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Messages - Pash4

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussions / Re: Mhing confession
« on: January 19, 2013, 22:53 »
There is a way out:) And surprise.This out way maked by Turks.I tried so much servers.Really so much servers and in this server.There is no way out for mh'ers. Their system is just so good:)

DotA Discussion / Re: What do you play besides dota??
« on: December 10, 2012, 13:22 »
You didn't say what kind of game you are looking for...
Anyway if I play something, and it isn't DotA:
- Sins of Solar Empire, with all expansions. I play single only, it takes too long.
- Age of Mythology, with expansion, sometimes.
- Torchlight, RPG from makers of Diablo 2. But I stopped, there is no multiplayer.
- Quake 3 from time to time
- Act of War, with expansion, great and underrated RTS
- Rise of Nations: Thrones and Patriots
- Rise of Legends
- I finished F.3.A.R. like month ago
- I used to play XIII (fps). Hmm, gotta get it again.
- Now I'm thinking about PlanetSide 2, f2p mmofps

Did you want to play riseofnations with me?:D

Offtopic / Re: Invokar gamee
« on: November 28, 2012, 16:33 »
148.8 Seconds

Additional Stats
Keys Pressed:   573
Spells Invoked:   111
Spells Used:   79
Combos:   36
Stage:   52

Was funny:) 2. time survival.

Tools & tutorials / Re: XPAM|Euroloader GProxy 1.7.3
« on: November 11, 2012, 19:44 »
Cant add as image.Please look at this :

well delete all those maphacks from your warcraft and everything will be solved noob.

Interesting:) Are you serious?!

Go ask my name some of map hack admins:)

Tools & tutorials / Re: XPAM|Euroloader GProxy 1.7.3
« on: November 11, 2012, 19:31 »
Cant add as image.Please look at this :

DotA Discussion / Re: owning early game not possible?
« on: September 11, 2012, 19:55 »
There is one way to playing good games in pd."IHRL"

Strategy / Re: Mortred ' Phantom Assasin ' Build
« on: September 09, 2012, 22:25 »
Since i am playing pubs noone stacks camps. and i am busy with farming. and i think lifesteal helps laning better then aqulia. And yes i go with deso later for insane damage output.

altough i dont make vlads if somone already makes.. then i switch domi build
That even makes stacking easier, because peope are not even paying attention. You just dominate that creep, hotkey it, and each minute spend 3-5 seconds using that creep to stack. Later join the party with battlefury, and get 1,5k gold on instant. If not more.

I wouldn't say it's still laning if you have vlads done. But even if, vlad pushes your lane, which doesn't really help you lasthit better. Neither does autoattack.

Vlad gives u only some hp/mana regen and lifesteal.
Dominator gives u lifesteal and armor which is hardly better against enemie that herass you while trying to last hit creeps.

A nitpick.

Helmet of Dominator (1850g)
+20 damage
+5 armor
Lifesteal (passive) +15%
Dominate (active)

Vladimir's offering (2050)
+2 HP/sec regeneration
Vampiric Aura (passive) +16%
Damage Aura (passive) +15%
Armor Aura (passive) +5 armor <- it's here.
Mana Regeneration Aura (passive) +0.8 per second


Armor's indentical, lifesteal barely differs, hp regen is pretty neglible past laning phase, and helmet's damage bonus is better unless you're past 20 level.

We're left with Dominate + satanic upgrade vs mana regen and having above effects in AoE around you. I'd take the former one, granted better farming capability and lategame upgrade. Unless situation call otherwise (for example, you somehow ended as add-on to 4 man pushing team).

Dominator is better anyway.Dominator and vlads stacks if i didnt know wrong? Support with vlad + carry with mortred mean more lifesteal am i wrong?Satanic + bkb gives mortred 1 more life for killing more heroes.But i have a decent idea here.Phase as a boot.Then armlet.I think armlet means owning in pubs.After armlet dominator and others(Bfury bkb satanic vs)

Strategy / Re: Epic fun pubstomping slark
« on: June 13, 2012, 13:24 »
enemy team with gem = Counter

Organized team against gem.Pwned:)

Feedback / Re: Stats abuse
« on: June 07, 2012, 22:54 »
keep it going pls

I love your posts so much:D:D

Feedback / Re: clan forum
« on: June 06, 2012, 22:54 »
He's right, xpam is dead not  the section.. ! :D  I vote for this idea, and We need more Clan Tours to make this more usefull.
who is the girl in your signature?

Alleria The Windrunner:D

Feedback / Re: Stats abuse
« on: June 05, 2012, 17:16 »
Topic is "Epic fun pubstomping slark".But i cant see any slark posts for 2 pages:D
I cant believe this starts with -->

this stalker so jelly bcuz slark > him

Y u so sure?

Spoiler for Hiden:

They aren't vaikiss's slarks:S They are icefrogs after meeting valve:(

why lothars is usefull to him?

%100 success to gangs.If the enemy didn't have gem.They cant catch a slark which have lothar.Darkpact > dust and lothar makes your speed 522.(They can't see you means you have %4 max hp regen too)Thats why lothar usefull:)About bs.Its a option against sy.If you pounce and use darkpact much-> Bs .If you didn't have to use pounce and darkpact much but need as for stat stealing-> Sy. Thats my idea ofc:)

I have a pub slark for you guys--->
(They all leave but they didn't ff.We all upg our k d a but before they all leave i was allready 20/2 or something like this)
(Another easy pub with slark)

Lets lock this topic or speak about this cute frog...

Feedback / Re: Stats abuse
« on: June 05, 2012, 11:26 »
u r ok :)

I mean these :) -->
(They all leave but they didn't ff.We all upg our k d a but before they all leave i was allready 20/2 or something like this)
(Another easy pub with slark)

if there is any mod with eyes i should be perma banned 4 stats abuse ...

stat abuse isnt bannable

seems so ..
but lets ask ek0, he wrote rules ..
cause in rules there is no ban 4 stats abuse ....
can u pm ek0 2 give us info about stats abuse ? plz

stat abuse used to be bannable , like a pro goes on noob games nothing else .
not it's no more .

But OK:)

Feedback / Re: Stats abuse
« on: June 05, 2012, 00:00 »
If you want the info why don't you PM him yourself baja?
Honestly you are annoying me with all your useless dumb posts.

remember what happend when i lose my bot privilegies ..
u flamed me .. i flamed u back ..
so its pointless 2 flame u again, cause u already know what do i think about u ....
but i didnt flamed u first, its always u who start

its realy sad thing that unmanerd kid like u get with no warns or bans 4 flaming other staff member, but i got demoted and banned 4 flaming staff member ...

and i just saw that u locked my topic about bad moderator desicion, and u have nothing 2 do with b/u section ...
its rules section, and i open topic so that moderator could explain why he denied req, and head and admin 2 tell him that his desicion is fail ..

WTF did you want really?! I think your problem isn't about me.If its i will delete my acc.Just ask me.I would do this for making you happy?! If your problem isn't about me WTF did you want?!

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