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Topics - mamut

Pages: [1]
DotA Discussion / your oppinion matters : BUG or HaCk ?!
« on: November 16, 2014, 03:16 »

I've played a game tonight, fairly usual things, our team had some advantage, and than, my hero just freezes. Minute was like 15-20. After a few minutes it began working again.

Things I COULD do :

1. I could chat with other players.
2. Ping command gave usual ping values (below 100).
3. I could use -unstuck command (w/o resolving the freez).
4. I could share control with other players, and they could move my hero.

Things I COULDN't do :

1. I couldn't move my hero.
2. I coudln't cast a spell.

I have a replay saved....

Unban Requests / Unban request mamutinaostrvu
« on: November 11, 2014, 20:05 »
1: NickName? mamutinaostrvu

2: Who banned you? Jimmy

3: Why did you got banned? inappropriate nickname

4: Reason that forced you to break the rule?
i did not break any rule

5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation: I don't think my nicname is inappropriate. It's a one-liner pun (joke). Mamuti na ostrvu in my language, means (literal translation) - Mammoths on the Island, however if spelled (accented) differently, it can mean Your mom on the island. Even so, it still is not a curse. 

6: Your experience in / I've been using lagabuse since forever.

7: Link of the game? I don't think it's important for this issue.

Thanks for reading. If you still think you're not able to unban me as is, I would like to request nick change.

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