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Topics - budal

Pages: [1]
Unban Requests / Confused ... :\ Why ban occured
« on: July 12, 2014, 14:52 »
Hello to all people who will read this post.
After 2 years of not playing anything i suddenly changed my mind and wanted to play again on
But unfortunately i always get Battle net connection lost and [INFO] Connection closed by admin. in gproxy console. I have read about this on the forum and found out that probably i am banned from the realm.
I really do not know the reason why i got this , because only my main laptop is this kind banned and i am able to play from my other laptop. I am aware that cheating(using rootkits and such hacking programs) in any way is bannable and i am sure that i don't have such things on my laptop.
So i would like to kindly ask if there is any possibility to get unbanned ?
Best regards,

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