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Topics - Jedi

Pages: [1]
General Discussions / A Question for Admins
« on: April 27, 2010, 01:05 »
Hello there PDEU Admins, I have a quick question.

I think some of you have seen my Has anyone break one of these rules and isn't still banned?

"Follow these easy steps to make a proper ban request." posts. Well I am curious. Can i put
"Topic Open for 24 hours" at the bottom And if I do will this be considered usable to Admins/Mods?
Thank you.

General Discussions / A Simple Request
« on: April 20, 2010, 08:16 »
I want some1 to teach me how to play dota better so i can be warned for stat abuse and go one step closer to being warn champion. Any takers?

Technical support / Website Fluxuating?
« on: April 18, 2010, 09:55 »
Ive been trying to get on PDEU Website. it seems to be up some times but no others. is it on my side Or is it on the websites side? Thanks


Well. Maybe not Small but. Here we are.

I think that Everyone is tired of.
(bob joins game)
(Bob is downloading)
(Bob dowloads and LEAVES)

My Suggestion is if possible, If you download a map then leave within 10 seconds your banned for 15 minutes.
This would SOMEWHAT solve the problem.

Another Problem i want to complain about is the people that use bots, and make the games

Or some such.
I dont enjoy being kicked out of games because of the fact that im from US or a Different country.
I have no idea how to fix this. or even suggest a method.

My third issue is The Spoof Checks. Im SURE you have ALL heard of this situation
(bob joins a game)
(Bob Needs to SC before the game can start)
(Bob doesnt speak english because he is a Brazilian Nationalist. (lol) )
(John and the others wait for a minutes and bob doesnt know what to do.)
(4 people out of the 6 leave.)
I suggest an Automatic Spoofchecker to eliminate the problem

My Fourth and Final issue is the .pub system
I KNOW that auto hosting can be put into effect and in my honest opinion it is much easier to use then .pub every X amount of seconds. and It would help people like me that like to go browse the interwebs while waiting.
Auto Hosting Implemented is the only solution.

Thank you for Listening Fellow Users/Admins/Others.
                                                                                                       - Jedi

Pages: [1]