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Messages - yaphets_

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General Discussions / Re: the truth of LA
« on: October 08, 2012, 11:41 »
Xmany changed behaviour. You didnt.

ok I will go with you... I am retarded/gameruiner/mher/flamer/multiacc good?
but if you give me staff ofc I will change ... I am not saying to give me staff... I am trying to give you what im trying to say.

General Discussions / Re: the truth of LA
« on: October 08, 2012, 11:37 »
I'm satisfied about xMan-Y job.
He changed alot with his behavior since times you try to dig out.

fawkz and MUN was like ghosts - to be honest we lost nothing when they retire.
fawkz almost delete this community so be greateful to MUN that he saved harddrives with all database
After all MUN did almost nothing afterwards and he retired at the end.

Since Angel becouse owner and ek0 GA - we can see countless, possitive changes.

For me, it seems you are not informed well and you start silly discusion.

so why you gave him a chance and you didn't give to others... ofc every bad player when he become staff he will change but as people says his history talks... plus my discussion isn't silly I only say the truth... and I am rly old player and know everything what happened here... and ofc you know it resor... I don't say that angel isn't doing a good job, I said that some people deserve and some not. as geistz said. he was trying to save pd... but he ends up demoted..

General Discussions / the truth of LA
« on: October 08, 2012, 11:09 »
First, if you close or delete this topic because you are afraid of your reputation don't do it cz i will repost and repost until all members/staffs who don't know the truth.and idc if you ban me cz i simply don't have anything to lose.

we all know since fawkz left everything changed. even staffs.... so some staff are rly good and some staffs are mafia! ...yes mafia ...long time ago when PD started to change and the first ex staff was Geistesblitz he told me:
There was too much bullshit going around and I had the position, but not the authority to fix it.

The owner was putting all the pressure of everything on me, but was not letting me do my job. Quite simple, I did something to force them to take a look at what was going on (because they were mostly distant to everything that was happening within the staff ranks); that resolved half of the problems and also got me removed.

if you want ss i will give you...

so i left as well because PD had full of abusers and the best staffs has left(fawkz was with them)

After 5-6 months i came and i saw everything has changed even all staffs are ex now...
I will give you one of the most epic example:
A guu named acaSRB(x-many) staff not only a b/u crew.. he was head crew... i was like wtff i know this guy from wararena... he was mphacker/multiaccs and he talk like kids... yea believe me.... thats the proof and as i mentioned above idc anymore i need some staffs/members know the situation of an advisor and head crew xD and analyze even they are his friends I was one of his friends..

the proofs:

one of the most epic thread in history :D

damn his english right? :D

so i tried to talk to him as a friend.... and told him how did you get b/u mod he said:
active bro;area=statistics;u=20952

i was most active Ban unban mod so i become Head

So I added him as fb...
you will be like "hahhaha wtf is that profile picture picturing himself in a children pool..." that's a proof that he is a kid..

in conclusion I was talking to gmx on fb... I was telling him why they don't accept me as staff and accept the most abuser/cheater guy I will give you an ss of what he said:
Spoiler for Hiden:

after that I talked to acasrb and he don't respond plus he removed me from fb and today I maked a thread about mun that he left LA... he replied and said" plz stop making bullshit topics If you don't like here play another bot"

well ok boss but guess what I will still play here and you can't do anything about it cz in the end I am the client and the client is always right....u know what I mean..

so this is one of the big example of staffs... now you members judge the situation cz idc anymore good people left so idc...

oh and the good news is that doctaspock is b/u mod :D (yea acasrb we don't need staff anymore)


Humor / Re: Funny Videos & Pictures
« on: October 05, 2012, 07:04 »
Dat cover
Spoiler for Hiden:

who is the green one at the end?

final_end :P

Humor / Re: Funny Videos & Pictures
« on: October 04, 2012, 11:01 »
Spoiler for Hiden:
Spoiler for Hiden:


General Discussions / Re: new season time?
« on: October 04, 2012, 10:54 »
Yaphets, pls take me in your team, I wanna reach 2000 psr and my dream will come true.

We might even take Rocka, he's decent, but I dunno if you gonna agree about that so let's give him a test game first.

Teamwork is the key and since you can get 4 good players(and ofc you should be good enough ) you can win every game some games shits will happen but all others are 100% win but  since this is pub games it's kinda hard, but like night^^stalker everything is easy ;)  CZ he always play with his friends... if he plays alone he will lose.                                                                             

DotA Discussion / Re: 6.75b is a SABOTAGE of DotA ! ! !
« on: October 04, 2012, 10:47 »
Srsly DAFUQ, wierd thing is happening on lagabuse, resor admin, mark is back, geistesblitz retired mod and they dont want to bring back old dota map o mi dži.

p.s and xmany is advisor :D

Epic!!!! +infinite :D

« on: October 03, 2012, 22:00 »
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday happy birthday to alexandre hb bro hope you the best

General Discussions / Re: new season time?
« on: October 03, 2012, 21:52 »
Top 100 i bet 100000000% that they play stack ofc we cant get them... if i have 4 good players every single game ofc i will be the 1st in ladder...

Technical support / Re: Cant join any games
« on: October 03, 2012, 11:03 »
i think it's solved because we were all facing the same  problem "just another warcraft 3 map" when we dl the 7.6 mg map it worked...don't forget to delete last map before pasting it to the folder.

Technical support / Re: Can any help ?
« on: October 03, 2012, 07:56 »
you need to update your drivers... or if you have a wooden VGA then reduce the resolution put it 800x600 and try it.

DotA Discussion / Re: 6.75 sucks
« on: October 03, 2012, 07:02 »
It's always hard to embrace the changes. But you will see they are for the better, sooner or later..

You focus too much on the Bara's downside that you're not able to see his upside.
They've just changed him into a late game hero.
+21 damage on his first lvl (assuming taking 2x GoS and a branch or two) ? That was a bit too much.

- Greater Bash now deals damage based on your movement speed (10/20/30/40% of speed)

With Tranquil Boots, S&Y and Jango (roughly estimated at 20-30 min), your ms is 499 (+199 dmg while Bashing) . And 522 ms upon Jango's activation (+208 dmg). Add that +350 bonus from your ulty, not to mention your base damage being 100+ and your items.
You deal about 700 dmg with your ulty alone. And you are bound to bash him once more after it.
I would even consider MoM at this point.

Yes he's been ruined for early game, he will not torture as much as he did, but to say that he's one of the "worst carries" in the game is just plain stupid. No offense.

Almost every hero is changed. Some a bit, some completely. But they've mostly changed them to be better teammates, rather than being individually strong, don't you think?
Phoenix can't do anything on his own now. He's a team hero only.
Lycan can no longer go jungle, or can he? Either way, he's much weaker for that than he was before due to his Wolves being nerfed.
A lot of auras has been added too. Including Bara's, Pit Lord's...
That's all pushing you to go together and play a team game. That's what this game is all about.
And I like where these improvements are heading. I like every single change they've made!

100% but i don't like  these new heros as he said they are boring to play i think they are out of spells....these new heros spells are normal i don't see anything special.

Humor / Re: Funny Videos & Pictures
« on: October 02, 2012, 14:55 »

Technical support / Re: Can any help ?
« on: October 02, 2012, 07:03 »
change your PC cz i think you have pantium 2 :P

General Discussions / Re: How to IP ban
« on: October 02, 2012, 07:02 »
Yes it does. We are able to perma ban IP's aswell as nicks. Be patient a bit more and all problems with MapHackers will be solved really soon! Something new incoming...

and i know it :P

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