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Messages - Dr_Zoidberg

Pages: [1]
Strategy / Re: Zeus MEGA ULTI BUG 6.71
« on: January 23, 2011, 15:32 »
Look vaikiss, this is vid that my friend make just to show zeus new ability! I post this, and I post link from the game where zeus had aghananim and he was lvl 14 and killed us all! Watch reaply if u dont believe, just pls don't pretend smart!

Strategy / Re: Zeus MEGA ULTI BUG 6.71
« on: January 23, 2011, 14:42 »
Cmon guys, how can u say its not a bug! Its unreal that one hero can kill 5 full hp heroes!
See for yourself! 

Strategy / Re: Zeus MEGA ULTI BUG 6.71
« on: January 23, 2011, 11:49 »
Guys watch replay, he didn't have refresher! When he first time got rampage he was like 14 lvl and only had aghaninm scepter! I think that I know where is the bug! Well as far as i could see, ulty gets imba only if multiple heroes are standing near each other due to chain lightning, i was once solo hit by his ulty and it did normal dmg (around 40. min, after they broke through mid, idk exactlly when)

Strategy / Re: Zeus MEGA ULTI BUG 6.71
« on: January 23, 2011, 04:08 »
This is replay that works! The link that I have posted before is broken!

Strategy / Zeus MEGA ULTI BUG 6.71
« on: January 23, 2011, 03:59 »
Well, just an hour ago I played a game against zeus! At some point of game he got aghananim scepter and he was 16 lvl. He would just cast his ulti and KABOOOOOOOOMMMM, it was rampgae! And severel more times in the game! IceFrog I beg u to fix this unreal bug ASAP!!!11
Thank you very much, your skagradjo Its on 34:42
Look carefully!

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