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Offtopic / Re: jean's cocks
« on: March 04, 2014, 09:15 »
what if i told u thats not funny yust gay...

Offtopic / Re: Show your ordinary game
« on: February 28, 2014, 08:55 »
HAHAHHAHAH cant belive u posted your potm again terrible dont know who can listen it for a hour while u play this shitty ap 1500 game...delte his fucking comment and go shove your video in your ass,the world dosent circle around u... :D

DotA Discussion / Re: My 1st win against the champ :D
« on: February 26, 2014, 09:48 »
Offtopic but on topic since a lot of u can relate:
A nerd virgin having sex for the first time talking dirty  :D

DotA Discussion / Re: My 1st win against the champ :D
« on: February 26, 2014, 09:22 »
With all respect to the number 1 in the lagabuse system :D
I've got some bad news for you, acidsnow is not even in top 1000 if you judge by skill and not by a pointless system like the one has.

Have a good one.

I agree with common acidsnow is low...but u sanctos are starting to suprise me your pro silencer and now visage are leaving me speachless and against the champ,dont listen to others go pro sanctos !  ;D ;D

DotA Discussion / Re: FREAKIN' ADVICE
« on: February 24, 2014, 16:29 »
BlaZe,respect man. Youre my first ever idol and I love you for that. If you need to dig a hole for a body in the middle of the night you can just send PM on lagabuse. :D Cheers

For all you haters see this xD. Not pro but it is semi-pro xD
This one is for you un1q. You can stop crying now,its ok. I dont even remember anymore how wrong you were in this game to spam how much of a noob I am. You can stop to cry shhhhh un1q shhhhhhhhhhh.

BlaZe = Un1q  ;D :D

DotA Discussion / Re: FREAKIN' ADVICE
« on: February 24, 2014, 10:29 »
Better look at your self..U play ursa which is a hero nobody likes to play,but u made vladimir skadi and bm,,,your second pro build is vladimir and dont know why are u pissed so much at doom with lotar :)

Technical support / Re: question
« on: February 22, 2014, 12:39 »
U can also turn off sound from g proxy and enable it by pressing right click on the speakers(icon for sound in  your right bottom of the screan) right click ---> open volume mixer

MH Ban Requests / 23.23.23 mher
« on: February 21, 2014, 15:22 »
link of the game:

he said he uses mh before we evesn started,i was mid against him,im 1000% certain he uses mh,from start u could see him going for runes even wanted to kill my chick in early,,,i know u need specific situations but i yust gaved u one at start,and wont give u more...he has mh 1000% now u can check it and ban or let him go up to u...

DotA Discussion / Re: counter help
« on: February 20, 2014, 09:32 »
Ember can kill u at lvl 3 mybe sonner but then its prob your mistake...i dont know he is not that dangerous in early mid,all u have to do is not get shackeled while he is under shield,u can harras him every time he trys to farm establish dominance is the best way,then when  he waits and eats his tangos by tower to farm those creaps(leftowers)u go and take the rune,u yust have to frustrate him and dont get killed,positioning is the most important thing against him...

your 3 lane combo has no stun so it can be countered easly,with 3 heros easy,even with 1 that can survive solo,good thing against  that solo u have wewer 1 spell what allows u to go under tower....

Aba is good some counter imo say axe...

bristle is a hard tanky hero but i dont know he is not such a problem as some heros are,hex can do the trick if he is feed has bm prob and is turning his back and is anoying...hex him nuke him

DotA Discussion / Re: A sample of my skills :D
« on: February 20, 2014, 01:45 »
didnt watched it,but eul was good choice for item..

Strategy / Re: Axe mid
« on: February 15, 2014, 20:39 »
Of course im stating the obvious, why would you even write down enigma if there are better heroes?
It's like saying ur opponents have sf mid, you just go play with furion, cuz fuck bat for being better

hehehehe its not the same... ur little analogy at the end is kinda funny reminds me of something like this :D

Strategy / Re: Axe mid
« on: February 15, 2014, 16:23 »
I said enigma is a solid hero to go against axe on mid,and why the fuck are we still on the engima ??? u yust want to contradict thats all...wht the fuck u think i dont know there are better counters for axe????? u are typing the obvious every time u speak...  ::)
He is a solid choice and u can think what ever the fuck u want...
i have no will to fight for enigma so ull yust have to

Strategy / Re: Axe mid
« on: February 15, 2014, 14:14 »
Rocka yust wanted to get in a disscusion its all cool not so wise arguments but its all good :D no need for u to call him out i_like_that... coz in my opinion and i play with u both rocka > u... no hate thowards u yust saying my opinion...

Strategy / Re: Axe mid
« on: February 14, 2014, 18:57 »
first of all i said destro is counter, i stated enigma as solid hero to go against axe mid...u stated the obvious facts that are true but not enough to say that enigma is not solid...

Strategy / Re: Axe mid
« on: February 14, 2014, 18:06 »
Quote from: Rockafella link=topic=150624.msg520369#amsg520369 date=1392393610
why is enigma a counter for axe mid xd?
he will rape these summons before they are casted

man he has decent chances against axe,he wont use summons as u assume to harras or push or whtever,he will use it to counter axe hunger and has ministun which makes easier to dodge the spins and inflict much more  damage...  + if i invaded creaps bettwen the tower he can deff tower with summons get some farm and most important wont get pushed of his tower mid and wont be damaged in hp tearms of the creaps that are atacking the tower while he is solo deffending tower

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