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Messages - hax

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Offtopic / Dead_Shoot
« on: June 22, 2010, 02:17 »
Don't take this too deep in your heart but please stop posting those strategy guides...your obviously not high skilled enough to even make strategies and your statsbuilds / skillbuilds are ridicilous. Leave them to ek0, thanks.

Strategy / Re: Stealth Assassin guide - by _Dead_Shoot_
« on: June 22, 2010, 02:13 »
Ethirihl blade

are you serious? riki doesnt even have a skill to use when you use blade on enemy...waste of what, 6k gold?

Strategy / Re: Unfinished :: Tidehunter - Leviathan
« on: June 21, 2010, 12:01 »
hood, heart, cuirass, and maybe dagger.

or vanguard + bfury for megapro games when your carry is ezalor.

vanguard doesnt even stack on kraken shell......

Strategy / Re: Unfinished :: Shadow Shaman - Rhasta
« on: June 21, 2010, 11:44 »
@ dead_shoot

again your skillbuild is stupid..shackle max lvl 14??? the fuck? shackle n voodoo is the reason rhasta is imba they should be maxed first not a freaking ether shock.

Strategy / Re: Unfinished :: Naga Siren - Slithice
« on: June 21, 2010, 11:42 »
@ Dead_Shoot

your skillbuild n item build is horrible...enough said.

Well ill tell some from my opinion

Pudge, Invoker, Meepo, Bristleback and Techies.

Why pudge? well if you fail in the beginning, it takes too long to get hood. Also without good hooks, youre pretty much useless in the entire game. (pudge without good items is pretty much the same as a noob techies imo)

Why invoker? Any noob and many average players doesnt even know what skill combos they should use. Most of them doesnt even know the skills by name n they gotta test them.

Why meepo? I havent seen any noob or even avg player use 4 traps, poof constantly when fightning. Also the "common" build is vlads, mekansm, assault cuirass which can be very expensive if you keep dying.

Why bristleback? Well it doesnt really have any "damaging" skill. Noobs or some avg players doesnt really understand how bristleback can rape some serious ass. It took me a while to even understand how im getting raped by bristleback and when trying to play with it i failed miserably.

Why techies? Well this annoying hero is pretty hard. Why? Well if enemy gets gem early or even wards, your pretty much useless. In the late game you should have atleast agham, maybe guinsoo or shivas guard (that requires good farm for a shitty hero that dies in few hits).

I could have listed mirana too but with her aoe skill its easier to farm and get some accident kills unlike pudges rot which sucks a lot of hp if you dont know how to use it properly. Also miranas arrow goes through your own heroes n creeps, hook doesnt.

*edit* I didnt add templar assassin because even if you didnt know how to play with it you could still easily land traps and help your team to kill the enemy heroes.

DotA Discussion / Re: Score : 9/0 = pro?
« on: June 19, 2010, 18:16 »
1v1 is for ignorant noobies who usually are 12-14year old kids.

Offtopic / Re: Member Pictures
« on: June 17, 2010, 12:47 »
I'm a natural guy, don't smoke, don't drink coffee, don't do drugs etc

and this:

becous you are a blond girl!
You caught me  :-[
but then again, if i had the nickname rapgirl, none would believe who i trully am .. who would admit a girl kicks his ass @ dota ?  :P


Told you that you are shemale!!!
Oh I give up .. I am what I am :)) I can't go both ways  ;D

<rapboy> np: backstreet boys - i want it both ways

and few plate mails (we won easily


we were about to win so i bought 2 plate mails...nothing special

DotA Discussion / Re: !FF Command
« on: June 15, 2010, 19:26 »
it should be 30-45 imo..people  would ALWAYS just give up and say "wait when its 20min....just camp in fountain and then !ff."

...or just stop playing pub games and atleast join private games so !ff isnt needed :)

oh, anyways thanks for the info! =)

They dont show every item on the player.

Well this isnt so nessesary but it still bothers me.

Example last game i had guinsoo, linken sphere and few plate mails (we won easily). Guinsoo doesnt show up in the item list. i have noticed that sometimes mekansm doesnt show up there.

is this "fixable"?

General Discussions / Re: Stacked pub games....
« on: June 14, 2010, 17:26 »
I myself like to play with friends sometimes. its not "packing up sentinel" its like few friends + random players who can play and scourge gives up a bit too fast.

DotA Discussion / Re: About !votekick (and making it better)
« on: June 13, 2010, 16:29 »
this would be really helpful imo. i dont see any reasons why it would be bad thing to do.

Also when 1 gets kicked the game is 4v5, they cant kick anymore. they need hosts !vote now too because they would just kick every1 from own team o_O or something like that. pretty complicated.

DotA Discussion / Re: About !votekick (and making it better)
« on: June 13, 2010, 01:05 »
I just said that you cant kick players from other teams are you blind or what?

Sentinel cant kick scourge players and vica versa.

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