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Messages - Novak.Djokovic

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 20
Offtopic / Re: Farewell playdota, Time to say goodbye!
« on: January 05, 2012, 16:40 »
bba MNG  ;)

Yeah Dragoljub, firewall to you too!  ;)

Offtopic / Re: Farewell playdota, Time to say goodbye!
« on: December 28, 2011, 14:39 »
Cya and have fun irl
Same for you PLN.
I will always remember you by your profile picture: a little genius

this forum needs active and devoted members
whether ppl like or not you were one of those members,hope you change your mind in the future
Yes, I was devoted, I took this job very serious, maybe too serious...
hope you change your mind in the future
Let me explain it like this:
I didnt left the game voluntarily, Bart typed !sync max and I Lagged out...
I would play the game till the end, for sure... I didnt want to leave, but Bart did

You will have devoted members, trust me, I see that filibis and probutlaz are going to be great Moderators, sadly, I can say same for other new Trials and Mods...
You need more serious Mods like INK, night^^stalker, Resor, Jingle^Balls, etc

Lex, you are the guy who answered my first Music Quiz...
Yep, we alived that Topic

I will never forget you too mate , i hope the best for you ...
i think u will not remember this ... !
but when i had 10-15posts here
u were the first one who gave me the liNK about the "New Forum Icons" xDDDD
i still have that message :))
Cya and goodbye ...
Cant remember, it was long time ago

Its just sad you had to lie in recruitment to get in staff. Even you did good job , your promotion was based on lies. Sadly but true.

But thanks for good work you have done , but honesty is one of most respected things in staff.

Cya at other side  ;)
This part was honest:
- Why do you want to become a mod?

I want to become moderator so I can help this comunity. I play by the rules, and I also want from other to play by the rules, and those ones that dont - will be punished. Clean games is all i want for this comunity

Dragoljub, you are worth mentioning, I wish you all the best, even thou we had diagreements in the past, leave the past behind. Goodbye dinasaur.

P.S. Its sad that I dont even have Ex-Staff icon and its sad that you took away my bot rights, I never did anything to harm
I was devoted Mod, I never abused my powers, I never gave ninja unban or rage ban after lost game...
Everything was according to the rules and I spent many hours here, and I dont regret it.

I forgot to mention my good friends [GER]Star, Rio^, etc
After me, my signatures will remain here: w200me, skorpy, kingW3 etc...

I dont think one deleted post is the reason to take away everything from me

@ek0 my mentor, Im truly sorry for dissapointing you, it wasnt my intention...

Some of you have my FB, we can chat there anytime. Till then..

Sincerly .abc aka Novak.Djokovic aka LexMonster - dinasaur

Offtopic / Re: Farewell playdota, Time to say goodbye!
« on: December 26, 2011, 10:36 »
Dont delete this, please.

Thank you.

Offtopic / Farewell playdota, Time to say goodbye!
« on: December 26, 2011, 10:35 »

   You may already have heard the news, but I wanted to take a moment to let you know that I am leaving   
That day has finally come. I had some great time here and I appreciate having had the opportunity to work with you. Thank you for the support, guidance, and encouragement you have provided me during my time at
Im glad I was part of this comunity for 2-3 years, and I will miss the team (except Bart). I used to love to visit forum and solve requests in the morning and drinking coffee... Sadly, those days will never come.

Cresty and Travie you are the best friends here, I wish you all the best in your future, take care.

Bart, you are kid, I got nothing to say to you, keep on with your nolife trolling, I hope it makes you happy.

I had some argues with some members in the past, when I had other forum account, I have been even perma banned few times of few accounts, but I couldnt stop visiting forum because I liked it so much...

I will still play few DotA games in a week, because this is currently the best bot for DotA games, but not as much as I used to. I will not visit forum anymore, I thought of deleting this account, but maybe I'll need it just to post Unban Request when sh*t happens. (Rest accounts I will delete)

I am moving on, but we can still keep in touch, and I hope we do. Good luck with all you do in your future at

Sincerly Lex Monster

Spoiler for Hiden:

My past accounts: Lex Monster (perma banned by Icy), Bruno_Mars (perma banned by Icy, he thoght I was vaikiss -,66727.0.html), ManUTDfan (perma banned by Icy), iPrayForFun (perma banned by Icy), HolyShitMember (perma banned by regular Forum Mod), iMusic (I use it for unban requests for [ph03n1x] account,) and 3-4 more accounts, I can remember. DONT FORGET TO LISTEN THE SONG WHILE READING THIS TOPIC.

Offtopic / Re: Can you solve these riddles?
« on: December 24, 2011, 00:14 »
A beggar's brother died, but the man who died, had no brother. How is that possible?

Beggar is a female
Yep. Congratz, you have 2 points now.

Offtopic / Re: Can you solve these riddles?
« on: December 23, 2011, 23:07 »
A beggar's brother died, but the man who died, had no brother. How is that possible?

Offtopic / Re: Can you solve these riddles?
« on: December 23, 2011, 22:36 »
Here is one :

What has holes on upper side and bottom side , and can still keep water
Sundjer Bob Kockalone, I heard it somewhere  ;)

Music / Re: What are you listening to atm?
« on: December 23, 2011, 19:05 »

Sports / Re: Roger Federer the greatest tennis player!
« on: December 22, 2011, 22:15 »
Lets face it. Djokovic is the best. He won 97% of all played games in 2011. And those 3% lost were due injury.
Who is number one on ATP? Who beat Nadal on 'yellow/orange' background?

Roger was the best, was, but nobody lives from the past. Face it - Djokovic is unstopable.


Offtopic / Re: Can you solve these riddles?
« on: December 22, 2011, 21:47 »
Will be uploaded later, in the mean time give me a hand in B&U section  ;)

Humor / Re: Funny Videos & Pictures
« on: December 21, 2011, 21:16 »

Offtopic / Re: Merry Xmas and Happy New Year
« on: December 21, 2011, 21:09 »
Note: We are 1 year exactly far away from armagedon!  ;D 21.12.2011

OT: Merry xmas! Imba song

Offtopic / Re: Can you solve these riddles?
« on: December 21, 2011, 20:48 »
#19 A cowboy rides into the town on friday, he stays in town for 3 days, and leaves on friday. How?

Cowboy's horse is named Friday, so he came in town on his horse called Friday and he left on day friday ^^
Haaahhaa, gj - correct!

General Discussions / Re: Staff Picture
« on: December 21, 2011, 20:44 »
 :-* ak.47  :-*

Suggestion Board / Re: Gold transfer
« on: December 21, 2011, 17:31 »
is gold transfer possible in any way in dota?
Not, unless you use cheat.

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