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Messages - theNoobie

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8]
In addition to ^, make sure you have 1.24 e

It should say 1.24.4 when you open war3

DotA Discussion / Re: Score : 9/0 = pro?
« on: July 15, 2010, 08:49 »
1v1 shows last hitting and deny ability, as well as being able to play smarter than your opponents. It still proves something.

DotA Discussion / Re: Pro Players Play Ap
« on: July 15, 2010, 08:48 »
Cm, sd, and rd are the only good modes.

General Discussions / Re: Retard admins.....
« on: July 14, 2010, 21:36 »
I can't wait till the season when is revamped and the game system is changed so there isn't stacking.

Seeing admins and mods encouraging stacking in game is discouraging though.

Strategy / Re: Kael, The Invoker - Guide
« on: July 14, 2010, 21:33 »
Item build:
Vanguard or Poor Man's shield.
Then Eul for ms.
Later Orchid or Force Staff.
Aghanim's if you need the -3 secs and -80 mana for Invoke.
Guinsoo's for late game.
BKB if you need it.
Dagger helps, too.

Skill build:
Everything is good (except nothing).

To be a good with Invoker, you have to have 0 mana all the time  ;).

Your item build is incredibly situational. Invoker is one of the most versatile heroes, by being able to be a disabler with Tornado and emp, a nuker with Meteor and sunstrike, a ganker with coldsnap and forge spirits, and a carry with alacrity and coldsnap.

Almost always, Agahnims is CORE on invoker and should be your first item. Getting Eul for MS is an incredibly stupid reason as well.

Good invokers will always need aga, and in late game should use all their spells.

It should look something like this:

10 Spell combo

Before Clash: Cast forge spirit (eeqrf), invoke meteor(eewr), then blast(qwer), set up to invoke alacrity(wwe).

0 sec: Cast meteor(d), invoke alacrity(r), cast blast(b) and cast alacrity(z).

2 sec: invoke tornado (wwqr)

4 sec: invoke EMP (wwwr) set up for ghost walk (qqw). Also try to have ure
spirits focus a weakend hero in this time

6 sec: cast tornado(x), invoke ghost walk(r) and cast EMP(c).

8 sec: invoke icewall(qqer), cast ghost walk.

10-20 sec: Possition and cast ice wall(g), invoke and cast cold snape(qqqry), invoke and cast sun strike (eeert). Invoke and cast alacrity on your carry(wwerz).

Finishing combo

28 sec: invoke tornado (wwqr)

30 sec: Invoke emp(wwwr), as soon as torndado finishes cd (less then 1 sec) cast tornado(x), invoke cold snap(qqqr), cast emp(c)

32 sec: invoke alacrity(wwer), cast alacrity(z) and cold snap(y).

34-50 sec: invoke icewall(qqer), invoke forge spirit(eeqr), possitiona and cast icewall(g), cast forge spirit(f).

50-55 sec: invoke meteor and blast. At 55 sec meteor finished its cd and the whole combo can be started again and endlessly looped if u have the mana... though something is very wrong if you have to loops this combo.

Strategy / Re: Slayer - Lina Inverse
« on: July 14, 2010, 21:26 »
LoL, kinda bad build for lina.. as for my favorite hero.. I sugest that build:
-Bottle (sell it later when you get bloodstone)
-Threads (int/str) depends what you need more.
-Blood stone (improves alot your HP and mana).
-dagger (more succesful ganking/killing)
-scapter (improves ulti which is great anyway)
Those are items for gg...

later... depends what you want to do.. you can go for:
for more mana/dmg

or you can go for:
for greatest dmg with normal shot after skills...
(you need 4lvl of fiery soul skill)

Enjoy pwnage. Dont forget to take middle way.

bloodstone                   SUX
dagon                           SUX moastly, situational item
shiva                             for sure one of last items to make
hyperstone and mkb    perma ban request if i see u with this in my game

go play some privs and dont post shitty items

Raven is exactly right

Music / Re: What are you listening to atm?
« on: July 13, 2010, 08:40 »
New York City Gurlsss

Strategy / Re: Slayer - Lina Inverse
« on: July 13, 2010, 08:27 »
Guinsoo is required.

Strategy / Re: Tidehunter - Leviathan
« on: July 13, 2010, 08:26 »
Core = Blink and refresher

Bkb is a nono, you are a tank/initiator/support and you want to attract damage for your carries.


Strategy / Re: Naga Siren - Slithice
« on: July 13, 2010, 08:24 »
Vlads is horrible to have as a first item.
I don't even get it since your images don't benefit from vlad's lifesteal and don't help in killing.

Whoever said stats don't matter.

You're right.

Offtopic / Re: Is any one from the US ?
« on: July 10, 2010, 11:08 »

General Discussions / Re: Reconnection Tool!
« on: June 21, 2010, 10:56 »
I can't wait for it, I have dc problems due to wireless sometimes =/

General Discussions / Re: Stacked pub games....
« on: June 21, 2010, 10:56 »
Carry CM is even better.

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