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Topics - [neymar]

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Programming / warkey problem
« on: March 04, 2013, 06:38 »
Hi guys...i using warkey 6.6 for example :
I have a problem with my warkey:
When I press spacebar, it went to the mid tower(like space bar used to do i.e. scroll thru the map)..for example, when I click space bar(e.g. tango), the "target-tree" cursor appear but my screen goes to one of my towers..

This is f**king annoying..( I tried to find the solution in the net but cannot find it, every1 seems to be able to bind it to space bar..what make it more annoying is that it works well before, why today it happens.

I googling all time and cant find good answer...pls help me with my warkey or tell me some another/better warkey where this problem doesnt happen...TY


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