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Kunkka's and Gondar's(can't remember if there are more) illusions dont have visual effects of their passives so you can easily see which is the real one...

If naix enters an illusion enchnatress can dominate it and chen send it to the base xD
... Invoker? Optionally Tide, but before you deal enough damage to trigger kraken, you'll probably know it's illusion :P

Axe's illusions will deal damage with counter helix.  :)
Bummer, I posted it already...

Ok, staying on topic.

Morphling's replicate can be converted by Enchantress' Enchant, but even after that Morphling can morph into it.

Illusions of transformed (by timed transformations) heroes won't transform back, even if original hero will. Therefore, abusing this, replicated Alchemist might 1v1 it's original sucesfully :P At least until he gets fed.

Offtopic / Re: Dota 2 Beta
« on: February 28, 2012, 09:34 »
Well, since there are like... 280k+ posts there, you can do the math. I might have exaggerated  with those percents, after all there are usually over 20k players playing simultaneusely, so there would be more with keys. Ok, lets say 100k have keys, which is quite a lot for closed beta. This leaves you with further 180k people waiting for 180 keys daily. Your chances might be slim, but still it's your bet shot.

@kingW3, you couldn't create it on 2007, because forum exists since june 2009  :P Still, seems like pretty much all old accounts that took part in draw have got a key, which is why they are now giving keys to new accounts only.

Game mechanics are fine, I love free customisation of keys, voice chat and good spectating, but IMO visually this game went soooo wrong. This is why I like WC3, simple yet you don't have trouble telling what's going on. And it's not as blue as Dota 2.

Offtopic / Re: Dota 2 Beta
« on: February 27, 2012, 22:56 »
I don't think they give away anymore at all... Every day 100+ keys, almost everyone should get it xD
Besides me ofc... -.-

This "almost everyone" is around 1-2%, if not less.

Offtopic / Re: Dota 2 Beta
« on: February 27, 2012, 10:40 »
Did you at least spam those 20 posts to fulfill requirement? It increases your chances significantly.

I dunno, seems like older accounts are really privileged there, mine was randomed after about 2 months (back in the days there weren't 120 keys per day, they starded off with 2/4/8/13/20/40), and soon after friend posted there and won key after like, 3 days? (Old account also)

EDIT: Wait, it's even 180 per day now. And they no longer care about posts. Well, things changed.

Humor / Re: Funny Videos & Pictures
« on: February 26, 2012, 00:16 »
Those who watched "a boy who believes he is super saiyan" will laugh at next one >.<.

That toilet flushing sound at the end was really fitting.

General Discussions / Re: How to delete account?
« on: February 25, 2012, 15:27 »
Run antivir scan on high priority during dota, and you'll find out ;)

Like Astaroth said, ask for IP ban on forums, or provide them replay with your fogclicks - you won't even have to ask them then :P

Tools & tutorials / Re: Readme
« on: February 25, 2012, 15:17 »
can anyone have same problems like me? DRM is functioning ok with 6.73c, but the click checker giefs this:"error reading logfile, make sure the map you are checkijng is between 6.67c and 6.72b. press enter for exit".

I have the same problem

Here is official thread with most actual version

And in case you didn't have account to log in

This is link to version 1.7.4 which supports v6.73c.

Strategy / Re: SHREDER GUIDE
« on: February 24, 2012, 12:15 »
Yes, you got:

15 shield from shiva.
10 + 5 shield from cuirass
5 shield from blademail
40 block damage from vanguard
+16 shield from his passive skills. Only after you tke 16 attacks.

That make him to have: +51 shield + 40 block damage.

If a hero with 200 damage per attack, attacks you, it has a 70% to be -40 damage. That makes him to be a base of 160. 70% of time.

Now, -25% from dota reduction: I don't know what is dota reduction, but if you meant armor type, then you probably forgot that hero type attacks deal 100% dmg to hero armor.

That makes him a base damage of: 120. Wrong. Still 160.

Now, His shield at level 25 (7.8) + 56, it's 63.8 shield.

That makes him a reduction of: 78%

So, 120 - 78%(120) = 26,4 damage. 22%*160=35,2

Wow, you deal me 26,3 damage xDD

Ok now heal attributes.

+16 from his passive spell regeneration per second.
should I continue? xD

Ok now 5 heroes with +200 damage attacks me at the same time.

They deal me 26,3 x 5 = 131.5 damage.

I use blademail and I deal + 200 to everybody. :D end of story. This part is so wrong I dont even know where to start. Google blademail mechanics.

Shiva  - 4700
AC - 5350
Blade mail - 2200
VG - 2225

Total 14475

IMO most expensive creep ever.

Almost forgot, you'll stilll have around 2,3k HP, some like OD would just nuke you down in no time.

Offtopic / Re: dota 2 beta key
« on: February 24, 2012, 01:50 »
There's one thing I can't understand. Comparing a refined over years mod with a game that didn't even phase out closed beta stage yet is just plain stupid. Sounds a bit like "My sandwich tastes much better than your raw chicken". Fine, but at least wait until it's finished. I don't like current beta state either, visuals are just no-no, although good amount of new features looks promising. And wc3 engine is getting bit old, handicapping DotA in some ways.

yeah its so fun to be sucker and feeder that ruins games
This has strong 12-year-old-ego taste. Such a shame.

On main topic, it's kinda sad to see keybeggers even here.

Humor / Re: Funny Videos & Pictures
« on: February 23, 2012, 18:00 »
This is hella old, but perhaps some of you didn't see it yet.

Always makes me wonder, WTF was I watching in my childhood ;)

Humor / Re: Funny and Family picks
« on: February 23, 2012, 17:47 »

To name a few.

Don't take it personal, I'm jus warning you before couple of trolls flame you into oblivion.

Humor / Re: Funny and Family picks
« on: February 23, 2012, 17:12 »
i also copied picks in :D lets see what they " know " :D

Expect "OMG THIS THREAD AGAIN" replies, they did it like 100 times already.

Technical support / Re: Disconects
« on: February 22, 2012, 14:56 »
No, I actually faced similar issue some time ago, having perfect pings to every server, but lagging in game pretty hard without reason.

However, after restarting PC (and in result also WC3 and GProxy) issue magically disappeared.

General Discussions / Re: Custom map add request
« on: February 20, 2012, 21:49 »

+2 if we count Tieria as well

Hmmm I think you have to last hit with alch but not 100% sure
Alchemists illusion has to get the last hit to make greed work

I'm pretty sure this part is correct. So, unless Alch has Radiance, you might have hard time abusing this, cause poor base dmg + reduction on illusion won't hurt much.

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