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Topics - diesell

Pages: [1]
Feedback / Idea about separate NOOBS from PRO
« on: June 10, 2010, 18:19 »
The idea came while playing Lineage. I couldn't take in party a friend cause he was too low on level.There is a fixed difference between lvl's so you can't raise a "little" one so fast, taking him on killing big mob's.
Long story short: BOT that creates the game will make a difference between the creator (host) and the players who wants to join in his created game. If the difference is too big ( from PRO to NOOB there will be) will not allow any of the parts to join in each others games. Now BOT will recognize this difference by skill points that each player has. Skill points that can be calculated have to think about it. Also level's of games should be on a scale, each level being generated by the number of Skill points that host has. Meaning that:

NOOB - game = Lvl 1- should be created by a NOOB
Semi-PRO- game = Lvl 2

Godlike (above PRO or something) = Lvl -you choose how many levels should be here. - created by a Yoda of DOTA.

this way i will have to create my way to be able on playing on a high lvl. If you create a new account and want to play on PRO you will get there easy, cause you will gather points much more easy than any other beginners.
On calculating Skill Points should be a big headache but once you will figure that out, everything else should be easy. BOT i know that is very easy to be modified ( not that i know how) , but is manageble, and easy on not bothering anyone who wants to play a game with his own "kind"; everyone will be in his place.
If i can get a base on how to calculate Skill points, i will come back, but the idea i had to tell it :) .

Hope this will help you in making this place a pleasent place to spend a few hours each day.

DotA Discussion / PRO in noob game.
« on: June 04, 2010, 09:38 »
I start playing this game ...i think 2 months ago. Got the game, made the user here, got into the game. Off course at start i was kicked, called in all kind of "polite" way, all normal after all considering the fact that i had no idea what's this all about.
Now then, i am trying to learn, can't be that hard, alot of other players can, i can learn it too. What's bothering me is that i see alot of PRO players in noob game. I have nothing against them, only that i will never learn this way.  A noob game shuold stay a NOOB game. If there is no other way to be able to join in a game and have fun with other newbies, then is pointless to even play this game in here. I am not complaining , cause is only a game after all, but when you tell them "Why are you here? You have on your status tones of PRO game." They just start to swear...frazes like " Cry now. You suck!!" i just stay on my way, cause in the end is only a game.
Is there a rule? Something that can be used to make things a bit acceptable for  new players?
Take this for example:
Player < ss_cheat  > has alot of games on PRO level, off course he will own us....

If it is pointless my way of approaching then just tell me, and i'll go back on my Counter Strike...

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