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Messages - prof.dr.martin

Pages: [1]
DotA Discussion / Re: Funny DotA quotes
« on: November 26, 2010, 01:22 »
if u ever heard about pgg, then go read a few of his quotes, u will laugh :D

DotA Discussion / Re: basher for rikimaru
« on: November 26, 2010, 01:18 »
and best build for riki on pub is
ethereal + dagon pwnz.

DotA Discussion / Re: basher for rikimaru
« on: November 26, 2010, 01:17 »
. but only till 30 min, later burning mana would be useless... and  I would be prabobly out of purges anyway.
this is one of the worst sentences i have ever seen and opinions.
How can manaburn 30 + be bad?
When u counter mana dependable heroes like bone/duza/magina and rest that have escape mechanism what u gonna do ?
Pretty sure u wouldnt catch them.
Mana burn works perfectly on Riki , cuz he has high Ias.
U dont need the purges, u already have the stats and the buffs from diffusal.
Basher could be a good item for riki if u go straight pt/diffusal/basher/mkb/bfly so u can hit it fast and bash it almost every hit.
anyway i dont think game will last that long , cuz when u have pt + diffusal on riki before 30 mins its already gg.
After if they have some hard carry u might go for it.
Anyway riki sure needs mkb/bfly due to lategame capabilities.

Okay so ,one of the best clients out there ( now its even better than garena ) .
Lag-Free Games on hostbots.
Some funny games, mostly playing cm mode ( to teach the other players how to play in the world of the professional gamers. )
I must admit, i am one of the older players on it ,i know rogers very well and i must admit they payed a lot of attention and time to this project that is sure successfull. its only matter of time before rgc will get active completely ( even more active than garena it is nowadays , cuz garena gets more shit and shit everyday ) .

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