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Suggestion Board / Stealing items
« on: March 21, 2013, 02:49 »
Taking other players items, keeping them in inventory is strictly forbidden. However this rule does not apply for divine rapier. This makes totaly no sense.

I bulit a divine. I died near to fountatain and dropped the divine. A teammate took it.

I told him many times to leave it in the base. But he was jelous of me and kept it in his inventory. Finally lost it to enemy hero and we lost the game. Divine does not work on him. Just occupies slot. This practically means that divine rapier belongs to me. Otherwise Dota map makers would allow allies heroes to use it.

There are so many people enjoy making others angry and runing others games. I think they have mental problems. AND your rules are fully supporting them. Thanks !

Feedback / Re: Game replay link does not work. Bug or ???
« on: February 04, 2011, 23:22 »
Please close this topic or delete any unnecessary posts. I have written my MH report to one of the guys however he did not answer yet.

Feedback / Re: Game replay link does not work. Bug or ???
« on: February 04, 2011, 23:13 »
How can you be so sure that the person uses MH if you don't have MH too? What if they have wards in unusual locations and you leave for MH? How can you see their wards Mr. Fair Player?

1. We asked if they have wards and they could not answer.
2. The guy whispered that he has MH.

It was more than enough for me. 1000 times I said, you still can not understand:

I do not mean every OMG MH should leave the game. But if someone leaves and MH is proved he should be unbanned.

This topic should be closed. It is too much for ultra-mega clever kids.

Feedback / Re: Game replay link does not work. Bug or ???
« on: February 03, 2011, 20:51 »
I think that is enough discussion here. (Kids already started to make noise)

I understood what you said. I defend what I said before. But it is my personal idea. Moderators are free to do anything. But I don't like the word "forgive". I am not begging any forgiveness. If something is to be done, it should be done with the rules. If there is something wrong with the rules, it should be fixed. Otherwise playdota has no difference than any other bot. Thanks for the answers.

Feedback / Re: Game replay link does not work. Bug or ???
« on: February 03, 2011, 19:32 »
People you force yourself in order to misunderstand me.

I do not say "a suspicious user can leave without any ban"

I say that "if it is proved that someone has a MH the leavers should be unbanned"

If you leave every game because of MH, you will be banned everytime and if your suspicion is incorrect you wont be unbanned. So you basically cant play anymore games. So it will be still risky to leave a game. But it will also be fair and not annoying.

And if really everyone is right with their suspicion there will be lots of incomplete games. But don't worry. Because people will not use MH because they can not enjoy cheating and get banned. So number of MHer will be significantly reduced.

Any comments?

Feedback / Re: Game replay link does not work. Bug or ???
« on: February 03, 2011, 19:24 »
I posted this topic as a "feedback" as you can see the main title. Responses like "if you don't like go away" are showing your mentality. Always saying that "we are the best dota provider" has nothing to do with this topic.

If someone uses a MH the game is "already" ruined. It does not matter I leave or not. So I do not abuse anyone's personal rights. This is my personal idea. I think this can be discussed together with the moderators.

If this is already discussed and concluded, please inform other moderators as well because nearly half of the moderators think that I will be unbanned and the rest thinks the opposite.

Even though it is discussed and concluded, I can still tell my personal idea about how this rules benefit cheaters. If you do not agree please give ideas rather than blaming me repeatedly.

I really do not post all these for a simple unban (I deleted that account already, you can ban it forever) I just want people to understand the bad situation here. Please dont take everything personal and try to improve PD where you work for.

Feedback / Re: Game replay link does not work. Bug or ???
« on: February 03, 2011, 19:06 »
Dude, i know that it probably didnt come to your mind at that time, or that you played a game afterwards, but warcraft automatically saves every last game played. So you could have gone to your w3 dir/replays and rename or copy LastReplay to save it, and then present it as proof here...

You are right. In the beginning I did not know that it is possible. But this does not change the fact that these rules simply suck.

Think that people flame you all game, spammed all game, did racism all game, cheated all game... And you should complete that game till the end. Otherwise you get ban and there is no unban possibility.TOTALLY STUPID

Feedback / Re: Game replay link does not work. Bug or ???
« on: February 03, 2011, 18:49 »
Normally what should happen? I will post MH report and get unbanned.
Normally, if the replay could be downloaded, and if you could prove that the user is using maphack, he would be banned. But you would never get unbanned, because you left a game without a reason.

For instance, this is totally unfair. If I prove that he has a MH then I should be unbanned.  Your senseless rule again works for cheaters. People use cheat obviously. He also says that during the game. Makes fun of everyone. And ruins 9 peoples game. Wastes 1 hour from 9 peoples life. And we should stay in the game being a part of his self satisfaction. When he gets ban he simply switch to his "next" account and does the same again and again. Perfect conditions for a cheater

Sorry dude, I wont ever accept this. If you find this fair you also have same mental problems as the cheaters.

Feedback / Re: Game replay link does not work. Bug or ???
« on: February 03, 2011, 17:58 »
The problem is I do not only think; host himself whispered me there is MH.

Normally what should happen? I will post MH report and get unbanned.

Quite simple. I do not need to wait him kill us 100 times in the forest, spam and flame the whole game.

Why does not this happen? Because of an error/bug in

1. One map hacker gets away.
2. I get banned.

It is the same result as my MH report is a total fake. Same result as what I am saying is totally lie.
However there is no proof that I am lying. So in this case I am fined because of an error/bug in your server.

If you were fair you should have unbanned me immediately. The results of your technical problems affects me directly. And a map hacker benefits from the same technical problems. This is totally unfair.

After this shit, I can really open 1000 accounts, host 100 games everyday, cheat, spam, flame, ban people freely and enjoy others problems. But thanks to God, I have a life.

BTW I had the saved game (please ban me for save abuse) I have posted that replay to one of the moderator guys. Still no response. Best possibilty is they give a permanent ban to that user. And think what will happen. He will simply switch to his 1123213. account. Thats all. Again I am the loser.

Your technical problems, your rules, your moderators, all of them work for cheaters. (like it or dont like it) But it is true. 

Feedback / Re: Game replay link does not work. Bug or ???
« on: February 03, 2011, 17:13 »
Here is what got from one of the mods:

Quote replay no proof.

2.since there is no replay write unban request and u will be unbanned.

He says I will get unbanned. But my unban request was continiously denied. Even the mods are not sure about the rules. Some of them unbans people with stupid senseless reasons. But when I have a logical reason they refuse me.

Thats why I say this rules are perfect for cheaters, leavers, spammers....

Feedback / Re: Game replay link does not work. Bug or ???
« on: February 03, 2011, 13:34 »

I really think that I should have the right to leave a game when I detect a MH

Hm that is so wrong.

What if u were wrong? What if noone has MH ? Game ruined coz of you.

What if someone is losing game and he rages on opponent w/o mh and spams ,,MH MH,, and he leaves game and no ban?

Ur joke.

If I am wrong they will not unban me. (and do not ban him)
If I am right they will unban me. (and ban him)

If no one knows who is right (because an error/bug in the system) they should at least let both of us unbannned.

I already agree that they ban me when I left.

If you want to discuss something please read what i say first.

Ur joke => Ok i am joke and you are great. You beat me. Enjoy. 

Feedback / Re: Game replay link does not work. Bug or ???
« on: February 03, 2011, 13:14 »
Chat log does not tell everything (e.g. it does not help now)

I really think that I should have the right to leave a game when I detect a MH. A single game takes 1 hour of time. I can not go afk (again banned). The guy spams the whole game by whisper and !checkban.

You should first watch the replay. If I am wrong you can deny my unban request. But in this case the game replay is broken. And it is definitely not my fault. How can I know such problems happen? You should have at least unbanned my account.  You unban many accounts when they simply apologize, lie or find senseless reasons. I am really right to get angry about moderators in this situation.

BTW I think best thing is playing with the people you know or making an own-ban-list. In this case I really do not need to play in Your system has problems and many cheaters benefit from that.

Feedback / Re: Game replay link does not work. Bug or ???
« on: February 03, 2011, 11:36 »
I am Lordofdrinks. I closed that account. Please ban my server account forever. I really do not have time to deal with these map hackers. Yes I have a second account which I use now. You can ban this one also.

I wont play here anymore untill these stupid bugs are fixed. I am tired of struggling with MH ers, spammers, leavers...


Yes I have saved game in 9.39 minute. I dont know if it prooves any MH. I really lost my hope to play here. So I will not waste my time on it. Please ask the guy who banned me to proove I left without reason !!! Request replay from him just as you request it from me.

I am sure he is playing 24 hours a day with MH to satisfy his ego. I am sure he has many accounts. If I give my 1 hour just to make him use his other account, sorry but this is a totally waste of time for me. I like playing DOTA but I have a life.

Feedback / Re: Game replay link does not work. Bug or ???
« on: February 03, 2011, 11:05 »
Btw i also had once that someone got away from ban cause the replay didn't got saved of that game, but imo you should just accept the fact that this shit happens.

Using MH is worse than leaving a game. Map hacker can easily get away because there is no replay. But he can make me banned without any replay.

This is totally unfair. There is a bug with the rules which obviously supports cheaters. Also there is a technical bug with the game replays.

Ok I should have waited till game ends. But how can I know there bugs? I play dota from the first version. But I am not experienced with such MH things and so on.

I see people get unbanned when the simply "appologize". But when I say something logical, they only blame me. I am not a kid to applogize and beg for mercy. I am trying to explain the unfair situation and improve

I could also open hundred accounts, host games with MH, spam people by whisper.... But I have a life. I just try to get rid of stress by playing some games. But the structure of this place adds even more stress. I say something HONESTLY and getting banned. If I say some LIE, I can easily get unbanned.

See, this server is a perfect place for cheaters. Maybe you dont want it that way but it is the truth.

Feedback / Re: Game replay link does not work. Bug or ???
« on: February 03, 2011, 09:44 »
I dont deserve to play here because I left after whispered me he has MH. I dont deserve to play here because I trusted your website.

Why should I care for a ban? I can open another account and continue playing. But I cant not accept this happens. What you have done is totally unfair.

Look at the title for my message. It is the first time I cannot download game replay from your website. And it is the first time I will report a MH. Is it coincidence?

Well if there is a possibility for the hosts to somehow destroy the game replay this means this server is suitalbe for MAPHACKERS. Thats why I asked is it a bug or is it done intentionally? But I see that you dont care about technical problems. You only blame me.

You have banned me in a game that no replay exist. How can you be sure I left without reason? Please answer this question.

I wont accept if this shit happens. Sorry my time is valuable. I can not wait for the 8 year old idiot mapphackers with mental problems. Maybe you are right, I am not suitable for this server.

By the way I requested permanent ban and closed my forum account.

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