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Topics - DotaPlayer

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Feedback / here is an idea
« on: May 12, 2011, 09:10 »
i think autoban in games are kind of boring. there should be leave percetange of a player instead of autoban. if a player leave he should get his leave percentage up in his profile. for example if a player played 10 games and leave 3 of them leave percentage is %30 and you should see it when you type !sd xxx. and if he got much leave percentage he should get kicked from the lobby instantly by the bot. ofc there should be bans but only with demanding on forums and leaving should not get ban untill he got much leave percentages to enter games. such after 10 games if a players leave percentages is more than %30 he should get ban automaticly. I express this idead because i rly think gproxy is just stupid. You can wait for more than 5 mins a person to come and you cant play game because drop the player window keep poping up. Moreover not every1 just dc'ing. There could be some other problems like power cut or fatal error and other many things. Or he just have to leave because of something important. Also this leave percentages thingy ll make admins job easier since there would not be many unban request. And ban should be only from forum and ban to abuses or curses or mh and other things. I rly think its a pretty good idea since some other realms using this system. I hope cares and thinks about it.

General Discussions / Is it true?
« on: May 08, 2011, 09:55 »
If you are under 21 or have no human contact in real life plx and plx do not read or respond to this topic.

I just read that closing the bot because its wait for donations. I read it in the in-game channel. A dude claimed it. (i have ss) And i wonder if its true? Because lately there is a lot of problems and people keep saying its free server, you have no rights bla bla. And its makes me wonder as i said before.

I repeat, if you cant answer my question in a good logical manner, plx do not reply at all. 

General Discussions / about fountain kills?
« on: May 04, 2011, 10:21 »
Is it still ban reason to foutain kill people hardcorely? I just played a game 4v5 (a dude left). We had many feeder w/o any skills other team fed much and only play for score. They didnt even push baracks only kill people. After a while they start fountain kill us till the end. Is it still a ban reason?

Feedback / Ignore command
« on: April 10, 2011, 19:31 »
Ignore command is not working in the lobby. Why is that? Make it work in the lobby too.

Technical support / i can host game but no1 sees it
« on: March 18, 2011, 22:35 »
i host  games that i can enter but no1 else can. after a while bot says that i disconnected from server. wtf happening? is it because of new bot?

General Discussions / Do mods even watch replays?
« on: February 01, 2011, 12:26 »
No they dont. Or they are blinds.,46186.0.html WTF!? These morons started everything. He flame first (breakdownhack), i flame back and mute. Other morons flame i muted and flame back. And when i mute they just start using !checkban to hardcorely flame. Watch the replay!!! DID YOU EVEN WATCH THE REPLAY!?!?!!!!!! DID YOU SAW THE FUKIN FLAMES AGAINST ME!! " YOU LL HAVE SUCK MODS COCK TO GET UNBAN NOT ME!" this is a fukin quato. You brainless morons. Watch the fukin replay!

Technical support / I cant create game and Im not banned
« on: December 08, 2010, 15:39 »
My name is sexcrafter ingame. When i create a dota game in fawkzbnet and enter the game, after couple of mins or less, it says disconnected from server. But when i create game in server there is no problem. Why in fawkzbnet such thing is happenning? i could manage to create games like 2 days ago but now i cant. Plus my ms is high in fawkzbnet which is around 100ish but 2 days ago when i could manage to create games it was much lower. In server again its much lower. Whats happening with fawkzbnet? Help me.

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