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Messages - Kristjansson

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General Discussions / Re: unban request. au many time ?????
« on: November 01, 2010, 05:39 »
vaikiss, I think i speak for alot of us when I say alot of the people who play on playdota wouldn't with a psychopath as an admin not that you're excellent at telling the difference between right and wrong.

You get way too personal and off-topic on your posts, thrash-talking, harassing people personally. Yeah I wonder why you aren't an admin.......

Go on eu clanwars on rgc or #dota.quake on quakenet you can find me under the name linkoo on irc and Kristjansson on rgc. We'll be playing tomorrow afternoon, good interface for teams on both clients, I(we) don't use eurobattle for cw's hence lack of teams and skill level of players.

I wrote a list, and he was number 4, again with the bullshit assumptions

Stun = disable Rexxar has a stun, and also nice that you ignore everything else I said, and it's not the same, even hex is a disable, so you can buy an item that allows you to Disable people. Not only does he have a stun, after the target has been stunned it's also slowed.

............... So these years of high-skill DotA tournaments and hundreds of interesting replays with dominating rexxar you're saying that he's not a good hero judging by your opinion, which frankly I don't think anyone really takes your opinion seriously hence you're just another stupid ignorant pubber with no arguement what-so-ever.

"A decent player can dodge axes easily" oh yeah a decent player can dodge pucks orb, miranas arrow, pudges hook does it mean they're bad players if they get caught in them? You are one of the most retarded persons I've ever had a disagreement with on the internet since the beginning of forums.

"but since ur iq is not high enought to understand what dissabling stands for then yes  rexxar is best disabler in dota 4 real"

My IQ is not high enough to understand what disabling stands for? That doesn't make sense. On a totally unrelated note I recommend you take some English classes it hurts my eyes to read your so called "English" and annoys probably the most of the readers when you can't make a simple sentence make sense or even write decent grammar.

"also ur an impresive player  massing games with 4 friends against puber games all day long lol"

What I do with my free-time is any of your business and is in any way related to the topic? No it isn't stick to the point instead of making stupid accusations when you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.

To summarize: I recommend you watch some fucking replays or play clanwars every once in a while and you will realize the power of the BEASTMASTERRRRRRRR. Also I just realized I wasted 3minutes of my free-time trying to make a point which you won't understand due to obvious reasons hence you're just an ignorant pubber who has probably played DotA alot longer then I have and even though I can take you solo mid with any mid hero(including bm) and you won't ever progress with this kind of attitude towards people when you refuse to accept the FACTS which I'm basing on games with BM myself and replays. If you happen to disagree with what I said I invite your reply, that is if you have a point, not to attack my personal dota career which this arguement is NOT about, stick to the fucking point and learn to argue with people. Have a nice evening you cunt.

DotA Discussion / Re: Check this replay out!!!
« on: October 30, 2010, 18:21 »
It's not really supposed to be that impressive more like enlightening for combos and you only need rexxar+enigma+doctor + 2 randoms, as in reliable heroes in cw but regardless, keep giving feedback

Early-Mid Game Rexxar is king, as I said earlier pig has 35% slow and 50~ damage with his inner beast aura his pig gets even more a/s which is also great for necrobook. His ulti stuns and slows in an aoe around bm, and he's an early-midgame ganker and he loses his effectiveness late-game

DotA Discussion / Re: Check this replay out!!!
« on: October 30, 2010, 16:37 »
XenyStyle: shaker would be a nightmare vs that ;)

DotA Discussion / Re: Check this replay out!!!
« on: October 30, 2010, 07:56 »
This was not my original idea, if you remember old team (kky etc) they did it with rexxar+enigma+doctor+ 2 random heroes(not the push just taking rosh before creeps spawned))

"rexar  not even close to disabler lol pig has poor slow and if theres  clash he dies  after first 2 aoe spells  also axes  poor dmg  if oponent gets basilus  thats even worse and his stun is  nothing impresive    also  so rex  is crap  if talking about disablers   enigma   also disabling only one per couple mins thats sux hard"

You cant be serious...

Rexxar not even close to a disabler... I'm not talking about your avarage full of agi carries pub, I'm talking about a real clanwar, Rexxar is one of the greatest heroes in the game and this is why: his bird gives HUGE vision, now in this version the bird is auto-invisible, his axes do 360PHYSICAL damage which is great early game, his pig has 35% slow, his ulti goes through magic immunity...

Regarding Enigma, enigma has a good LONGLASTING stun, aoe 6% maxhp life-lost which is great with his 5 second aoe ultimate You make no sense and are just bullshitting, ask any top-player, and debate on whether they are good disablers or not..

DotA Discussion / Check this replay out!!!
« on: October 30, 2010, 04:00 »
Check this replay out :


We finished game in 12minutes, with only pushing mid and taking rosh before creeps spawned, pretty interesting if this would've been a real game(cw) but anyways I wanted to share with you some combos you can try out yourself :) I'm playing rexxar(linkoo) started training bird so we could get eidelons for extra damage at rosh:

PLN: I play clanwars and when we're talking about best disablers I'm referring to real games, but as you might see from my stats I've played alot of pub recently.. (nick linkoo) do you disagree with my list or are you just interested in where I play?

Waffen_SS: It's really situational so they're not the best disablers, rhasta and bane need complete peace to fullfill all the seconds needed in the chain-disables without being touched whilest they are channeling their spells, so no they are not the best disablers.

1st: Obvious, Lion. 2nd: Enigma, obvious aswell, reliable and an awesome long-lasting stun + 5second aoe disable that nothing can block 3rd: Earthshaker: For having 3 stuns. 4th: Rexxar with imba pig and now recently beefed his hawk, he goes auto-invis(keep making dota more noob friendly, we need another riki/murloc buff) 60second cd if I recall and goes through all immunity, same do his axes(physical damage)

DotA Discussion / Re: Rich B***ch
« on: October 25, 2010, 01:11 »
I've gotten treads+radiance in pub in 15minutes with bs(only creeps) and vanguard+radi on doom in 15minutes (only creeps) I saw the video as well, impressive but it looks like he got aaalot of kills I doubt he has the time to both be killing and farming alot at the same time...

My conclusion(assumption) is that he went solo mid, riced ~100cs in 10minutes also picking up 3-4 kills with a support who ganked mid before he got 6 and got easy money fast, then went on an easy killing spree.

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