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Topics - IllusionisT

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / Poll, DotA or DotA 2.
« on: September 20, 2011, 21:31 »
There has been many polls around, and i can't ignore what i see there, people that prefer DotA over DotA 2.
Also some HATE RAGE comments about DotA 2 lead me to make this pool.
Wanted to know what users think about this.

so the question is simple, after DotA 2 is out, what will you play?
DotA or DotA 2.

Most of the Players here are so fucked up, they always spam !ff, if they die twice or lost 1 lane..
Here is great replay showing that u can still win even if 2 lanes are down, all u have to do is wait for the enemies to do mistake, to show a great deal in team play, cooperation and cool temper. And to defend your last lane at all costs.

Why spamming !ff and giving up free psr to the enemies, even in the darkest horrifying moments just stay cool and keep playing.

Why !ignoring better players who are trying to make a point in your play/item build.
Communication is the only thing that keeps the team cooperating !ignore your team and the game is pretty much fail, ping signals wont to the same job as chat.

Also there are few other things that i want to point out.

Why picking 5 carry in 1 team, that's 95% of the time lost game, everyone wants to play carry now days, why the games in PD are so rare to have 2 carry max in each team?
I know carries are fun, but they need a lot of farm to be effective, and the last thing u need is another carry with u on lane who will make sure he gets more creeps then you, instead of having a supporter on the carry lane who will harrash the enemies, deny the creeps and give you free farm for as much as possible.
For once, cant you players swallow it for 1 game and play a god demn supporter? At least when u win you still got the FUN.

Why picking 4 melee heroes? When there is wide range of carry/supporter heroes who are ranged, its way to big advantage to have 1 range / 1 melee rather then 2 melee on lane, the ranged supporter can harrash them like np, and still not to draw agro from the creeps, think about it how u want to play, andu will see how the games will change, in your favor..

and finally the replay link :))
it says 1650min but 8 players were more then 1700+ and the rest close to 1700..
Game Time: 75:30min
won it in 1 push after they made few silly attempts to take down our last lane..

Feedback / Tagging the players?
« on: September 12, 2010, 13:55 »
You chould make the bot to TAG the players, like, players with 70%+ wins are tagged as pros, player with 50% wins tagged as semi and below 50% wins players will be tagged as noobs.

plus adding a few commands, like !gopubpro <gamename> (where only pros 70%+ wins allowed) and noone else can join the game, same for noobs and semi players.

your opinions?

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