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Messages - the_feeder

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DotA Discussion / Re: couple dota noob questions
« on: May 09, 2013, 16:06 »
hahaha actually i've just checked it in guide but still don't understand why one would use armor just for hi and not for the team..i know it doesn't stack with vlad aura but  it doesn't hurts even if there's already vlad aura or not? or there's advantages from have no aura for allies units?

DotA Discussion / Re: couple dota noob questions
« on: May 09, 2013, 15:56 »
Mortred with Talisman of evasion
Wait, what?

Thread title says couple dota  noob questions.
Don't turn it into couple dota  noob answers. Pretty please.

xaxax btw..i didn't liked the exaustive answer of jeandarc about monkey kingbar. i think there's not a reason it can be deactivated,,,,hahaha now it pop in my mind the aquila ring too.... i didn't noticed any difference between green and grey mode,no armor modify or other..does it work? o.O and what's the difference?

what about this trent guys? i've just played this game and was so some point i even did triplekill and went in monsterkill without even notice..i just did it by mistake probably :))'s the link

i'd post the replay of the third kill i did couse it was quite funny but i dunno how to put a fkn replay if not all game replay lol...nothing uberspecial btw..but spectre was trolled enough and i think he was kinda leaving after that :))

DotA Discussion / Re: couple dota noob questions
« on: May 07, 2013, 20:13 »
lol it would be nice if programmers of dota versions delete that clickable mkb...fkn noobs will click on it and it will be crap...they will never notice they deactivated it.....

Whats wrong with jango?
the name..i've lernt it right today XD vtw..check this slark

the boots you can't see are obviously fkn tranquil :)) ftw!!

he did tranquil first item than defiance..than others XD

hahahah guys XD what about fkn pipe or fkn

i meant mental's not a big problem to understand difference between mordiggian and mordiggean :D

hehe it's like if i ask u what's the name of fkn guinsoo..actually i don't know,i just buy it wtf it's called! XD

DotA Discussion / Re: couple dota noob questions
« on: May 07, 2013, 17:33 »
another thing i never understood about items it's why the hell a guy should deactivate monkey kingbar truestrike?o.O i can't get it it just for sniper or what? o.O enlight me XD

It's common sense that your average melee agi with Blade mail and MoM has more HP that  entire enemy team put tugether.

... Right?

actually it's not.. btw it quite obvious u will not go rambo 1v5 and  when u do that it's supposed they're not all full life...come on! some fkn mental agility fkn nerds! :D

mordiggean it's mordiggian..same as up

man believe what u want but it kinda works and makes's not my item build,but i've tried it experimentally against heroes like mort,slark and other carry team and it can work very good

and btw..'It's common sense that your average melee agi with Blade mail and MoM has more HP that  entire enemy team put tugether.' cit.

it's not supposed you just run around and waiting for blademail to do the's supposed u attack the lowest life guy to restore your fkn life.......

oh i remeber one game played maybe a year ago where i did madness on seeker with blademails and a ton of life if i remember right + fury..the sense was that people will attack u and take a ton of damage from blademails amplified by they loose life attacking u...but they can't don't attack u couse u will kill the tardghet and refresh your they attack so they took imba aoe damage by blademails and fury..when u kill the first targhet the other enemy carries should be low life and the killing chain go on! :D

noone tried madness+mordiggean+basher on seeker? it makes some kind of've dd from first skill,high life,you pown a guy and refresh your should work good,have to try it ;)

It depends on your game style - if you are aggresive and you can handle it, MoM and Armlet is imba (not talking about Void but in general [who will be the first one to say "In general? So for Tech it's good?"]).

Try MoM + Armlet for Balanar, you'll be unstopabble if you can handle it.

yeah i did it often..even naix is imba with this item build

about armlet and str treds i don't undestand the sense of doing it..kinda no damage,a ton of life that u don't need (expecially early game) + void with madness start frag from start....maybe i've just to try it..maybe late game it rewards so what's the item build? i guess str treds,mord,mijolinir or cuirass?

well u can skill madness expecially if someone have vlad in team...i did in the past fury+mijolinir+ maybe but void best item imho it's MoM for some reasons..ulty,bash,his kinda evasion etc. than if there're the right condition u could think to do otherwise but.

leoric with arcane boots..and yes,we already had it in's not MOST retarded..but it's retarded magina or other mana suckers around

with str build it more forgiving..u can do some mistakes and u will survive..but if u're good enough you will survive anyway and have better k/d ratio

Works only if people tend to separate, otherwise, you're toast.

But this:
void iwth treds on str and mordiggean as first madness nothing! this item build is quite retarded already but can works late game..but as first items omg
Really? Justify please.

i mean it can works if u've already good damage and lifesteal and you're noob enough to leave range guys out of the void..if u have madness and buriza u can have armlet and str treads and u willl kill anyway,but it's a retarded item build imho..noway void is agy disabler not tanker..he just need fkn damage attack speed or ulty improovements

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