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Topics - meto1230

Pages: [1]
Strategy / Weaver item build ideas
« on: April 05, 2013, 02:07 »
I'm playing weaver these games more than usual so i wanted to ask your opinions also your bıilds too.My start items ring of protection salve,tree,3 branch.In lane i buy tranquil boots and stick goes to magic wand.Then go for radiance + vitality booster + cloak(magic resist) in order.Now disassamble tranquil make ring of basilus + hood.Finally finish heart. ;D Maybe late ring of basilus is ridiculous but i want that minor regen later while i am active on ganks/combats.

DotA Discussion / Ihrl please come back
« on: December 15, 2012, 02:15 »
Is it certain that ihrl will come back?It was killed by ss totally(dunno why merged these two).I hope you have some answers for this.Regards

Technical support / My pc closes dota
« on: March 16, 2012, 13:34 »
I open eurobattle and start to play a game but the game always goes down and i open it up again.Idk why it happens i thought my alt button is the problem cuz i use it always but i cant solve this problem please help me.There is no program or nothing opened only dota is opened.

General Discussions / Unban ip
« on: January 31, 2012, 00:06 »
Here is a simple question.What should we write on our ip unban request ? I mean i want second chance but i cant make moderators believe me.Btw my ip's locked for endless 3 months.

« on: December 29, 2011, 01:03 »
I want to play some really pro game with a moderator or some best player (night stalker hear me plz) but im not that pro i just want to see and play.Im tr and the other guys just kicks us he must be mh he must be kicked.Is there anything possible to play with a moderator only one game?sorry for taking your time

Technical support / LOST POINTS BUT WON THE GAME help
« on: December 28, 2011, 23:36 »
My nickname is ZIMBALAYICI.I played a normal dota pd game and our team won.But when i look at my stats from pd my points dropped from 1690 to 1688.How this thing happens ? :D

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