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Messages - drogba32

Pages: [1]
Ban Requests / Ban Requ
« on: March 12, 2014, 22:42 »
all ally + all enemy members
vote abuse
They kicked me for no reason! I killed furion and then I was killing roshan to claim aegis. My team kicked me for no reason and the feeder enemy just typed yes!! I want all of them to be banned.

40:44       [All]    bulentbasgan killed undercity5
41:10    CeaS    [All]    gj void
41:11    CeaS    [Allies]    :))
42:44    CeaS    [All]    Kikc pls
42:49    CeaS    [All]    kick pls
43:15    Fatality^hit    [All]    votekick bule
43:21    Fatality^hit    [Allies]    !votekick bule
43:25    Varangian    [Allies]    !YES
43:26    bulentbasgan    [All]    vote abuse
43:30    bulentbasgan    [All]    will be banned
43:31    bulentbasgan    [All]    i swear
43:32    TRavisCoLT    [Allies]    !yes
43:51    bulentbasgan    [All]    who types yes will be banned
43:55    tomix88    [Allies]    !Yes
43:57    electricman    [All]    !yes
43:59    slmxxx    [Allies]    !yes
44:00       [All]    bulentbasgan was kicked by vote.

Ban Requests / br
« on: March 12, 2014, 22:14 »
religious intolerance + flame
12:03    gezi_parki    [All]    allahınıza korum :D (fuck your Allah)
12:42    gezi_parki    [All]    allahınızı sıkerım :D(fuck your Allah)
13:43    gezi_parki    [All]    tayyıbın spermı gelde akıtayım agzına ç.D (I'Ll cum in your mouth)
17:12    gezi_parki    [All]    adamı sıkerım susturrum bole :D (fucked and got you silenced )
18:34    gezi_parki    [All]    zuahahah baban ben oldum la sevın :D (i'm your daddy be happy)
18:48    gezi_parki    [All]    sen avradınıda kardeslerıne sıktırırsın ellam :D(sth childish)
18:53    gezi_parki    [All]    senınkı kalkmıomu :D (sth childish again)
32:13    gezi_parki    [All]    cehennem atesınde annenızın yanan amına bır avuc su serpende ben olucam :D (i'll be the one who gives water to your burning mom in the hell)
43:29    gezi_parki    [All]    zuhahahahahah ızdırabınızı sıkerım adam olcaksınız .D (fuck the hell you)
43:45    gezi_parki    [All]    yırtık donunuzu dikin şsimdiş :D (sth childish)
44:15    gezi_parki    [Allies]    allahını yaladıklarım .D (lick your Allah)
44:27    caresarigul    [Allies]    yas kac olm senin ya :D
44:38    gezi_parki    [All]    allahını sıkecek kadar var kanka :D ( I'm old enough to fuck your Allah)
45:32    gezi_parki    [All]    yalarım allahınızın am dudaklarından :D (lick your Allah's pussy lips)
49:41    gezi_parki    [All]    göt kenarları sızı :D (assholes)
50:58    gezi_parki    [All]    oyun ıcın saolun am bitlerı :D (sth childish)

Ban Requests / br
« on: March 12, 2014, 18:50 »
WanderLst ysnbys
flame + afk
02:21    WanderLst    [Allies]    enc ananı sikeyim (fuck your mom)
03:00    WanderLst    [Allies]    ananın amına koy (fuck your mom's pussy)
03:02    WanderLst    [Allies]    otospu cocgu (son of a bitch)
03:10    WanderLst    [Allies]    orospu*(bitchh)
@15:34 AFK
27:58    WanderLst    [Allies]    anasını siktigimn (fuck your mom)
29:47    ysnbys    [Allies]    OC (son of a bitch)
29:49    ysnbys    [Allies]    ANNAI SIKERM (fuck your mom)

Ban Requests / br
« on: March 12, 2014, 15:35 »
flame + telling ally's position + flame again :D + afk + religious intolerance
Around @4 he stayed afk
02:28    hall_of_fame    [All]    senin ananı bacını sikerm oropsu cocugu (I'll fuck you mom and sister)
02:38    hall_of_fame    [All]    allahını kitabını siktgmn cocugu (I'll fuck your Allah)
05:37    hall_of_fame    [Allies]    !ignore kil
05:42    hall_of_fame    [Allies]    !ignore dın
05:47    hall_of_fame    [Allies]    !ignore don
09:03    hall_of_fame    [Allies]    ANANIN AMINI SKERM SENN ( fuck your mom's pussy )
09:08    hall_of_fame    [Allies]    AMIN SICTGINI NOOB OC ( son of a bitch)
09:15    hall_of_fame    [Allies]    ANANIN AMINDAN MI OLUR ( mom's pussy)
09:22    hall_of_fame    [Allies]    OROSPU COCUGU ( son of a bitch )
14:04    hall_of_fame    [Allies]    atın dedik size orospu cocukları ( told you to kick me you son of a bitches )
14:06    hall_of_fame    [Allies]    noob oclar ( noob son of bitches )
14:23    hall_of_fame    [All]    kacın clntxz orda ( RUN CLINKZ IS THERE )  -> Told ally position
14:31    hall_of_fame    [All]    banlatmazsan OROSPU COCUGSUN ( if you don't get me banned, you're a son of a bitch then )
14:40    hall_of_fame    [All]    ALLAHINI SKTGMN COCUGU (fuck your Allah)
14:58    hall_of_fame    [All]    BUNLARI DA SOYLE BENIM YEDI SULALEMI CATIR CATIR SKTI DE ( tell em he fucked my family )
15:01    hall_of_fame    [All]    OROSPU EVLADI SENI (son of a bitch)
15:04    hall_of_fame    [All]    NOOB PIC ( bastard )
25:17    hall_of_fame    [Allies]    bi tane mecaz adında oc ( mecaz is son of a bitch )
26:00    hall_of_fame    [Allies]    beynini skeym ya :D (fuck your brain)
29:21    hall_of_fame    [All]    tiny ocu net mh :D ( tiny the bastard, is clearly mher )

Ban Requests / Re: Ban Request
« on: March 10, 2014, 20:09 »

Ban Requests / Re: Ban request
« on: March 09, 2014, 06:45 »
Then why did you mention his dagon I don't understand. Also; if a guy stays afk, he can be banned for sure. If he just tries to break down tower, kill creeps, walk on the map etc., I don't think this could be a good reason for someone to be banned.

Ban Requests / Re: Ban request
« on: March 08, 2014, 12:02 »
Hahaha. You want someone to be banned because he made dagon? You can't decide for that loser :D It's up to the owner, not you! Dude you are really pathetic? Anyway case closed :D

Ban Requests / br
« on: March 08, 2014, 11:59 »
afk, game ruin
@11:03    He feeded then stayed afk till the end. Want him to be banned.

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