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Messages - 7th.SkY

Pages: 1 [2]
Feedback / Re: Why not a !voteend Command?
« on: January 27, 2010, 15:21 »
There is a !rmk command, players vote for remake, therefore ending the current game.

General Discussions / Re: Codex for behavior in dotA game
« on: January 27, 2010, 13:56 »
I really hope ek0 will make rules, behavior codex and stuff. Without a team (to fill scourge or sentinel side), as a solo player, I'm destined to have awful stats and sometimes even be kicked out of game lobby when someone judges me as "noob" by typing !sd.
Its nothing new to have lots and lots of games played 3v5, without switching, without voting for !rmk, without votekicking newbies who make 0-11 by the 20th minute and so on. Say out of 5 games, maximum of 2-3 games are fair and balanced, which doesn't mean that your side will always be better.

It's really hard when you are fully concentrated on giving your best and some random guy totally ruins all your hard effort, with opposing team saying "I dont care about pubs" calling you "noob" and "pubber", even though they have above 90% pub games, without even thinking of making a game fair and balanced.
Everyone who plays solo on knows exactly what I'm talking about.

Looking from my perspective, I played about 150 games on, now what is interesting, when I started to play I knew basics, was far from a good player or pro, rarely had the best stats in game. By the number of 60 games I had about 28.xx score, since that point we went from parti host to so more and more players started playing here, therefore bringing lots of leavers, pluggers, newbies, total newbies etc. Later on, with my skill improving my stats went falling down with 522 movespeed to 12.xx.
Now, don't tell me how you all play for fun and I'm the only idiot who cares about stats. We all play for fun, if there is no fun no one would play DotA, but all your hard work and skill should be rewarded with nice stats.

Yet again, after every game we're compiling reports, on and on and on, while things aren't getting better, nor staying the same, they are rapidly getting worse every day.

You can say that I'm crying or whatever, I don't really care, but what I'm saying is true and solo players can find themselves here. Simply put, no rules = no league

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