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Topics - fabricio-

Pages: [1]
Unban Requests / unban req
« on: May 28, 2017, 17:13 »

Ban Requests / Ban Request
« on: May 21, 2017, 19:55 »
my nick Makaveli616
ban req for kasumi_arimura.

28:02   Makaveli616   [Allies]   !unignore kas
28:05   Makaveli616   [Allies]   youre getting banned
28:11   Kasumi_Arimura.   [Allies]   like i care
28:13   Kasumi_Arimura.   [Allies]   u serbian shit
28:15   Makaveli616   [Allies]   ok
28:19   Kasumi_Arimura.   [Allies]   !ignore mak

i went for radi on roof, and it obviously didnt make him happy, so he started insulting on national basis, plus he didnt refused to play, just tping places with his second spell and stuff like that;sa=game;gid=6040857

Unban Requests / Unban request
« on: May 16, 2017, 00:00 »
ive got pc problems, need time to solve this situation
turned off again by itself but now on different acc;sa=game;gid=6039645#
sry admins and all of you here for bothering

Unban Requests / Unban request
« on: May 15, 2017, 21:58 »
pc turned off by itself, cant do anything;sa=game;gid=6039547

Unban Requests / Unban request
« on: April 30, 2017, 17:51 »
my nick Makaveli616
obviously for game ruining/feeding
i did not feed on purpose, i never feed, im not that kind of a player
this is what happened, i picked sniper and went on mid, and this guy picked gondar later on and said, im mid go away, and stuff like that, we were both mid for some period of time and i got no farm i the game, i got weak as the time passed, and they started killing me easier, and i couldnt do anything about it;sa=game;gid=6035745

its the same story like in this one, , but i manged to do smoething in that game, as i couldnt do anything about it in the game with sniper

stop abnning people like that this, look at my previous games i am not a feeder and afk player, i dont understeand why are banning people like this

Unban Requests / Unban request
« on: April 26, 2017, 23:21 »
my nickname Makaveli616
leaving, sudden pc shut down
i didnt break any rule
its just that pc goes off suddenly sometimes and i cant do anything about it when it happens;sa=game;gid=6035131

i didnt feed on purpose, no afk, no leaving, just low pc

Ban Requests / Ban Request
« on: April 23, 2017, 22:48 »
my nickname Makaveli616 or fabricio- cuz i cant access the first acc
ban for a11__
game ruining, afk whole game, refusing to play
36:04   a11__   [Allies]   i'm afk
36:06   a11__   [Allies]   -gg
36:07   a11__   [Allies]   !ff
we were clearly losing the game, but despite that all other players played till the end except slark who went afk and kept insulting everyone other;sa=game;gid=6034484

Ban Requests / Ban Request
« on: April 18, 2017, 00:38 »
my nick fabricio- or Makaveli616 <-- because i cant enter on that acc
ban request for Liie.
i will be quick, he made a game with 86-14 balance, muted global chat when the game started, i started whispiring to him bcs off taht he says to me to fuck off, they didnt wated to rmk, not even when we lost one player at early game idk what time exacly
stop with boosting like this please, get him banned

Unban Requests / Unban please
« on: April 16, 2017, 20:06 »
my nick Makaveli616
power went out in house, so computer shut down
i didnt break any rule
honestly the game went bad for us, because we had lagging tiny whole game and yes, i rly wanted to leave, but i didnt leave on purpose and i never would, its just that power went out and i cant do nothing about it, id k how to prove it;sa=game;gid=6032473
it would be rly nice if i get unbanned because im not that kind of player who just leaves the game

Ban Requests / Ban Request
« on: April 14, 2017, 19:32 »
my nickname fabricio-
requesting a ban for Narcos
game ruining, avoiding to kick afk player
i dont have any screenshot or lines of chat but you can see in the game that Lesh is 9 lvl
our team had afk player, we all wanted to kick him because he was afk in the base, ut was 7/8 we needed his last vote to kick, but he didnt wanted to do it, and he said 'how is that our problem';sa=game;gid=6031909

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