0 or 1:1 and then some gets 2nd kill; 2:1=win!)
    -or when 1 tower is destroyed on one side.

    either 2:0 or 2:1, or if 0 kills happened, the tower is destroyed on one side=win too!
why is fucking tour at 9 now wtf

Tournaments / Re: New Year 1v1 Ar Tournament
« on: January 02, 2020, 17:01 »
i should be in^^
raise your weapon!:)
get rdy mara im rolling the dice for pudge

Tournaments / Re: New Year 1v1 Ar Tournament
« on: December 31, 2019, 19:54 »
who is going to be playing a tour on newyear cc..

Unban Requests / unban reqest dissconcted
« on: December 26, 2019, 00:56 »
Name: HiddenGlitch


Game just started and my net dropped buy the time i got reconected i had been droped i lost 9 psr can u give it back to me pls


Ban Requests / Re: perma this kid
« on: December 24, 2019, 23:30 »
Remember what time it was , long game to check all of it.
like min 50 or 40 that i remember between 50 and 40

« on: December 24, 2019, 19:37 »
i am angry and i google translated my anger

nice job this acctualy made my day ;D;sa=game;gid=6241519

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