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Topics - Baris.

Pages: [1]
DotA Discussion / Hacker? Pro? Funny^^
« on: July 26, 2010, 07:56 »
I played today vs this player: OldSchool

In Dota-League. Now see this account (win rate):

Sure i lost this game ;) he have a winstreak of 26 ATM and it dont stopped.

i dont think he hack but he play really good... tell me what do u think about this player?

I found a perfect tool for me - i hope i can help pd. with it.

Here comes an awesome pack of DotA Tools developed by Crisgon. It's basically a normal Warcraft III Toolkit but with some advanced addons specially designed for DotA.This program has almost every utility which a Dota Player must have during the game. This include incredible features like CustomKeys, FPS improver,Meepo Bot, Invoker Bot and much more .

Now players won't have to open multiple programs for the specific function because this program has all of them !

Crisgon DotA Toolkit Features:

-Invoker HotKeys
Allow you to remap your Warcraft III invenory Hotkey to and key.

-Mouse Wheel Bind :
You can bind and keyboard key to your mouse wheel .

-Skill , auto-cast & Self-cast .

This allows yo set your desired hotkey for skills and then use it for Auto-cast & Selfcast .

-Wacraft III Custom Key ( spell hotkey )
Great feature, Permits you to generate CustomKey.txt for your Spells (abilities) and
other action/ movement keys.Such as Q,W,E,R etc.

Note:You need yo activate custom Keys from Wacraft 3 game play setting in order to make it work.

-Invoker Super Keys (Invoker BoT)
This allow you to bind hotkey for making Invoker skills (you can make invoker spells by
pressing one key)

-Meepo Super Keys (Meepo Bot)
1.Proof BoT:
Bind 1 key for all meepo clone's poof ,they will poof to the original GeomanceR.

2.Earthbind Bot:
This feature automatically switches to the next Meepo after casting Earthind, you
just need to active it using hotkey.

-Quick Messages:
For spammers only..Kidding, This will allow you to send Quick massage by kinging a key.

Tip:You can use prefix, for e.g
All:"Yout text here" - this will send messages in all.
Our:"Your text here " - htis will send in allies .

-Quick Launch:
Launch any otherprogram by selecting it or copy and paste it's path and clicking launch.

-Toggle Health Bars/Custom Keys

Allow you to switch Health bars & customKets ON or OFF during game using a hotkeY.

-Resolution Changer :
you can change your Warcraft 3 Resolution Whatever you want . This is intended for Widescreen user only, who don't have their resolution listed on vedio setting page.

-Improve FPS:
This improves your warcraft III Frames Per Second rate so you can play smooyhly.

-Warcraft III Window Mode :
Play Warcraft III in windowed mode without having and cursor problems.


DotA Discussion / How to: Perfect Mirana Arrows.w3x
« on: July 22, 2010, 03:50 »
^^ yes w3x.. my frend ne0oz send me this map for train a bit mirana and i think u can need it to =)

2.Copy in your wc3 Folder warcraft3/maps/downloads
3.PLAY it in singemode.
4.HF =)

General Discussions / How to: Warcraft 3 in High Quality
« on: July 22, 2010, 03:23 »
This programm can change yours wc3 resolution to the max!!! I have a HD Display and with this programm - wc3 is clear and have a perfect quallity.

Screen to set the settings perfect:

My Warcraft 3 after the Update (Programm dont change desigen):

U CAN SEE: The Programm cant change the quality (pixel) of wc3 mouse.

General Discussions / no Season stats?
« on: July 21, 2010, 22:49 »

my stats/profile:

The problem is;; in "Stats from current season" is nothing... wth?

General Discussions / Flame Room in "Recent Topics"?
« on: July 21, 2010, 17:59 »
Sry but if i logIN i wont see who flame - i wanna see the important and interesting threds. Pls can u change it?

I think the thred name says the problem or?
I see much player who banned cause they owned all in a "noob game".

1. This isn´t a reason for ban -  if some player have a good day and a bit luck he make much kills and get banned?

2. I create much games with names like "skilled and only good and no noobs" but alltimes noobs join my game and spamm/flame - THIS IS TOO Skill abuse ²²²²²²²²

edit: push*

General Discussions / Cant see my games in "profile.:Stats"
« on: July 21, 2010, 14:39 »
1. I see only my games if i go on "stats" and searCh my name in  "playersearCh" ? not if i go on my profile and press on "stats"

2. My 2nd question is - saVe stats or? i mean on the homepage...

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