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Messages - Z44gh

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / Re: Bart's Chicks
« on: November 21, 2011, 21:53 »
Thought I saw those on: 'buy your own hot Russian chick today' banner somewhere... Gl Bart!

Tournaments / Re: 4th Night Cup. Sign-up INFO!
« on: September 14, 2011, 04:00 »
Call of Dota ( CoD)
Captain : Saintknight
Players :

May add some additional players later on

Tournaments / Re: 3rd Night Cup. Sign-up INFO!
« on: August 24, 2011, 17:41 »
Team Name: Veni Vidi Vici (VVV)
Captain: SaintKnight

May add some additional players later on.

Tournaments / Re: 1V1 AR Tour!
« on: August 21, 2011, 18:53 »
I'll be there.

General Discussions / Re: About psr
« on: May 03, 2011, 23:58 »
I have never implied PSR should be removed, nor did I imply it should be removed.

I just recon, that under current circumstances, games are played for statistics and to be honest, I would much rather see it as being played for the win. My thread is trying to look for alternatives to make this happen, and with that, increase the skill level of PD players.

I am not certain if this is at all possible, therefor I brought it up for discussion. I'd like to know you're oppinion on it so feel free to reply on it.

Vanye seemed to have understood the point of this thread.

The starter of this thread, read myself, has NEVER intended to remove the !ff command. Under certain circumstances, it is definately a very useable command!

The meaning of this thread, is to say that under current rules, the !ff command is used to prevent further stat loss. The effect of this is that people rather give up a game that they might have won if they had continued playing.

I request everyone replying on this to take the above into account and stop saying that the !ff command is under discussion. Cause in this thread it's NOT!

General Discussions / Re: About psr
« on: May 02, 2011, 22:28 »
I have kinda been trying to get this discussion going as well. See:,59690.0.html
for the thread.

I'm kinda against the SD system, as it tends to make players stat-whores. I recon a w/l stat ladder will affect games to be much more skilled, as it will make picking assist hero's more obvious rather than the 5 agi heros.

Perhaps we can one day increase the skill of PD games to a higher rate.

Reading the replies to my post, only a few people seem to be understanding where I am getting at.

I am pointing out, that if we do NOT keep track of the k/d/a scores, opposing team will have NO reason to go fountain ganking at all. Why would they? The only thing that will be taken into account is win / loss ratio anyway.

That way, I'm intending to prevent the fountain ganking and to the *losing* team more interesting to continu playing. If you work closely together, you just might win! For that reason, we get to dota being played for a good game like a previous replier mentioned, rather than the stat farming.

A fair point was made by saying it would be hard to prevent people from joining noob / pro games. I am not sure how we could prevent this from happening, yet another fair point was made that these people manage to do that in the current situation as well.

Please revise your oppinions and reply again, I'm hoping to have cleared some things up.

General Discussions / PD's PSR system and forfeit command
« on: May 01, 2011, 19:18 »

Lately I've come across alot of different games where people use forfeit because they "wont lose stats" in that case. It makes me sad people give up at minute 25 even if game is not decided yet.

I am thinking of a new system that will stop recording k/d/a, creep score etc. etc. but only record the win / loss ratio of the games.

In my oppinion, this will increase the skill in games, make people more viable to pick team hero's rather than going all agi. Obviously, it will become alot harder to decide which players are pro and which players aren't, however, it will reduce the !ff @ min 25s and possibly make games more interesting.

I'm wondering how other players feel about this. I recon stat hunters will be against this idea, but perhaps people that play solely for the win/loss may feel completely different. So, whats your oppinion?

General Discussions / New hosting idea for
« on: December 27, 2010, 15:29 »
Thinking about an upcoming season, I was thinking, how can we improve both score system and hosting system at the same time.

My idea at this moment is like this:

1st step: player wispers bot !gopub --> Bot creates a lobby game with the name of the owner.
2nd step: owner enters command like on the normal bots: !hcl apso
3rd step: owner enters a skill level: !skill pro
4th step owner uses !pub ---> Bot will pub the game by the set strings, in this case: -APSO pro.

Like this, the bot will host uniform games that people can get used to and recognise. Besides this, we can now factor in a score system. Imagine hosting a game with !hcl apemso, this will take about 50% of the time a normal game would take in most cases. Therefore, the score made in this game will only count for 0.5 from a normal -apso game.

Also, hosts can't make any mistakes by entering wrong game mod. Besides this, bot can maximize the amount of apso games there are in the lobby even though this makes it vulnerable for abusers.

I'd like the thoughts of other players on this idea, either good or bad.

Suggestion Board / Re: Backdoor is beautiful?
« on: December 07, 2010, 17:16 »
That may be, however, backdooring with heroes that can TP cross map is too lame imo. Specially with wisp as its undefendable.

Suggestion Board / Re: Backdoor is beautiful?
« on: December 07, 2010, 02:04 »
I was just wondering, at this moment, is it or isn't it allowed to use BD on Furion. And if not, then is it allowed on Wisp.

Today I have found myself in a game with Wisp-riki-sniper. We got to really late game so sniper had items that made him crit 900. Now, at some point, they were losing so they figured it would be better to go backdooring to win. Usually, I dont really mind BD, but with a wisp, a TP is fairly useless. Once you even get there, the heroes are long gone or instantly rape you as they have 1000 increased attackspeed.

I am really not agreeing with worldmap TP heroes that are allowed to backdoor. It is impossible to defend, specially against a wisp. Wondering how you guys think about this.


ps. Link of the game if anyone is bored enough to watch the full replay ^^

Humor / Re: Rick Astley made new video! Check it out :)
« on: October 21, 2010, 02:44 »
Oo How did I steal YOUR video? I think it still belongs to Rick Astley!

Humor / Rick Astley made new video! Check it out :)
« on: October 21, 2010, 02:31 »

Dont forget to read peeps responses :D

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