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Ban Requests / Re: Ban reports.
« on: August 16, 2014, 16:19 »
pubplayer !banned 1 week + 3x!warn AFK (2nd Time)

Offtopic / Re: Facebook PVA
« on: August 14, 2014, 17:58 »

Offtopic / Re: Facebook PVA
« on: August 13, 2014, 20:19 »
my bad, anyway its still low for those wasted hours.

btw Jim, why the fuck are u blodin whole your posts?
no dude it's not low, cuz i don't work everyday. I work for a week then i don't for 2 upcoming weeks.
It depends. The average is 150 ( not with 2 hours of work each day of month, i work as explained above )
And for me it's easy money, since i work with Google Adsense.
Well look it from another point of view, it's better to earn some money then just sit on a chair and look at some facebook posts or even playing dota :P

That's Jimmy for your help <3
Anybody else want to be as generous as Jimmy ? :D

Offtopic / Re: Facebook PVA
« on: August 13, 2014, 19:38 »
Well idk why i'm telling you all this but, i monthly make 150 euro from internet + my work and it's more enough for me, since my country currency is not in euro. I'm trying to double this profit from internet.
As i said to Jeandrac, i'll say it to you : if u are not capable of earning money on internet you should not think
that everybody else can't.

As for the topic : *BUMP*
What? You serious? That low? Lets say, work is 100 euros and that internet shit is 50.
So, every day you need 2h, its like 40-50h/month= wasting of time for just 50 euros.
Probably you will get more if you just walk around on the street and askin ppl for some money.

About it:
As i said to Jeandrac, i'll say it to you : if u are not capable of earning money on internet you should not think
I'm just askin you about it since i saw many posts from you about online money etc. Anyway, I wouldnt move my ass from house for those 50 euros/month.

What u need bloody , i got FB.
facepalm XD
when i said 150 i meant  ONLY INTERNET ....

@jimmy go skype then :D

Offtopic / Re: Facebook PVA
« on: August 13, 2014, 18:21 »
Well idk why i'm telling you all this but, i monthly make 150 euro from internet + my work and it's more enough for me, since my country currency is not in euro. I'm trying to double this profit from internet.
As i said to Jeandrac, i'll say it to you : if u are not capable of earning money on internet you should not think
that everybody else can't.

As for the topic : *BUMP*

Offtopic / Re: Facebook PVA
« on: August 13, 2014, 17:18 »
why? when i could work just  2 hours a day at home ?
for 2 cents? Ok.
Jesus, who said it's 2 cents.
Have u ever made money on the internet, no? Then STFU when u know nothing ... -.-
I don't understand how the fuck u guys talk about things u got no info, no idea how they work.

Offtopic / Re: Facebook PVA
« on: August 13, 2014, 13:50 »
why? when i could work just  2 hours a day at home ?

Offtopic / Re: Facebook PVA
« on: August 13, 2014, 12:15 »

english plz :D
Like you dont understand, bitch pls.

Anyway, online way of earning money  or whatever is called that shit is shit. Just move ass from fucking home and find fucking job.

i rly didn't understand.

Anyway i already got a job, but some money online doesn't hurt me does it?

Unban Requests / Re: Unban Request -Coco-
« on: August 13, 2014, 01:48 »
-CoCo- !unbanned

Offtopic / Re: Facebook PVA
« on: August 13, 2014, 01:09 »
english plz :D

Offtopic / Re: Facebook PVA
« on: August 13, 2014, 01:02 »
What money , i have money
send me some then :P


i am curious about what you're saying and if this thing with " making money on the internet " is true .
i mean , it's been years since i've started hearing this shit ... and dunno what to think

if you want , send me a censured picture on private , out of curiosity ! maybe you can give me some tips in this ... cause i do need some extra money .


yes, it's not a rumor it's true.
And there are tons of ways in making money.

One of them is having FB phone verified accounts. If you have any plz pm me or add me on skype : rezart.lacosta

Offtopic / Re: Facebook PVA
« on: August 12, 2014, 23:35 »
omg pls pls pls dont send me dem neobux screenshots where you've won 0.002 cents :((((
hahaha neobux ahahah  tell me more plz... it seems u failed at neobux not me ;)
Btw it's something new i'm trying something like Bitcoin if u ever heard of it ...

Offtopic / Re: Facebook PVA
« on: August 12, 2014, 23:24 »
Good for you ;)
You see i was ready to send a screenshot of what i have earned, but i kept asking my self why?
just cuz jeandarc is not able to do something and he thinks nobody can't if he can't?
I'll let you think you know everything.

yes jeandarc, i can't make money on the internet :/

on topic : as said before who has some FB PVA plz pm me !

Offtopic / Re: Facebook PVA
« on: August 12, 2014, 23:16 »
just get over yourself already and deal with the fact that you are not capable of earning money online, jesus monkey balls.
And how sure you are about what u just said?

Offtopic / Facebook PVA
« on: August 12, 2014, 22:57 »
If any of you guys has some facebook pva plz pm me :)

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