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Topics - Hevosherra

Pages: [1]
After a nice little pause I come back to troll these forums with my six billion accounts.. and find out that something important is missing.

Seriously, what kind of a sick bastard would take the flame room away? It was the only damn reason why anyone with half brain was visiting this god-forsaken forum.

I still remember all those yummy flames, ah so tasty nooby tears, all that sweet irony.. The amount of drama and retardness was overwhelming, such a sensation to a simple mind. But now, it's all taken. Away. Forever? I hope not.

I beg thee, good moderators! Bring back the soul and heart of these forums, make it raise again as a lighthouse of all that is good and holy in the interwebz, guiding all those others lost in their numbing mediocrity! The king may have fallen and is now wandering amongst the peasantry, but he may yet be able to claim back his throne! Remember, it's always better to have an emperor without clothes than no emperor at all.

Suggestion Board / Ban stacking?
« on: May 22, 2010, 11:32 »
I just checked the rules and there seems to be different punishments for those who repeatedly break the same rule. I'm just wondering how much time there must have been between the rulebreaking, in example in a case of leaving, that the guy gets a 3 week ban instead of the normal 1 week ban?

Is the record cleared every season or something like that? Or is it like if you leave 3 times in a row and then once more after 2 years with same account, it will be banned permanently?

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