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Messages - GalenMarek

Pages: [1]
Technical support / Re: do you reset stats often?
« on: July 27, 2010, 23:11 »
What he means to say, is that we only reset stats when an admin loses a game.

DotA > HoN & LoL gameplay and balancewise. that my friends is a FACT.

now, the graphics .. if you ask me ... dota`s graphics are decent, not like other old games.
imo, i`d rather play a great gameplay (dota) with decent graphics than mega stupid imbalanced gameplay (HoN and LoL, i say imbalanced mainly because they are all basically "new" heroes, and it took icefrog ... several several versions to balance dota. so basically a lot of them can be useless and a lot of them overpowered .. that isn`t the case on dota.) with "great" graphics which aren`t that great at all.

people keep surfing through games like mindless animals cause they see it "looks" nice`r, not caring about the gameplay. that is one of the dumbest shit i ever witnessed.

if you ask me, it`s either what i said above, or it`s the fact that they couldn`t handle dota, and they wanna get "imba" at the new game where no one is already, that`s pretty sad. and that`s why they will never learn anything, cause they don`t stick to it :) these people generally fail at life also cause they give up easily on everything, just to have a "headstart", to make it "easier" for them. that`s also pathetic.


Yea, Sven may not be too bright as well, but he can get the job done.

Technical support / Re: What is this?
« on: June 30, 2010, 00:07 »
Perhaps icefrog implemented some sort of code for when a certain combination of heroes/heroes and/or heroes/items are used in a game the message appears. This would save a lot of time when looking for bugs and incompatibilities.

Offtopic / Re: iluv_meow
« on: June 29, 2010, 18:32 »
You're overstepping some boundaries here.

Offtopic / Re: Member Pictures
« on: June 26, 2010, 17:15 »

Hahahahah ;D To each his own, mrNiceguy.

Offtopic / Re: Member Pictures
« on: June 26, 2010, 17:00 »
Oh, and 16 yr old kids don't wear a suit. EVER ! :))

Not intentionally, no ;D

But outside the rules of playdota, i assume you also follow the rules of society, that dictate you have to wear specific attire for certain events [as i presume you attended when the pictures were taken 8)], even if you "flame" the admins of your / our government as much as you wish.

Offtopic / Re: Member Pictures
« on: June 26, 2010, 15:45 »
College? You're like... 16.

Right on top of the big blue f*ckin` UPLOAD NOW you have "Upload Options / Resizing"

Go for 640x480

Offtopic / Re: Girls of members xd
« on: June 26, 2010, 09:57 »
How bored were you when you started this thread?

Offtopic / Re: Member Pictures
« on: June 24, 2010, 20:29 »
Make-up? Really? That's the full extent of your psychological abilities? I'm sorry  :(

Offtopic / Re: Member Pictures
« on: June 24, 2010, 15:27 »
Let me add some more spam to this topic.

Oh, the shame...

Hello everyone.

Strategy / Re: Terrorblade the unbeatable
« on: June 22, 2010, 20:05 »
Did You think of this:

+ = DEATH!

Tell me what you think down here.

Yeah, you're brilliant. If only this strategy hadn't been used for almost 1 year now.

Feedback / Re: Suggestion to Avoid Stats Abuse
« on: May 03, 2010, 12:13 »
...but hard to accomplsh, code-wise.

Feedback / Re: Stat improvement
« on: April 22, 2010, 13:47 »
Everyone has a different view on whichever hero should buy wards and pet / upgrade for team. You could implement a K/D/A and CK/CD/Ne assess system and name the top 2 as a user trait. I'm sure you've seen this around, but for example, a user having 5/1/12 will be categorized as a Supporter. That way pub games could be more balanced, each host choosing and swapping accordingly. EG: you can have 3 attackers, 1 support and 1 farmer [avg of +140-150 creeps per game & +60 neutrals]*

*does not apply to private games or friends mercilessly looking for score in pub games :))

Pages: [1]