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Topics - Antidote7

Pages: [1]
Unban Requests / Un ban Req Locked my accont big error
« on: May 09, 2014, 22:18 »
I never use cheats, there are certainly inaccuracies, someone was complaining to me I do not know, but again review the complaint,There are a large inaccuracies

Update eurabattle.netclient I was entering the game itself I thought it was a new update to the game I've encountered this problem in my entering
An error originated from your system, you use it or something, I do not cheat

I was going smoothly until 1 day ago,This event was entering my morning
Do not be bringing the update error? I know myself I'd never use cheats
entered into by which I am giving the same error

again check my ip pls,

my nick:antidote13 antidote7 antidote6

When I logged wait 3-4 seconds "after your injury, I lost connection" and immediately after writing off again when I try to login with the same acc "your account has been locked" I get write.

I wonder if I could have eaten ip ban me?

Your connection has been lost - Your account has been locked

my nick: Antidote13          my account ''Your account has been locked'' write

Please correct the error or explain why not use mh players that properly I am now dealing with something like this was disappointing

approximately 1.5 year mh program etc. I do not use anything. Why Did My IP ban????????????

Unban Requests / Un ban/why
« on: May 09, 2014, 17:33 »
my nick: antidote13

I is not writing panel were banned,When I want to enter the game, your account is closed warns

I find out the reason or fix the error;sa=player;sid=1;nick=antidote13;tab=info;lpage=1;cpage=1

Ban Requests / ban Req:destroy item
« on: May 08, 2014, 11:18 »
my nick:             AntiDote13
reported nick:    WoW.Ow.Shit   

8-9 min destroy item my item 'game runing';sa=game;gid=5478831

Despite this I continued to protect base,After watching replay you will see I am not afk,I did my best

Ban Requests / ban req Stat abuse
« on: April 22, 2014, 19:51 »
1: Report nick: bmw...,may0r,naa,warish4k,.zip

2: my nick:AntiDote7

3: What rule did he/they break? : stat abuse

they use nick feed: zeusmarino            played 0-15-4     16 creep 1 take natural crep (with patrol hero,)

another computer open them on our team have played
points, is opened for new stadiums They've at raising scores
he did not want to throw one of our games ever
After ask is taki tried to throw 0-15
Towards the end of the game they want to throw, but very late

To raise different points on our team played on the computer,that person did not throw the game,0-11 played but 0 use skill.
I want all of them to be banned,In all guilty because they dont want kick

6: link:;sa=game;gid=5461958

Edit:low english..

MH Ban Requests / ban req MH!!
« on: April 22, 2014, 19:46 »
report nick:s3xy,sistem73
my nick:AntiDote7

they are frend lobby log swap make same team,,
04:23   sistem73   !swap 2 6

this person constantly opening new nick using mh,  need ip ban

12-14-16-17-18-20....37 min and game all time fog hook,moving rot with invis,jump invis, etc..

watch 12 min inter 20 easy mh...

that we assign to the host for;sa=game;gid=5466065


Edit:How a new version is also in the very mh!!!??

Ban Requests / ban req Stat abuse
« on: April 18, 2014, 10:26 »
stat abuse:    bmw...,may0r,naa,warish4k,.zip

they use nick: zeusmarino            played 0-15-4     16 creep 1 take natural crep (with patrol hero,)

my nick:AntiDote7

another computer open them on our team have played
points, is opened for new stadiums They've at raising scores
he did not want to throw one of our games ever
After ask is taki tried to throw 0-15
Towards the end of the game they want to throw, but very late

To raise different points on our team played on the computer,that person did not throw the game,0-11 played but 0 use skill.
I want all of them to be banned,In all guilty because they dont want kick


Edit:low english From TR

MH Ban Requests / mh-mirena>>>>>>>>>>>>
« on: February 15, 2014, 02:27 »
my nick:[zaza] (kunnka)
reported nick:cenkacenka (mirena)

20,27,30 min mh mirena fog arrow

There you will see the obvious everywhere we follow mh

in writing in the game that everyone says mh

I just bought a new nick and immediately begun to kullanamy mh want to get ip ban

MH Ban Requests / mh-pudge>>>>>>>>>>>>
« on: February 13, 2014, 15:13 »
my nick:       antidote1
reported nick:    raizo...

mh report

When the bass of the game first blood

darkness hath throwing hook 17,33,36,27 min,at the base end of the game

MH Ban Requests / mh !!
« on: December 15, 2013, 22:15 »
mh report:[ro]soparla
my nick:antidote14

8,11,15,34,37...............    minute       pudge using hook/rot wood,fog kiilled me!!! mh!!

all time mh !!!

MH Ban Requests / [ro]soparla mh!!!
« on: December 15, 2013, 17:44 »
mh report:[ro]soparla
my nick:antidote14

8,11,15,34,37...............    minute       pudge using hook/rot wood,fog kiilled me!!! mh!!

all time mh !!!

MH Ban Requests / mh(baatar)!!of admissions
« on: December 01, 2013, 00:32 »
my nick name:AntiDote7
mh report nick name:baatar

I was playing with Nerub.ulty approaching him when I attempted to throw a gank using the wind as a sudden reflex skills as you move bi scored in the game's bass work on the sly to vote if the wind ran over to istiyormusca normally do b ...Toward the end of the game three minutes to see the same team They told my island mh wind..

as he confessed Turkish counts.

he used some kind of science is the opportunity for that off euraturkey !!!

especially  57 munite...

It is time for Turkish speaking. counted as evidence in that section.

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