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Messages - momma_bear

Pages: [1]
DotA Discussion / Re: DotA Facts
« on: April 18, 2012, 11:54 »
Can silencer cast ulti while it's in the middle of the duel with Legion and interrupt it ?

It seemed like that to me but I wanna make sure, who knows ?

DotA Discussion / Re: DotA Games
« on: April 18, 2012, 11:48 »
This is pub game but still: how to lose a game when u have mega creeps on one lane, and u are feeded by the enemy like this: 1 5   3 5   0 11  0 3    3 0.

Game won 95% i must say at that point, min 25, but in the end...not. And yeah, they must nerf riki in furture maps.

DotA Discussion / Autoattacking from invisibility
« on: April 04, 2012, 17:55 »
What triggers autoatacks when u are invisible ?

For instance, when i'm with Riki and i'm in a lane free farming, after I kill a creep he just stands there being stupid doing nothing and I have to click on each creep for him to attack. On the other hand, when I am slalking a hero and waiting for the stunner to arrive, sometimes he just autoattacks him from invisibility like an idiot, and the enemy retreats before stunner arrive, so failed gang.

Also with roof, it happens alot of times that I cast invisibility on him to escape a gang, and he starts autoatacking creeps, so bye bye invisibility and I get killed.

DotA Discussion / Disable throw by Tiny
« on: March 26, 2012, 09:39 »
Last game i played the enemy was fountain camping and Tiny kept throwing me into them to get raped.

I typed -disablehelp and still he could continue to do that.

What is the command to prevent Tiny throwing you ? Can he be banned by doing that ?

Pages: [1]