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Messages - Cinos

Pages: [1] 2 3
Feedback / Re: psr system
« on: January 05, 2013, 22:26 »
Let's take an example like this: a guy with high psr joins a game, he has 200 games, 95% of his game he was playing stack and he has horror kills/deaths stats and the shitty part is that I wouldn't see that he sucks big time and then he will ruin the game, does it make sense to you?

With 5 players on a pub game not worried with stats they can play as a team a beat stacks, and with this system you can´t. And don´t come give that kind of examples Jean because of course there is not a 100% perfect system, don´t take me bad I just want this to improve and for better game playing this is the best you can do...

Feedback / Re: psr system
« on: January 02, 2013, 03:15 »
Remove K/D/A and creeps stats. It´s the only way... allways a tard farming creeps for stats or not buying wards to have items to help them killing better

Feedback / Re: psr system
« on: December 28, 2012, 22:18 »
that´s more dificult. just put W/L and % with PSR on "SD" nothing more

Feedback / Re: psr system
« on: December 20, 2012, 20:34 »
People make dagons to get kills, and sometimes it ruins game for example. You see how a player play for sd?
So how about a guy with 73/23 (W/L) can´t you see that he is a good player? I saw people with 10/4/7 only stealing in game for stats and that doesn´t make him good. I prefer playing with guys 5/5/13 for example but that´s 1 in 100 players.
Make it only with PSRs and W/L. SD fucks the quality of games most of the times...

Feedback / Re: psr system
« on: December 15, 2012, 02:58 »
I think psr system should stay but remove stats from SD put only W/L we loose alot of games cause people pick and play for stats and victory shoulded be the main objective. People wouldn´t steal, people would buy more suport items like wards, dusts... Think about that

General Discussions / Re: About IP locks
« on: December 13, 2012, 14:27 »
Well I hope you develop some program for 0 map hack, alot of people moved to Dota 2 cause there is no map hack... When I told my friends new patch and no more map hack, they came and played Dota 1 for a while..

Feedback / Re: Shortcut for joining ur priv official channel
« on: December 13, 2012, 02:40 »
Why don´t you ban for ever from xpam that bros "Tur" and "key"?

General Discussions / Re: About IP locks
« on: December 13, 2012, 02:34 »
70%? I see same amount of map hackers then before, maybe you mean 20% that I would belive. I saw mh people that got banned in like 5 diferent accounts. So why ban? they allways come back again. Sorry I´m just mad because I fucking hate map hackers, they can allways cr8 new accounts and change ip...

DotA Discussion / Re: New MAP / New Heros
« on: December 11, 2012, 16:21 »

DotA Discussion / Re: New MAP / New Heros
« on: December 11, 2012, 13:14 »
alot of weavers make linkens phere, and you only can kill one with 2 or 3 heroes... I think it´s a lame hero really, invi low cd and max speed of game plus that ulty 0 mana cost wtf

DotA Discussion / Re: New MAP / New Heros
« on: December 11, 2012, 12:46 »
Sven requires skill, no need nerf at my point of view.
Weaver needs nerf, his ulty at max level 0 mana cost? his invi so low cooldown, you can´t catch weaver with dusts almost all times... my opinion

General Discussions / Re: IHRL Resurrection, Yes or No ?
« on: December 06, 2012, 01:29 »

General Discussions / Re: IHRL Resurrection, Yes or No ?
« on: December 05, 2012, 21:34 »
that sounds good :D anyway can i get insta vouch :D PS! My mouse right click is broken so i have to buy new mouse :D I must use M and then press left click to move or A to attack :D :D :D :D
Why u didn´t say before? insta vouch him!

Offtopic / Re: About 21.12.2012
« on: December 04, 2012, 15:25 »
Human race will become extinct long before the world ends ...

General Discussions / Re: IHRL Resurrection, Yes or No ?
« on: December 04, 2012, 14:21 »
Get back IHRL, nice league, nice environment and private games... My advice is to at least try and see what happens...

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