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MH Ban Requests / MH request: ddzzoouukk, tiesto1, cicokok
« on: January 20, 2015, 18:01 »
1: 0MG
2: ddzzoouukk, tiesto1, cicokok
4: I've been playing slardar, and ofc that heri is for ganging with dagger, so I've started 2 gang people, with or without team, depending on situation - and ofc - after atleast 8 years of playing dota  I know when I see MHer.

ddzzoouukk (nevermore)
7:45 pick rune
9:38 he used bottle and go for rune
15:45 never go in wood to gang and fast back for no reason
16:52 back form tower after sladar tp in fog of war to gang him
18:45-19:45 his move to not be ganged, take rune, gang solo rylai in fog of war
22:30 sladar gang him from woods (fog of war) so he run back
25:24 again go for rune
+++ manny other situations

tiesto1 (omniknight)
24:00 ping in woods for pozition of thrall
26:15 ping in woods for exact pozition of my team
26:42 ping in woods for exact pozition of my team
27:44 he folow oracle when he was invisible, after pinging the pozition of rylai
29:05 ping for rune
+ force stuff usage to run from slardar (slardar in fog of war), leading his team thru fog of war with insane pinging - and manny manny other situations

cicokok (traxex)
39:33 sladar come gang traxex he go invisible before sladar blink on her

Unban Requests / unban request:
« on: December 04, 2014, 13:12 »
1: NickName?

2: Who banned you?

3: Why did you got banned?

4: Reason that forced you to break the rule?
get disconected

5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation!
in 1 part of the game, I've get disconected (while still haveing connection to the internet)

6: Your experience in /

7: Link of the game?;sa=game;gid=5629468

Unban Requests / unban request:
« on: December 03, 2014, 01:08 »

1: NickName?

2: Who banned you?

3: Why did you got banned?
''leaver'' [was unrecoverably dropped from GProxy++]

4: Reason that forced you to break the rule?
I didnt break any rule on my own

5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation!
I've one of best players in game, and get disconnected in one moment, instant dc. (by eurobattle, or smth).

6: Your experience in /

7: Link of the game?;sa=game;gid=5628543

Ban Requests / ban request: valkyra, ^^pusu
« on: May 31, 2014, 17:25 »
1: Your NickName?

2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?
valkyra, ^^pusu

3: What rule did he/they break?
 / AFK / insulting / game ruining / intentional feeding / spamming / share abuse

4: When rule(s) were broken?
would be needed to post all times of a game, so I will do it this way:
-''valkyra'' >>from start of a game refuse to play with team, focus for game ruining, cruical moments of game he did not wanna play with team, and said that on loud.
-''^^pusu'' from ''mid'' of game he resfused to play with team and stayed in base afk
>> I do not know who, but some1 (2ofthem) have controled my hero after I shared currier for team to use (late game)
>>^^pusu insulting on other language
>>valkyra insulting on eng.

5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation.
explained mostly on 4.

6: Link of the game? (if applies),;sa=game;gid=5495073

Unban Requests / unban request:
« on: May 14, 2014, 03:47 »
1: NickName?

2: Who banned you?

3: Why did you got banned?

4: Reason that forced you to break the rule?
my pc get restarted, never happened before...

5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation!
I've played, and in midle of gang my PC get restarted

6: Your experience in /

7: Link of the game?;sa=game;gid=5483001

Ban Requests / ban request: aguma
« on: April 12, 2014, 11:51 »
1: Your NickName?

2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?

3: What rule did he/they break?
AFK / insulting / game ruining / refuse to play/

4: When rule(s) were broken?
from 30-40 % of game passed, till end.

5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation.
werry good game it was, most of team did best to win, and it was hard to win, and rlly unbalanced with ruiner of a game: afk, refuse to play, and at end insulting and ofc game ruining.

6: Link of the game? (if applies),;sa=game;gid=5457453

MH Ban Requests / MH report: noob666
« on: February 05, 2014, 02:15 »
1: Your NickName.

2: The NickName of the player that you want to be banned.

3: The link of the game.

4: Explain to us your general vision about this game.
game started, and slark [noob666] was getting all runes, avoiding gangs in all pieces of map, ganging all over map in specific positions, few times he stoped gang, when we came invi after him and set a bait, finding in fog of war etc.

5: Specify at least 1 exact situation where user broke MH rule, with every detail explained and replay time when he used it.   (replay time, not game time please)
whole game, rlly obvious.

MH Ban Requests / MH report: che-tebra
« on: February 01, 2014, 00:46 »
1: Your NickName.

2: The NickName of the player that you want to be banned.

3: The link of the game.

4: Explain to us your general vision about this game.
he played ''skywrath mage'' and went back, instantly when I've appeared in a chance to hook with clockwerk. (I was always in fog of war)

5: Specify at least 1 exact situation where user broke MH rule, with every detail explained and replay time when he used it.   (replay time, not game time please)
there were manny situations, here are just one of them:

29:30 - top of the map, sky-mage was creeping, and when I get in a range to hook him with clockwerk, he went b no reason, instantly stoped creeping, and leaving creeps non-creeped (I was in fog of war, teleported on tower, in time when I've teleported he went back)

MH Ban Requests / ban request: neji, sten_wawrinka, yondaime
« on: January 30, 2014, 16:33 »
1: Your NickName.

2: The NickName of the player that you want to be banned.
neji, sten_wawrinka, yondaime

3: The link of the game.

4: Explain to us your general vision about this game.
before game started, something was wrong, top team -game owner - stacked players, and than just started, without balance... when I !sd-ed them, I've seen 3-5 games score avrg 16/3/5 (there were even 21/smth/smth) so I've been watching game to see is there any MH, and y it was... they've all made 1st item dagon, and went in hunting with MH ! ! !

5: Specify at least 1 exact situation where user broke MH rule, with every detail explained and replay time when he used it.   (replay time, not game time please)
well here are some situations, but there were so manny, and I dont have so much time.
08:30 Mirana goes straight for rune
11:15 Mirana use almost whole bottle, before comeing to rune (fog of war) and ofc, there is rune.
14:00 Mirana use bottle before getting the  rune, going only 1 way again, always going on right way where rune is, and never miss, without wards whole game, aprox 1 minute after, doing same thing
15:30 Furion teleports on Slithice's head, fog of war
21:45 Furion teleports on crixaliss's head inside of base (fog of war), inside of healing pool
27:10 Arc Warden, use ulti, teleport with main hero, [slithice - in fog of war], he goes down with icon, and than returns top in fog of war on slithice's face.
28:10 Arc Warden, use ulti [while creeping in woods] and use ulti to do ''cicumvention'' (deception) just in moment he could get ganged, WHOLE GAME NO WARDS ! [that was 3rd time he did that in game, I was watching him, he used ULTI 2-3 times (''to scout'') when we were ganging him from fog of war. it's not bad to scout like that, but funny thing is that he was alot of time in game alone, and NEVER USED SCOUTING ICON, N E V E R, only in time when we were ganging him].
37:05 one of manny times Furion teleports instant on my head, when I show myself on map, weird thing is that I need atleast 2-3 sec to scout out a map, to see where is any hero, if I would do simmilar thing with Furion, he needed less than 1 sec in most of times to tp on me visible.
37:35 Furion tp's on head of slithice (fog of war).
39:50 Furion going to teleport on Traxex to kill (no wards, fog of war, woods), in only spot where he was solo. situation: Furion tp's close (in fog of war, going invi - in fog of war, and than killing trax after invi, ALL WAS FOG OF WAR !)
48:43 Arc Warden teleports down on tower, not defending tower, not hiting traxex (icon-replication) but going after traxex (non-replicated, original), and kills ofc.

+++ So manny situations I did not put in here, I dont have more time, need to go. I hope it's enough.

MH Ban Requests / MH report: prazz
« on: January 28, 2014, 20:59 »
1: Your NickName.

2: The NickName of the player that you want to be banned.

3: The link of the game.

4: Explain to us your general vision about this game.
whole game MH usage of magnus, not sure for others

5: Specify at least 1 exact situation where user broke MH rule, with every detail explained and replay time
(replay times)

24:16 - Magnus going back, after being charged, even not killed all creeps, few seconds after, he MPOWER himself close to his tower.
28:55 - Magnus going back from creeps, after charge of Barathrum (charge used from woods, no wards)
33:30 - Magnus have been charged top, he Mpower himself (obviously not for runing, for creeping, or aspecting charge) ... smth it is, he is not creeping, he went to a team ( 4000-5000 range of him, behind tower) ... O B V I O U S  - M H  - U S A G E !

>>> those are some of situations

MH Ban Requests / MH report: workraft
« on: January 27, 2014, 00:14 »

1: Your NickName.

2: The NickName of the player that you want to be banned.

3: The link of the game.

4: Explain to us your general vision about this game.

gyro - was mh user, finding runes at start - obvious, telling us he had wards, but no wards there,
he used BOTTLE before he could see rune alot of times.

5: Specify at least 1 exact situation where user broke MH rule, with every detail explained and replay time when he used it.   (replay time, not game time please)

4:47 - first rune colected, when used bottle
6:26 - 2nd rune colected :-)
7:35 - 3rd rune he wait to respawn (this moment when he say he have wards :-) )
10:30 - destroyer wait in wood (fog of war) to gang, and gyro goes back, in same moment the thread is away (fog of war) - than gyro use STUN in 1st second destryer was visible
14:00 he write ''care bottom'' - and we were not visible (fog of war)
15:00 again w8ting for rune to summon and comeing

++others situations

MH Ban Requests / MH report
« on: January 23, 2014, 23:48 »
1: Your NickName?

2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?

3: What rule did he/they break?
map hack

4: When rule(s) were broken?
8:30 min he jumped on mirana in fog of war and kill
23:35 someone from oposite team pinging in fog of war, the place where naix is creeping, they gang, and kill him after
44:00 they have found us in woods

5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation.
game ruined by MHers, normal people cant play dota normaly, cause of situations like this one.

6: Link of the game? (if applies),

MH Ban Requests / MH-ban request: jokiu
« on: January 23, 2014, 03:43 »
1: Your NickName.

2: The NickName of the player that you want to be banned.

3: The link of the game.

4: Explain to us your general vision about this game.
MH- whole game, aspecially period between minute 10 and 40, and after...

5: Specify at least 1 exact situation where user broke MH rule, with every detail explained and replay time here are some situations:
5:16 - finding rune
9:27 - again finding rune
25:00-26:15 action - ''jokiu'' with 2 players hunt low hp omniknight >>THAT IS 3 vs 1<<, in a moment when I came with ''lothars/on'' jokiu [w. doctor] instant heal and back
36:50 he creeps on lane, and than when he see teleporting of me (behind fog of war) he change direction.
37:00 he turns back on creeps, and than see I am comeing invi, he goes back and teleport base.

MH Ban Requests / ban request: jokiu
« on: January 23, 2014, 03:37 »
1: Your NickName?

2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?

3: What rule did he/they break?
map hack

4: When rule(s) were broken?
whole game, aspecially period between minute 10 and 40

5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation.
a) at first 40 min's of game, he have run when I've get invi on him (obvoiusly)
b) finding us on map, even at roshan non-stop
c) it was clearly obvious mh usage - he didnt even try to hide it, accept his words
here are some situations:
5:16 - finding rune
9:27 - again finding rune
25:00-26:15 action - ''jokiu'' with 2 players hunt low hp omniknight >>THAT IS 3 vs 1<<, in a moment when I came with ''lothars/on'' jokiu [w. doctor] instant heal and back
36:50 he creeps on lane, and than when he see teleporting of me (behind fog of war) he change direction.
37:00 he turns back on creeps, and than see I am comeing invi, he goes back and teleport base.

6: Link of the game? (if applies),

Technical support / I NEED HELP (INFORMATION)
« on: November 11, 2012, 19:35 »
I'm woundering, howcome ''dread^lord'' can use AMH system(tool) or whatever, and no1 else can, than he's banned or smth.
is there some other legal program, please help about downloading it, or anything, so I can use it for simple ban request.

>>just some latest examples, watch over spoilers, at those links:,118187.0.html,118185.0.html,118184.0.html

he got over 200 posts type as this one, how is able to use that program, w.o. getting banned if he's not using legal program, w.o. getting anny type of warn or smth.


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