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Topics - scareme

Pages: [1]
I'm tired a little... I play noob games and I'm pretty sure that I have to practice a little more. Tryied to play with pros few times, but always votekicked or banned.
So I tried to practice a little more in noob games, but sometimes it is really pointless... all because of players that are picking late game heroes and trying to shine in early game. When they pick low hp heroes like most agi, I just pick tiny and kill many of them just using ava and toss. Sometimes I pick drunk panda, because they never use silence, so I'm immortal much more than with skeleton king...
I love slardar, but I cant kill anyone when I pick him...

How to recognize that someone is real pro and he can play pro games?
cant trust stats...

Anyway - why sentinels are winning 75% games? I host many games and I dont use any swap in game lobby. Why sentinels are winning so many times?

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