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Topics - cv_promode_1

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Humor / Made my day. Japs.
« on: March 06, 2013, 10:23 »

Offtopic / Path of Exile - anyone?
« on: November 23, 2012, 14:26 »
I'm just wondering if anyone is playing Path of Exile. It is currently in Closed beta but it is going into open Beta in December. For those who like hardcore RPGs and were somehow dissapointed of Diablo 3 (but yet loved D2), this is the way to go.
It takes a little time to get used to (especially getting used to the fact it has NO currency in it) and also getting a grasp on skill tree, but it is a hell of a fun and the developement team is great with the player community (see their YouTube channel
I am currently lvl32 Shadow and if you dont want to wait, you can buy early access pack for 10$ and play instantly (I spent 10$ in much more idiotic way so buyng this one is cool :) ). I also have somke lower lvl characters in different leagues so feel free to join me ingame.

Hey guys,
I'd like to ask if anyone has ever encountered this weird tech issue. Here's the thing:

I have two laptops. One "old" Asus with Win XP and second is sorta brand new Lenovo with Win7 x64. I am connected with both to the same wifi spot (home network). While on the old Asus I'm having usually between 10-17ms, Lenovo gives me about 60-85 in lobby and around 90-120ms ingame and motion lag, which is unplayable.

  • drivers are up to date
  • When one is shut down, it won't affect the ping values on the second.
  • None of those is actually downloading any warez or antivir updates etc.
  • I tried to set IP and MAC priority for Lenovo on router setup and Dota TCP/UDP priority for all devices connected, wont affect ping values at all
  • Shutting wifi and plugging cable instead will decrease ping value to average 60ms both ingame and lobby, which still sucks

I wonder how this is possible? Any thoughts/hints? I heard this could have something to do with Win7 using IPv6 or something but I'm really not down with networks and IP stuff.
Any help appreciated.

DotA Discussion / Playdota.EU community skilldrop
« on: June 29, 2012, 12:45 »
(warning! TL;DR post)

Hey everyone,
I'm writting this post in state of a total depression from recent games . Not that I am some sort of emo crap but here's what I've been experiencing in last two months. Its not about stats, PSR change or anything. Its about my opinion on Dota1 community as I see it now.

I' playing dota for more than 4 years now. I dont know how many games I played over this time, 2000, 3000? Maybe more, since the old had season resets and I ended each with more than 300 - 400 games, enough for "not a pro" player. I never intended to play a league or something, tho I played some competitive games in our region.
After PSR change, i was thrilled and played regullary to increase my rating, as well as 99% of community did. Then, about 7 months ago when I had hard time finding new job n stuff, i had a break and returned to play regullary 3 months back. And that's when everything turned to shit for me.

Something changed. People changed and that neccesarily ment the game changed too. I suddenly found myself loosing 5 games in a row for a stupid reasons (teammates failures), or simply get raped by enemy team with average stats. After two monts, I ended up with PSR below 1550, usually loosing about 7-8 games in row followed with two-three draws only to win a single game afterwards and loose 10 again. 1700 RD suddenly wasn't a guaranteed good game with mentally stable individuals.

I decided to burn down my old account and create new one. Started playing, surprisingly had fun on 1550 games, reached 1600 fast, started joining higher PSR games, went higher above 1700 and it's happening all again. I keep winning tho, but the effort to win is enormous.

I blame others.
Don't take it wrong. I dont consider myself pro, I sure do a lot of mistakes, everyone does. But I'm trying to play in that best way that ensures my/our team to win. If we have 2-3 carries (not lol), I don't pick another just cause I wanna play carry. If I play support, I play him as support, buy chick, share it and supply at least my lanemate with consumables. I dont steal kills, shit I even leave lasthits for others. If I'm facing more skilled oponent or dangerous lane, I stay the fuck back and don't go for lasthit only to loose half a HP pool and die in second attempt to lasthit.
When I join 1700+ game, I expect people behaving like this as well. But guess what - my expectations are wrong. This is what I experienced this very week.

- a phoenix player starting with bottle, finishing his HoT after 30m of game and 6 deaths on magina he was duelling on mid (at this point, bottle and HoT). Followed by blademail, Mask of Death, at that point me and one teammate just lost it, flamed him to buy at least basic boot and ordered him to def pushed top lane and not move anywhere until the end of the game, which he more or less did. On 1700+ game.
- a lina player, who - after his early core - decided that even when we were loosing in K/D ratio 1:2 it would be great to play lina as a carry (or at least confuse enemy team) and went for desolator, finishing it at 50m mark, having boots, bottle and deso. No surprise, we lost.
-a lancer player who didnt even think of diffusal blade and went basher instead
-leavers, pluggers, players/"sort of teammates" who, when loosing, plug themselves out in order to Draw. People fron enemy team(!!!) refusing to votekick OUR feeder(s) in order to feed on them and win.

On 1700+ games. And I could go on.
What does this mean? Who is to blame? Is there anyone to blame? Is this due do Dota2 release or is current stats system set like even a bad or low-skilled player will, sooner or later, reach that level of PSR where he can be considered skilled? Do you experience similar situation or am I totally out of my mind?

Seriously, people, WHAT THE F@#CK!

ps.: I know very well player's skill isn't about PSR at all. But honestly, who looks at stats these days.
pps.: I also know this has several ways out and I can hear them already - "Host your own games", "Start playing pickups", "Pub games are for n00bs", these opinions are not what I would like to see in the discussion .))

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