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Messages - phenomenalone

Pages: 1 [2]
Ban Requests / ban req
« on: October 14, 2020, 21:55 »
family related flame, national intolarance
45:31   CantLetGO   [Allies]   !f
45:39   CantLetGO   [Allies]   leo jebem ti mamu centicku ( fuck ur cetnik (worst insult a serbian can get) mother)
45:53   CantLetGO   [Allies]   svrbu
46:04   CantLetGO   [Allies]   nisi ti srbin ti si svrbin ( u aint serbian ur svrbin)
He didnt wona go in fight with us when we pushed, so i used -votekick command. We already kicked their player cuz of it. He checked where i was from so he can curse on our language. I just ignored it, didnt wona argue with some child.;sa=game;gid=6329589

Ban Requests / Re: ban req
« on: August 25, 2020, 00:04 »
Also adding, and i just saw that,197696.0.html
 He was banned not so while ago.

Ban Requests / ban req
« on: August 25, 2020, 00:02 »
family related flame, national intolerance, insulting, racism!
XDDDDDD   [Allies]   ur mother is a useless c rap
14:38   XDDDDDD   [Allies]   slavbic nigger
14:41   XDDDDDD   [Allies]   die of cancer dog
14:47   XDDDDDD   [Allies]   and fuck ur stupid black mom
I got mad, i was low hp, he was near me, i even spammed so he can heal, he didnt wona, and i called him retarded useless crap. I deserve a ban myself, but just look what he wrote back to me!? And i beilive its not his 1st time.;sa=game;gid=6319559

Ban Requests / ban req
« on: August 10, 2020, 18:39 »
votekick abuse
16:43   dieWITHHONOUR   [Allies]   !votekick phe
16:43      [All]   [dieWITHHONOUR] voted to kick [PhenomenalOne] [1/7]
26:50   dieWITHHONOUR   [Allies]   !votekick phen
26:50      [All]   [dieWITHHONOUR] voted to kick [PhenomenalOne] [1/7]
32:20   dieWITHHONOUR   [Allies]   !votekick phe
32:20      [All]   [dieWITHHONOUR] voted to kick [PhenomenalOne] [1/7]
39:28   dieWITHHONOUR   [Allies]   !votekick phe
39:28      [All]   [dieWITHHONOUR] voted to kick [PhenomenalOne] [1/7]
45:03   dieWITHHONOUR   [Allies]   !votekick phe
45:03      [All]   [dieWITHHONOUR] voted to kick [PhenomenalOne] [1/7]
46:25   dieWITHHONOUR   [Allies]   !votekick mouse
46:25      [All]   [dieWITHHONOUR] voted to kick [MOUSE_BREAKER] [1/7]

He flamed every1 from start, ''we are low, he's imba''. Farmed all game long, no1 said a word to him. And then he started to spam with this votekick command. And he threatened me for perma bann ( like he's mod or smt ) cuz my response was "kick ur mom''. Maybe i deserved, but cmon...

Ban Requests / Re: ban req
« on: July 21, 2020, 16:13 »

Ban Requests / ban req
« on: July 20, 2020, 22:46 »
family related flame
06:58   Saiya-jin   [Allies]   mrtvo
06:58   Saiya-jin   [Allies]   ti
06:59   Saiya-jin   [Allies]   sve jebem
07:01   Saiya-jin   [Allies]   poremeceno
07:03   Saiya-jin   [Allies]   u picku ti jebem ( its one sentense, i fuck ur all dead u have)
07:48   Saiya-jin   [Allies]   GANG MAJKU TI JEBME ( fuck ur mom)
Btw, can u get some serbian admin to solve this? Its kinda hard to translate.
I didnt ganked, was solo vs 2 bot, he died, and flamed me? Btw he died 1vs1, not my fault at all. He didnt need to insult or flame me.

Ban Requests / ban req
« on: July 08, 2020, 19:09 »
family related flame.
He died on twr, Kka raped his ass, and he flamed me about it? Even if i hit kka, he still would die.
07:22   _JODA   [Allies]   maika ti da eba ( fuck ur mom)
Was some other flame before it, idc about it. I ignored him right away, as i see, he flame others during the game.;sa=game;gid=6307431

Ban Requests / ban req
« on: July 05, 2020, 16:22 »
game ruin, refusing to play, refusing to def
All game long, he flamed us, and then started just to farm, not wanting to help teamm8s, or defend twrs with us. Just check game replay, and u'll see. Regards.;sa=game;gid=6306586

Ban Requests / ban req
« on: August 16, 2019, 00:35 »
jno , croat, hol11, xn.djthiago, fotosfer, pollux, andi1989, lightlink.
Votekick abuse.
14:16   Andi1989   [Allies]   !votekick phe
16:18   Andi1989   [Allies]   !votekick phe
24:58   Andi1989   [Allies]   !votekick one
26:26   Andi1989   [Allies]   !votekick one
29:21   Andi1989   [Allies]   !votekick one

This dumb kid started to abuse votekick cuz i came mid to gank? Tryed to steal fb? I ganked lol. Even i had huge laggs, i still try to play, and i did preety damn good, was pushing twrs and lanes, was helping. Eventually, when sentinel saw they cant win even with +1 player in, they kicked me aswell, same as my team. Pls consider this in ur decision. Andi is the reason i got kicked. And was flaming team the whole game. Ty, regards.;sa=game;gid=6216245

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