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Messages - PerverzniUm

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So first if u didnt hear about it allrdy to pit point what this topic is about: u prolly know about Dota IMBA now to cut the chit chat there is a Hacked version going on that can be hosted on pdeu =1050. 03-12-2011 16:47:06  DotA Imba Legends v2.3.w3x this is the map in map list!

-on this map u can use -cheats space , space and any cheat u want!
-so my request is is possible can u disable this map from beeing hosted on PDEU bots aka delite it or put it on black list?
-or/and replace it whit this map => cleared version of same map above whit no console commands
- thx in advance for all u can do about it cos that consloe commands ruins the game

General Discussions / Re: Dont know if possible!
« on: January 22, 2012, 16:46 »
ok wonderfull thx will do that!

General Discussions / Dont know if possible!
« on: January 22, 2012, 16:34 »
So first if u didnt hear about it allrdy to pit point what this topic is about: u prolly know about Dota IMBA now to cut the chit chat there is a Hacked version going on that can be hosted on pdeu =1050. 03-12-2011 16:47:06  DotA Imba Legends v2.3.w3x this is the map in map list!

-on this map u can use -cheats space , space and any cheat u want!
-so my request is is possible can u disable this map from beeing hosted on PDEU bots aka delite it or put it on black list?
-or/and replace it whit this map => cleared version of same map above whit no console commands
- thx in advance for all u can do about it cos that consloe commands ruins the game

General Discussions / Imba games MH report?
« on: January 14, 2012, 14:45 »
In what section can i request it and can i request it at all? since i am not sure i will post the questone here and the requests pls move this post to adequate section or re to me where to put it . TY in advance

so here we go ( Rules broken :in one game some1 spawned me 3 sniper heros , also added me int when i was windrunner: now what i see others: 20 luna heros , xx tower spawn , endless states , 1000 agi str int , giving gold , instant kill on map any hero , changing size of fountain, throne,setting lvl between 1-75 ecc ecc )
here i post couple f game links of it

My gn: PerverzniUM

General Discussions / I dont get it!
« on: November 21, 2011, 13:40 »
Well acctualy i do get it but i simply wont accept it ....

so  in a game u have a usless pice of shit  and he wont get banned cos   there is no rule  usless pice of shit do u ppl need me to draw u a picture what does it mean in game to be A USLESS PICE OF SHIT? cos if u played dota and still dont know it go do some IQ test.

and another one  a player leavs then another player takes all his items in his inventory and sells em ! wtf do u call this?? and he wont get banned cos there is no rule agains item theft from lever player!  wonderfull simply brilliant !

Suggestion Board / Re: Hmm Is that legal?
« on: December 12, 2010, 13:35 »
LOOOOOOOL lol lol some more dumb asws pls give ppl some more retarded answs if possible mg so lame ....

Suggestion Board / Re: Fountain killing
« on: December 07, 2010, 23:58 »
u mean fountain killing when there is no more base!? RIGHT.

but if i have 18 kills allrdy/i am feed; and i walk by the towers and building and stand in front of fountain and kill em all x2, that rule shouldn't apply RIGHT ... cos if does that is one hell of a STUPID retarded rule
and if some1 is wondering why let ur imagination run wiled

Suggestion Board / Re: Backdoor is beautiful?
« on: December 07, 2010, 23:52 »
its good when it works!
ex: just yesterday i played a game 3v3 axe atro and me clinkz vs pudge veno and junero/left the game 33 min.
so my guys kept steeling my kills i ended whit like 11 assist and decided its time to stop screwing around, pudge got 2 strong and we would have lost the game but BD + ww + 1st spell and arrows ended the game well i died 4 times/buy back ofc and again BD while f axe was in woods at  like 54th min LOL and atro had no hex ... thx to bd we like won the stupidest game i ever played whit clinkz.

those who didn't post here and whos names wherent mentioned here!

DotA Discussion / Re: Funny DotA quotes
« on: November 27, 2010, 10:09 »
11:38 pugna what are you doing with 2 oblivion staffs? 11:38 Vox_dei
11:40 dual wielding? 11:40 Shagon
11:45 PUGNA NOOB 11:45 Vox_dei
11:47 Vox_dei has left the game voluntarily 11:47
u should be banned for making that poor guy leave... that was not nice

Technical support / Re: Losing connection to
« on: November 26, 2010, 16:30 »
Lately, my game quits eurobattle directly to main menu each time I quit a game. Its getting annoying cause I have to log on again everytime. Did it happened to anyone ? Know why ?

happens to me a lot since last month and i stopped giving a shit i just relog in again, but yes its frustrating, aftzer every single game i get dc and have to relog again .

DotA Discussion / Re: How to get Ultra kill with Invoker?!
« on: November 25, 2010, 23:09 »
lol he won u the game and u managed to lose it for him .... gj team u sux i bet he cursed u down a lot

 when i have this kind of games i automatically ask that whole my team gets banned :) even if they ofc dont :P but i feel good

Strategy / Re: nerubian weaver (short n. simple strategy)
« on: November 20, 2010, 11:48 »
this was a game 3v1 they refused to sw and chat was muted ... my build is based on taking max dmg and surviving while killing em, so dont say this that item = crap when the other 2 players left i had 1.9k gold from their sold items and i did the best i could from it! btw i had buriza and radiance but sold it made other items cos of blade mail and needed hp they nukers

hahahaha PRO players with no gem!!!U so pro :O teach me pls...joined a noob game???
the f are u talking about?? did u miss the tread u where supposed to post in? i dont get u at all.  who sad anything about pro? where did u get that did u mb dream about it ? i dont rly understand such useless posts as urs, was it supposed to do any good or prove something? ur u just like to spamm.

all i did was post my recent weaver game and an img of it ... they had all in all 7 gems not that it matter cos vs weaver u can even have 200 wards on map wont help u ..its that kind of hero, i just posted this to state how the build dependents on the situation and circumstances of vs what heroes u play was it that hard to understand  ( ili ti to samo ono malo caknut i fali ti koja daska u glovi)

Strategy / Re: nerubian weaver (short n. simple strategy)
« on: November 20, 2010, 10:36 »
this was a game 3v1 they refused to sw and chat was muted ... my build is based on taking max dmg and surviving while killing em, so dont say this that item = crap when the other 2 players left i had 1.9k gold from their sold items and i did the best i could from it! btw i had buriza and radiance but sold it made other items cos of blade mail and needed hp they nukers

Suggestion Board / Re: Continuation
« on: November 19, 2010, 15:51 »
I don't know why do you think that every player that disconnects has a DSL connection and disconnects every game he plays.
Then why do we need a !ban command? Lets auto ban every player that leaves the game (independant of the reason they left).
The rule is made enough clear. If you leave, you'll be banned for a week. If you leave before creeps spawn or if you leave before the game ends, you'll get a warn. If you unplug, you'll be banned for 10 days. If you disconnect due to connection problems, you'll be unbanned without anything.
There is a reason that the !owner command is no longer used for taking owner after the host has left.

ok this is was i meant this is an example of not giving full answ!   so wuts is that reason? or if its hard to type it post pls a link where i cant find it!

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