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Messages - ProphecyChild

Pages: [1]
General Discussions / Re: Cornerns about Unban Section
« on: April 21, 2012, 12:58 »
i already read that. I can wait for unban and i am not spaming admins for unban. But i am asking that if you can starts replying from the first req. Because owner of the first req waited longer than other players. This is what bothers me.

General Discussions / Cornerns about Unban Section
« on: April 21, 2012, 12:45 »
I think the section of unban requests is not fair. I posted 2 unban requests to that section one of them is 3 day ago and the other is yesterday. Today i looked for reply and still no reply for my requests.And i get curious and looked all unban req with in 3 days. Unban moderators starting to reply the unban req from newest ones and thats unfair. I am still waiting for unban but some of the players posted just 1 or 2 hours ago and moderator replyed their req. I think you should start replying from the oldest request to be fair.

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