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Topics - teofn

Pages: [1]
General Discussions / Server offline?
« on: March 27, 2011, 07:50 »
Is the server offline to you people? because it is for me..

Feedback / Autoban? Ban? Unban? Staff?
« on: March 26, 2011, 21:47 »
I posted all day to get a fucking unban request and the people who request recently get unbaned in like 5 minutes? what kind of staff are you? this is bullshit to be honest. People wait too long to get unbaned with your new crappy system(autoban). If you are not capable to unban all the people then fix the autoban. Good day.

Get more staff!

General Discussions / Autoban? Ban? Unban? Staff?
« on: March 26, 2011, 21:05 »
I posted all day to get a unban request and the people who request recently get unbaned in like 5 minutes? what kind of staff are you? this is bullshit to be honest. People wait too long to get unbaned with your new crappy system(autoban). If you are not capable to unban all the people then fix the autoban. I made my poin, good day.

General Discussions / Stats reset?
« on: January 04, 2011, 20:14 »
Is there going to be stat reset for all? if yes when?

General Discussions / PLAYDOTA BUG?
« on: January 04, 2011, 20:11 »

i have a problem...i have been playing like 5 games on PD. Afte i finished the games..i didin't get the stats....WHY? And yea it's i hosted like 5 2v2 games and still after i finished ' stats :D.... help please :D THX

General Discussions / Unable to ban leavers on custom maps?
« on: September 18, 2010, 10:31 »
tittle says it all....I can't ban people on custom maps...Hmmm? Fix it please :D

General Discussions / No maps found
« on: September 16, 2010, 18:50 »
Recently i started to host dota on and it was all good you kno...And i saw most of you hosto only dota but there are a few that host other maps too like WoW...etc. I tryed to host "Naruto 3rd Shinobi wars" and i get this:

No maps found, visit www.playdota. to add a new map via our map upload web page.

Any help?  (I kno some other noobs might posted this one like me but yea...I'm a noob too :D)

Thanks, Teo.

Pages: [1]