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Messages - Johnny.

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Offtopic / Re: Boobs or Ass ?
« on: July 25, 2012, 23:28 »
yeah every girl has boobs , but sometimes i have bigger boobs than them. we are talking about nice, big , round boobs

Offtopic / Re: Boobs or Ass ?
« on: July 25, 2012, 22:39 »
yeah its kinda hard to pick between these two , ofc anyone would pick both . but if you had the choice to grab just one of them , what would it be?

Offtopic / Boobs or Ass ?
« on: July 25, 2012, 22:32 »
simple question, go vote

Offtopic / Re: Math
« on: July 25, 2012, 22:27 »
On any exam I'd write 2 cause of this:

Try to make it like this:

(I replace 48 with X , and put 2 to try if its correct)

x / 2(9+3) = 2
x / 2(12) = 2
x / 24 = 2
x = 2*24
x = 48  > Correct

Now, i replace 48 with X again , but this time i put right side 288 ( = 288 ) i get :

x / 2(9+3) = 288
x / 2(12) = 288
x / 24 = 288
x = 288*24
x = 6912 > Not correct (not 48)


so why wouldnt you divide x (48) with 2 first ?

Offtopic / Re: Math
« on: July 25, 2012, 22:09 »
I'm heretic for telling the truth there is a article in wikipedia about pedmas which proves that the solution is 288,it's not my fault people are still in elementary school or that they don't know simplest rule

I really got sick of those guys there talking about math, universities and how u are good at math.
Half of u there are 16-17 years old and havent even graduated yet.

Go sleep clever guys
I agree with him
Spoiler for Hiden:
ma znam zajebavam se i ja nego cisto ih naucim malo mate :P
btw in that case 2x/2x would be x on square and not 1


Google says its 288 , wikipedia says its 288 , I say its 288.

So its fucking 288

Offtopic / Re: Math
« on: July 25, 2012, 11:42 »
Lets play a game  to solve this problem . Answer 2 team  vs.  answer 288 team. The winning teams answer will be correct and no discussion any more

Offtopic / Re: Math
« on: July 25, 2012, 02:18 »
Ah i got it it is 2. At last....

Exactly 144 times

just remember that :

I dont want onions on my Big Mac.

Offtopic / Re: Math
« on: July 25, 2012, 02:12 »
Lolz nabs can't admit their mistake it's 2 and 288 if the fraction was 2* than it would be 288
btw samir well implied multiplying is not defined good enough read div.ide's(smartest guy here) link

i just explained the fraction thing but i didnt know how to draw a fraction so i did it the classic way with the /

Offtopic / Re: Math
« on: July 25, 2012, 02:03 »
nahhh its 288 for sure .

just treat it all like a fraction

so this 48÷2(9+3) is like this   48/2   *    (9+3)  and result is 288.

but in case that the problem would be like this   48÷ [ 2 (9+3) ] the fraction would look like this :

48   /   2(9+3)   (so in this case 2(9+3) is under  48 in the fraction )  and the answer would be 2.

but since its not , the result is 288.

Offtopic / Re: Math
« on: July 25, 2012, 01:31 »
On any exam I'd write 2 cause of this:

Try to make it like this:

(I replace 48 with X , and put 2 to try if its correct)

x / 2(9+3) = 2
x / 2(12) = 2
x / 24 = 2
x = 2*24
x = 48  > Correct

Now, i replace 48 with X again , but this time i put right side 288 ( = 288 ) i get :

x / 2(9+3) = 288
x / 2(12) = 288
x / 24 = 288
x = 288*24
x = 6912 > Not correct (not 48)

So, answer is 2. My opinion.

stick to dota

Offtopic / Re: Math
« on: July 25, 2012, 01:11 »
Ok check it out you uber math pros. why arent you just simply doing the fucking thing from left to right . Yeah its right you HAVE do the stuff IN the brackets first , but who said that multiplying the 2 with the (9+3) has priority? So its just like that : 

48 / 2 * (9 + 3) =    // now you are doing the stuff in the brackets first which is 9+3=12  and you can remove the brackets now , you dont need brackets for a single number.

Then it goes like this :

48/2 * 12 =

and then go either this way  576/2 or this way 24 * 12 .

So no matter if you divide 48 with 2 first and then multiply with 12 or multiply 48 with 12 first and then divide by 2 , you will get   288

Peace I am out

DotA Discussion / Re: Whate ever happened?
« on: July 09, 2012, 03:01 »
would also be fun to play  -arshomnpscidpmdm with -wtf on , but everyone just plays ladder games

DotA Discussion / Re: Dota 2 games
« on: June 30, 2012, 15:47 »
whenever i play solo matchmaking i always play against noobs

when i play duo i get into high matchmaking

when i play 3 4 5 man stacks we always get  same as our oponents  for example 3+1+1

or 3+2 vs our 4+1 or so

hmmm maybe thats my problem i always play solo....

nah its cool dog.playing solo is much better

DotA Discussion / Re: Bring back classic War3
« on: February 11, 2012, 17:16 »
this is playDOTA forum, you wont achieve anything here

Thats why i asked for a 1v1 ladder in DOTA

DotA Discussion / Re: Bring back classic War3
« on: February 11, 2012, 17:13 »
Replay plz     there you go dude , check it out (i stated it was 0-46 , actually its 0-43)

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